Monthly Archives: May 2016

Nature Angels: Fairydust and plastic soup…

Nature Angels

Did you know the fairies and elementals belong to the nature angels? Nature angels are angels in the sense that they are of a higher vibration and less dense energy than humans. Yet they differ from the celestial angels because they belong to earth and hence have to work within its dualistic energies. As such they have ego’s where celestial angels do not. engelen zijn feitelijk asako_eguchi_sea_fairy_evening_smallde verzamelnaam van de elfen en natuurwezens. This may be the very reason they are mentioned as  ‘Good Faeries, Bad Faeries’  (this is also the title of a wonderful book by  Brian Froud that I highly recommend).

I have been working with the energy and help of the fairies and elementals when I made their Crystal Angel Essence some years ago as well as when I made ceramic fairydoors, fairyhouses and gnomes. But since i have become a Certified Fairyologist with Doreen Virtue, the energy of the fairy realms is flowing so much stronger. They certainly want the world to acknowledge them!

Fairy requests and readings

I have been doing lots of fairy readings these past two weeks and it amazes me how spot on


Wishing Fairy by Cathelijne Filippo

they are. Before I start the reading I connect to the fairies and scan if you have fairies that are already with you.  the fairies also scan us as soon as we call on them or enter their territory. They want to know if we are ‘good folk’ and this purely depends on how we treat animals, nature and the environment. They will often ask us to do something for the environment before they offer their help. During the first reading I did, they pointed me towards a plant that had died (oops) and asked me to get a new one. Lo and behold as I got to our village supermarket I found the prettiest fairylike plant I ever saw there!

Plastic soup

Today I went for a much needed walk on the beach with a friend. As we walked barefoIMG_8581ot in the cold surf, we were amazed by all the beautiful shells. Unfortunately there was also a lot of plastic. It was clear the fairies and sprites wanted it dealt with, so my friend went up to one of the beach clubs to ask for a bin bag and off we went picking up trash.  The ocean life is suffering from large amounts of floating plastic called plastic soup. This is such a threat to all the animals in the sea.  As we were clearing up the beach a lady came up to us about what we were doing so we told her about plastic soup and she promised to keep it in mind. Of course the fairies want us not to just think about it, but DO something about it! They like us to be hands-on light workers!

Angel and fairy signs

IMG_8576The great thing is that you receive wonderful signs in return. As we were walking and cleaning we spoke about the book my friend wants to write and I was thinking about a mermaid story I have been working on. At that moment we found a plastic pen to add to the trash bag. Next to it was a white angel feather! It was such a clear sign: thank you for picking uptake plastic…and YES! Write that book!  As we went back to the parking lot, we were treated by two white butterflies. You are welcome fairies!

Do you want to connect to the fairies and elementals too?

here are some tips!

  1. be loving and kind to animals and naturefairy-on-beach
  2. use eco friendly products
  3. clear away trash and plastic from natural areas like the beach and woods
  4. make a fairy garden (I make fairy doors and fairy houses for this purpose)
  5. connect to nature, meditate in naturen, sit against a tree and write down the message it gives you
  6. use the Crystal Angel Essence ‘fairies and elementals’  to further strengthen your connection to the fairies
  7. order a fairy reading and act upon the insights and requests the fairies give you!

Wishing you magical moments with the fairies! And should you wish to buy a fairy essence, one of the existing fairy doors or houses or gnomes, then you can do so with 15% discount in the webshop (code FAIRYDUST)