Monthly Archives: April 2014

Special full moon meditation on April 15, 2014: lunar eclipse

foto-'s-van-de-maansverduistering-nb8699The next full moon is on April 15. This moon of April is known by different names, such as the Pink Moon, referring to pink blooming moss flowers. In another system, it is called the Moon of death, because at this time when many crops are particularly vulnerable. Buds and flowers of fruit trees can still significantly affected by the frost that can still occur. In that sense it is a time that separates the wheat from the chaff. When you see your personal intentions as seeds, then some intentions will flourish and others will be like dreams that do not come true.

This full moon will also be a lunar eclipse. Eclipses provide surprises in our horoscope. They can shake up our lives and help us to grow. This may be associated with major life events. Messages that come your way during eclipses require extra attention. Eclipses shine light on deeper truths in your life. They can unveil new insights.

Often eclipses bring about the new. They may announce an end as well as new beginnings.

The eclipses of 2014 are extra powerful because they are total eclipses. These are wonderful moments that can bring around great change, especially when you tune into your higher self and your true path through meditation.

Dia1Please pay extra attention to the signs from your angels and guides. This will help you bring about positive change and inner growth. Use these moments for deep introspection and purification. Go within and find the silence of your heart. The lunar eclipse will give you the opportunity to let go of old stuff from your own and the collective unconscious making room for your True Self to shine through. This is a great time to heal relationships and the earth. A time to bring yourself back into balance and you can recharge your inner batteries.

As such this moon meditation will not only connect you to the full moon and all the light workers who join the meditation, but also to your life path or Divine Blue print. Archangel Jeremiel is the angel who helps us during a so-called life review. After this life we all receive such a review, but there is no need to wait. You can use this meditation to check in with your Higher Self and Archangel Jeremiel to see if you are living your Blueprint. I will create a new Crystal Angel Essence during this full moon, attuned to Jeremiel. By focusing on the beautiful , spiritual energy of Archangel Jeremiel during this full moon will indirectly help to anchor this energy on Earth too!


You can join me and the other light workers at 7 pm UK time. Should this not be convenient, then feel free to join in at another time. In meditation and spiritual work intention is more important and will connect us all regardless of time and space.


1. You can start your meditation by lighting a candle (make sure it is in a safe place).

2. You can also use some incense or aromatherapy.

3. Sit quietly and relax. Be aware of your body and take some deep breaths. This will purify your energy and helps you connect to the angels more easily.

4. Begin by purifying your space, for instance by visualising the golden, silver & violet flame through your room.

5. Ask Archangel Michael to protect you with his deep blue cloak of protection.

6. Put your feet firmly on the earth to ground yourself. Imagine your feet growing roots deep into the earth. Then open up to the powerful energy of the full moon and lunar eclipse. Travel to Archangel Jeremiel on a beam of moonlight.

7. Now imagine that you are in a Temple of Light in the higher dimensions. In the middle of the temple awaits a beautiful purple angel. You know it is the Archangel Jeremiel. He is holding the book of your life. In this book, your mission in life is written down.

8. If you have questions about your life mission, ask Archangel Jeremiel about it. Let the picture unfold. Perhaps scenes are shown, or you receive words or other insights. If nothing comes, you can set the intention to receive clarity and directions from the angels in the coming days.

9. Jeremiel finally closes the book and puts his hand on your heart and says: ” Your heart is the compass of your soul. Follow it with wisdom.” The Archangel then takes the book and says goodbye to you. Thank him for his help.

10. Now bring your awareness back to the room where you started. Move your hands and feet, stretch a bit and feel your body firmly back on the ground. When you’re done, consciously blow out your candle letting of the meditation. Do not forget to write down any insights you received (in a angel diary).

I wish you a transformative and insightful moon.

Angelic love,


PS If you are interested in the Crystal Angel Essence Jeremiel, you can mail me.