Monthly Archives: March 2011

Healing Visualisation for Japan

News about the situation in Japan confronts us with the uncontrollable force of nature, the resilience of man and the risky use of the facilities on earth. This 3-in-1 disaster of earthquakes, tsunamis and nuclear disaster affects the people and creatures of Japan in a very hard way.

We can bring a small contribution to the healing of Japan and its people by sending light and angels to assist all in the affected area. You can do this healing visualization whenever you want, but if possible it would be nice to have all of us do this on a daily basis.

Healing Visualization

1. Sit quietly in a place where you will not be disturbed.

2. You can hold a picture of Japan in your hands or place it on your altar.

3. Light a candle with the intention that this session will bring healing for the highest good for Japan, its people and the world.

4. Then close your eyes and take three slow, deep breaths.

5. Ask Archangel Michael to protect you during your healing work by placing his deep blue cloak of protection around you.

6. Then ask him then to go to Japan and place a protective cocoon of golden light over all the nuclear reactors and to protect the Earth and it’s atmosphere. Ask him to fix any technical problems within the reactors.

7. Ask Archangel Raphael and his healing angels to support and heal the wounded. Imagine the angels sending emerald green light to the people, animals and nature of Japan and imagine this light to envelop and penetrate each and all to bring peace, harmony and healing.

8. Ask Archangel Chamuel to ensure that survivors are found, so they can be saved and healed.

9. Request Archangel Azrael that all souls who have not survived the disaster be brought to the Light gently and lovingly and ask him and his angels to comfort and support the bereaved.

10. Now ask Archangel Ariel to help restore and protect nature in Japan from all the natural and unnatural violence.

11. And finally, ask Archangel Jophiel to aid in the process of clearing and cleansing all the debris to bring back order and beauty in the country.

12. Thank all the angels and archangels for their help and ask them to send little signals to you on your path that will show you how you can continue to contribute to the healing of Japan and the planet.

Let us hope that this disaster will lead to a flood of compassion, love and understanding of the world.