Monthly Archives: May 2011

Spirit guide hero Grandpa Gordon: The Angelic Signalman

Quite a while ago I was contacted through my youtube by a lovely lady from Canada. As we got to know each other she understood I lived in the Netherlands and and she told me that is where her grandfather had lost his life in the Second World War. She also told me he was buried in Bergenop Zoom.

I have made her a personalized angel sculpture- A Healing Heart Angel– and in the process we have become true soul friends. We both have the feeling her Grandpa Gordon had a hand in it. And why not? If you are in the spirit world why not help your relatives and loved ones where you can?!

Then some time ago I was asked to come to an angel day in…Bergen op Zoom to sell my angel art. I was amazed by the coincidence. I would usually not have gone such a way as it is a bit of a drive. But the place just rang a bell (being that Grandpa Gordon was a signalman I can just guess who rang that bell).

And so yesterday I left for Bergen op Zoom as the angel event would be today and I did not want to have to travel back and forth on one day. So…there was some time to visit the grave of my dear friend’s grandfather. Now I had not checked any address and the map we got in the hotel did not have any war cemetery on it. So there we were in the car, wondering what to do. When I looked outside there was a small fluffy feather: an angel sign!

So I took it and decided to use my cell phone, which has internet capacity (though difficult to use). We found the address and drove there. As I walked up to the cemetery I said: Hello Grandpa Gordon” and right after that the sun came through the clouds and remained vibrantly shining during our visit. Someone sure seemed happy to see us;-)

It was a peaceful place and well kept. I felt it truly honoured those earthly angels, who gave their precious lives for our country’s freedom. My friend’s granddad left this earth in the year ’44 and at the age 44. 44 is an important angel number signifying many angels are with you now. So I do feel this special and brave spirit has connected me and his granddaughter through our love for angels!!

Written in the memory of Signalman Gordon Kilgour by Cathelijne Filippo