Monthly Archives: November 2013

Global meditation to trigger a Revolution of Light on November 23, 2013

Daniel-Holeman-7Dear friends, I would like to share a powerful meditation for today, a special portal with great potential for the Earth. Please join if it resonates with you!


It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands!

We are called upon to meet in groups large and small, as individuals and couples, on November 23rd, when the astrological conditions will be highly auspicious to trigger a revolution of Light! 🙂 On this day, we will collectively visualize the Event that will accompany us into a new era of Peace, Joy and Freedom for all happening in the NOW! ..thus creating a clear and harmonious channel of manifestation for the final liberation of the planet. 🙂

We CAN do it! 😀 But it is important that we be in as many people as possible doing the visualization at the same time all around the world in order to reach the needed critical mass to manifest it..

At the time of the AION portal activation, the Uranus-Pluto square will reach it’s peak point in the 2012-2015 timeframe. This is the most important astrological aspect of our images-5times and its meaning is very simple: Revolution of Light! 🙂 On the November 23rd Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto will also form a six pointed star mandala around the Sun..

The six pointed star is the very same configuration that happened at the Peace Portal on August 25th this year (when we have collectively prevented the military invasion in Syria). Activation of the AION portal is the peak moment of the turning of the tide.. 🙂

This activation will also be the trigger point of the New Renaissance. Therefore we will be having our main activation in Florence, Italy. You are more than welcome to join us:

Even if you can not join us in Florence, you can do this activation in your own group or even alone, wherever in the world you are. We will all be doing this activation at the same time, at the moment of the opening of the AION portal, which hapens on November 23rd 10:11 pm Central European time. This equals 9:11 pm BST in London, 4:11 pm EST in New York, 3:11 pm CST in Chicago, 2:11 pm MST in Phoenix and 1:11 pm PST in LA.

You can view the exact time of the activation for many places here:


1. Relax your mind and body by watching your breath for a few minutes

2. Call upon the presence of your Soul (Higher Self) and the presence of your Spiritual Guides, Angels and Ascended Masters

3. Visualize the moment of the compression breakthrough, the Event flash of Divine Light that encompasses the whole Earth and all of it’s inhabitants which liberates our beautiful planet from all dark energy and interference happening NOW!

4. Sustain a feeling of deep Gratitude, Love and Joy for as long as you feel to while KNOWING that WE ARE FREE!!! 🙂

Victory NOW! Liberation NOW!

[Please post this information on your websites, blogs and any alternative media outlet you might know of. If you feel called to do so, please create a Facebook event page in your native language to promote the meditation in your part of the world. We will also create a youtube video that can be translated and shared.]

For updates about the opening of the AION portal, etc:

Full Moon meditation November 17, 2013: Bloodmoon

b589cb0dda01e5502f6b501421876ce2Meteor showers can be observed in the skies tonight followed by the full moon tomorrow. Though the mercury retrograde is over since the beginning of this week, many light workers still feel challenged and confronted with ascension symptoms. 

This full moon is called the bloodmoon as it is historically the time of year when people would prepare for the hard winter months ahead by slaughtering the pigs. In those days the harvest had gone by and survival was a lot harder without all the technological support we have.

People in the West have become quite removed from nature and its natural rhythms. We have electrical light, heat and all sorts of machines to help us get things done. And although this is certainly very easy and convenient, it also means we have grown apart from nature. My yoga teacher used to tell her students that we have less energy in our bodies during winter (she would say we would have 50% of our energy on December 21 and 100% on June 21). Western living does not really take this into account. The economy does not go any slower. When you look at people going to work in the dark hours of morning and coming back home after sunset, you sort of wonder what is wrong with that picture.

The Bloodmoon is a time to say goodbye to that which lies behind us. It is an the-full-harvest-moon-is-comingexcellent time to ponder what we wish to keep. It also shows us our vulnerability. Vulnerability and personal weaknesses do not deserve punishment or criticism. They should be given care and attention instead. It is important to take time to get to terms with old hurts and find inner peace. Winter is a time to go within, to collect energy so that we may blossom again come spring. Every season has its own energy and it is unwise to try make things grow and flourish in winter as spring is a much better time to do so.

To prepare for the New Year and spring, winter calls on us to let go of all that no longer serves us. Emotions and events may be digested. Take time to rest, take good care of yourself and recover and recuperate where needed.

