Monthly Archives: August 2015

Supermoon meditation with the archangels on August 29, 2015

canstockphoto16086996This next full moon is the first of three super moons in 2015. Supermoons are perceived as closer to the earth, making the full moon energy extra powerful. This can lead to disturbed sleep patterns, increased sensitivity and intuition as well as more emotional ups and downs. As such a good time for self care!

This moon is all about the wisdom of your soul speaking to you and helping you realize what it is that is holding you back from living your true soul purpose. You can use this time to open up your heart to the whispering of your soul.

In this meditation the archangels will help us with this theme.

In preperation of the meditatiën I have asked the angels for a message:

“Beloved Lightworkers, this is such a great time of change, the time to connect to your inner knowing, that deep part of you that is connected to your soul. Your soul in turn is connected to the Source of all there is. As such the soul brings in great wisdom from that very Source into your being. lightbody1innerlijke ween zo stroomt er wijsheid je energetische aderen in…

The symboliek Lightning of this full moon enlightens the old stagnant pools of energy that are ready to be let go of. Like thunder clears the sky, this is a time of energetic purification.

Therefor, look upon those things that need clearing in your life. In what areas are you swimming upstream? Is it possibly to turn another direction? Or accept or let go?
Let go of all that no longer resonates with your heart. It is time.

Please remember you are so much more than you think. You have so much more to give than you allow. Let us take away your fears and let the reflective light of the moon bring in the light of your soul. Welcome it and it will shine from deep within you like a bright supermoon.”


Take some time to connect to your soul. Are there blocks that prevent your soul from shining through?

Meditation time

We, in the Netherlands, will be meditating on the full moon at 8 pm (this is 7 pm UK time). You can either participate at the exact same time or whenever it is 8 pm in your time zone. All Light workers participating in this event connect to each other from afar. You will find this often enables a deepening of the meditation to occur.


  • Light some candles. You may choose to burn some incense as well.
  • Sit quietly and ground yourself by imagining roots growing from your feet deep into the earth.
  • You may then clear and dedicate the space. I do this by calling in an ascension column of light, the platinum net and ascension flame. I also use my own sprays by Crystal Angels Essences Especially the one called Archangel Michael created a high vibration and calls in protection at the same time. You can use the essence of Archangel Zadkiel to clear your space with the violet flame, or simply invoke him to do so.
  • You can ask Archangel Michael to place a Golden Dome of protection around you.
    Connect to all the other Lightworkers so we may form a network of Light around the planet.
    And open yourself up to the energy of the full moon.
  • Now breath into your heart and see, feel and imagine your heart is a temple of light. Enter the temple.
  • Before you is archangel Jeremiel, the angel of the life review. Take your time to connect to this wonderful archangel and discuss the plan of your soul for this life with him. Are you on track? Are there things you need or want to change? Archangel Jeremiel lovingly assists you in getting more clarity.
  • Next, archangel Zadkiel appears before you. He holds a golden bowl filled with the Golden, Silver, Violet Flame of Transmutation. You place all that is holding you back energetically, within this bowl.
  • Lastly archangel Michael joins in. If you allow him to, he will now cut away any fears that are holding you back with his sword of light and truth. He will give you he self-confidence to make any necessary changes.
  • A bed of crystal stand in your temple and the archangels motion for you to recline on it. They stand around you. If you so wish you may now invite your soul to fuse with you, to melt into you. See it coming towards you, a magnificent energy of light. Feel it merge with you.
  • When this process is complete, you can set the intention to live from your heart and your soul from this day forward.
  • Then slowly, bring yourself back to fully awaked consciousness. Take a few breaths and ground yourself. Then stretch your body and open your eyes.
  • you may want to write down any insights.

May you have a blessed super moon!

❤ Cathelijne

PS for those who wish to connect to their angel, you can now order an intuitive angel drawing from

From worries to prayers with Archangel Sandalphon

IMG_4696As many of you will probably know, I have created a range of Crystal Angel Essences. It was a beautiful road of personal development as me and my friend Sabine created the range over e period of about three years. Today it was time to attune a new batch of Archangel Sandalphon Essence. The gemstone elixir had been made onder the blue moon.

As I attuned the angel to the wonderful energy of archangel Sandalphon I received this wonderful reminder:

“I am with you, grounding you on Earth and connecting you to the Divine.
I am the Great Go Between. It is my joy to deliver your prayers to Father/Mother God.
All you do and think leaves a trail of energy behind. We angels see this and we love it when humans leave patterns of light and love in their wake.
As worry drags you down, I wish to remind you that you can lift yourself up by transforming worries into prayers!
I will be there to catch them and carry them to Source.
Please trust and know that all is well.
I am Sandalphon”

You can call on Sandalphon when in need of grounding and when you need help with your prayers and soul wishes. This angel also brings in the Divine Feminine and helps us balance the masculine and feminine within. Using the Crystal Angel Essence Sandalphon can help you with this!

This beautiful Crystal Angel Essence:

  • connects you to the energy of archangel Sandalphon and brings this into your aura 
  • delivers your prayers to Source and helps you manifest your dreams
  • helps in the search for your twin soul and helps you open your heart to earthly and heavenly love
  • balances the feminine and masculine aspect
  • brings heaven and earth together in your heart
  • opens you up to the energy of Goddess 
  • helpts to ground
  • lifts blocks on your spiritual journey  
  • helps you translate spirituality to the practicalities of daily living

Archangel Sandalphon

Archangel Sandalphon brings prayers to heaven. His name means ‘brother’ and is the twin 17091102aspect of Archangel Metatron. Both are the only archangels that once lived human lives. in the case of Sandalphon the prophet  Elijah. He rules the earth aspect in the Kabbalah. As such Sandalphon helps us to bring heaven and earth together and live our spirituality in our daily lives. Working with this essence helps develop your spiritual gifts and create a stronger connection to the Divine. Music can help as do poetry and creativity. This essence will help you get unstuck on your spiritual path, when needed.

The crystal power in this essence accelerates spiritual transformation. It helps to gorund and focus the energy of angel prayers and rituals. As such it is a lovely essence to use together with the book 365 Days of Angel Prayers.

This essence also helps to open the third eye and balance the kundalini energy. When speaye in the room, it hieghtens its vibration and makes manifestion easier. This Crystal Angel Essence expands your intuition and gives insight in times of emotional turbulance.  Your vibration gets heightened on the physical level. It brings quantum leaps in healing.

I now offer both the essence and the book with a special extra choice: that I write an angel prayer especially for you and your situation. You can take a look at for all the details about these wonderfully inspiring products.

Loving prayers for you