Though we do not always feel it, the Earth and all souls currently incarnated are in the middle of wondrous and powerful times of change and transformation. We can contribute to this process by taking care of ourselves and by sending love to ourselves, others and the earth. The closer we stay connected to our soul, the purer and more powerful the Light will be that we can radiate to the Earth, to people in need, and to all that lives and needs light.

This full moon I would love to share a meditation received by my friend Joan Osborne from the Paradigm Shift Reader’s Club. Please join me and the other Light Workers by participating this Sunday at 7 p.m. U.K. time. Or simply have the intention of connecting to us all at a different time.

  • Relax and deepen the breathing – imagine that on the in-breath you are taking in pure Light particles which fill the lungs and move through the body, through the veins, the arteries, the meridians.
  • Keep breathing in these Light particles and, on the out-breath let go anything that needs releasing.
  • See this released energy moving into the Violet Flame to be transformed and then brought back on the in-breath as purified energy. Keep this going for a few minutes until you feel totally relaxed and full of those Light particles. Throughout keep the breath deep as you can without strain – use the breath as a conduit for this new 589287857a7ee94220e2e88b36a6615evitality.
  • Then invite the Archangel Raphael to direct his Green Ray into your heart.
  • See a small orb of that Green Ray energy glowing in the centre of your heart. Focus on it for a while, then allow it to grow to fill the heart.
  • Now see streams of that energy radiating from that orb, flowing into the rest of your body – radiating out from the heart – upwards into the neck, head and shoulders, down the arms and into the hands. Once those areas are receiving the Green Ray energy, see it radiating downwards from the heart into the torso, hips, thighs, legs, ankles and feet. Let these slender streams of Green Ray energy go to every part of you, and then see it streaming gently down through your feet into the earth.
  • Hold the energy within you, allow it to stream through all your meridians, arteries and veins so that it reaches every part of you. Allow the AA Raphael to continue sending in as much of the Green Ray energy as you need and keep it flowing into the heart and then radiating firstly throughout your physical and then your energetic bodies.
  • Once you have completed this, you can allow the Green Ray energy to radiate further out to wherever it is needed – just allow the Beloveds to move it where it is needed for the Highest Good. Thank the AA Raphael as he gently closes the stream of Green Ray energy. Allow all your chakra centres to steady, balance and then close as much as they need, as much as is right for you.
  • At the end, invite your Guardian Angel to wrap you in a cloak of whatever colour you most need – and sense/see what colour that is.
  • Give thanks to all the Beloved, and return making sure you are fully grounded and fully present.

Bright Blessings Cathelijne

PS the full moon is an excellent time to cleanse charge your crystals. Why not program some to be sent to Fukushima for healing as shared by Little Grandmother?

Little Grandmother: send crystals to Japan to heal Fukushima

crystalsDear Earth Angels,

On the 21st of December 2012 I organized a Light Worker event here in the Netherlands. We connected to the Archangel Michael Leyline and the energy of Mother Mary at the Chapel of Keins. Later on we drove to the sea to release crystals into the sea that had been programmed to heal the earth as inspired by Little Grandmother.

Now she is calling on us all to help change the world by sending crystals to Japan where they will be place into the Fukeshima plant. Please contribute if you feel this beautiful intention resonate in your heart and please share!!!

Bright blessings Cathelijne.

Tribe of Many Colors, Now is our moment! Time to change the world! I am asking all who are willing and able to right now gather your crystals all and any you can gather, pray for them, install them with LOVE, LIGHT, Healing prayers for the people, the water of mother earth and the land… in 24 hours i will have a address to send them directly to Japan where they will be going DIRECTLY to the Fukeshima plant, into the water tanks! Its a miracle, but Great Spirit has blessed us with good scientists willing , ready and trained how to use the crystals at the plant! This is our moment dear friends.. spread this message to all you can! love Little Grandmother

As you gather your crystals to go to Fukushima please print out this photo “print out”, put in your name and where you are from then please place this inside the box with your crystals before shipping. This way the scientists receiving know that these crystals are from the tribe.

The Address IS:
The address of Omic – where you can send crystals:
〒 564-0052 大阪府吹田市広芝町3-29 エッグビル第3江坂504号
電話 06-6155-9800
Omic Kogyo Kabushikigaisha
Mr. Masayuki Ohata
Egg Building No.3 Esaka 504
3-29 Horoshiba-cho,
Suita-shi, Osaka
Japan 564-0052
(Tel: +81 6-6155-9800)
(Note: Both are the same address. The above is written in Japanese. The below is written in English. I suggest you to copy and paste the both address on the box (just in case if aimages-4Japanese post person cannot read English).

Thank you Little Grandmother