Tag Archives: angel meditation

Full Honey Moon Angel Meditation, June 28, 2018

Hello everyone,http---cdn.cnn.com-cnnnext-dam-assets-180627152827-strawberry-moon-file

how was your summer solstice? It was the longest day of the year in this part of the world and the sun is shining vibrantly these days. Nevertheless it seems to me and quite some others around me this years solstice is somewhat influenced by other cosmic influences. I have felt the energy was a bit more sluggish overall, whereas usually this time of year energy flow strongly.

Today is the full moon. As the season turns with this Solstice Honey Moon, you may want to bring to ind your New Years resolutions and see how you have been ding the first half of this year.  Reassessing the important things in life is very important at this time.

The June full moon was called the Mead or Honey moon. (Though it also goes by the name Strawberry Full moon or Rose Moon). The name derives from the hives being full of honey at this time of the year. The honey would have been fermented and made into mead. Traditionally, a honey drink was taken after wedding ceremonies held on the Summer Solstice. This is the derivation of ‘honeymoon’.


This full moon is called Plant Moon here in the Netherlands and this is about
nature being at its most bountiful. Now is the time to realize our destiny.

Take some time to contemplate the last 6 months. What has happened in your life since the beginning of this year? What bounty has come to you? What is your destination?

Meditation time
We, in the Netherlands, will be meditating on the full moon at 8 pm (this is 7 pm UK time). You can either participate at the exact same time or whenever it is 8 pm in your time zone. All Light workers participating in this event connect to each other from afar. You will find this often enables a deepening of the meditation to occur.


  • Light some candles. You may choose to burn some incense as well.
    Sit quietly and ground yourself by bringing your attention to your earth star chakra, beneath your feet. Bring up light from this chakra, to fill your being and your aura.
  • You may then clear and dedicate the space. I do this by calling in an ascension column of light, the platinum net and ascension flame. I also use my own sprays by Crystal Angels Essences Especially the one called archangel Michael created a high vibration and calls in protection at the same time.
  • You can ask Archangel Michael to place a Golden Dome of protection around you to further enhance the wonderful energy field you have created by bringing up light from your earth star chakra.
  • Then connect to all the other Lightworkers so we may form a network of Light around the planet.
  • Open yourself up to the energy of the full moon. This is the energy of letting go. So if there are things in your life and personality, you would like to lovingly let go of, you can do so now. Simply give those things to Archangel Zadkiel to be transformed and transmuted by the violet flame.
  • Then open up your being to the energy of the sun. Shine the golden light upon all you wish to further develop. Like a flower opening up to the rays of the sun, feel yourself and your life basking in the golden glow.razielIf there are areas you are unsure of, doubts about which directions to take you can now call in the help of the archangels, for example:
    ~Archangel Jeremiel to show you your Divine Blueprint
    ~Archangel Raziel for esoteric knowledge and spiritual understanding
    ~Archangel Rafael for physical healng
    ~Archangel Raguel to heal the relationship with self and others
    Or simply let an appropriate angel come to you.
  • Share any doubt or feelings with the angel and listen to their reply. It may come in the form of images, thoughts and feelings. And keep an open mind to angel sings the coming days.
  • When you feel that are ready, bring your consciousness back to the room where you started. Move your hands and feet, stretch and feel your body making contact with the floor beneath you. Then blow out the candles, and let go of this meditation

Bright Blessings


PS would you like to order one of the Crystal Angel Essences connecting you to the Archangel(s) you have worked with in this meditation? You can find them in the webshop.
PPS would you like further inspiration on how to work with your angels on current life issues and personal growth, an angel heart e-consultation could be a wonderful support.

Moon meditation for February 11, 2016: Icemoon, lunar eclipse and archangel Jeremiel


The moon is shining its fulness upon us on the night between the 10th and the 11th. It is called the Ice Moon.
The Ice Moon is a good time to reflect; to go deeply within ourselves. Whilst nature is full of outer stillness, the trees and plants that seem asleep still are active in their deep roots in the earth. Likewise we need to go within. We cannot seed our dreams on frozen ground, we need to dig deep to reach fertile grounds at this time.

Lunar Eclipse

There will also be a lunar eclipse when sun, earth and moon are aligned. With the earth in between, this casts a shadow on the moon, making it early invisible for a bit. This often reflects on ones emotional life where you may feel out of touch with your feelings. Looking at the things you have a hard time dealing with and letting go of the blocks that go with it, is extra beneficial at this time!


Archangel-JeremielArchangel Jeremiel

During this meditation we will once again connect with the energy of Archangel Jeremiel. This archangel helps us to have pure spiritual vision and he gives us divine guidance in our life. He can help us find our life purpose and live it fully. Maybe you know your soul purpose already, in which case he can help you to keep in mind this objective clearly. He will help you clarify the next step on your path.

Start of meditation

You can meditate at 7 pm UK time with me and the other Lightworkers who join in. Although we are all in different locations and even time zones, we can still tune in to each other and form a field of consciousness . This will deepen the meditation. If you can not attend at this time, you can also tune in earlier or later.


  • You can start your meditation by lighting a candle and perhaps some incense.
  • Sit down quietly and relax yourself.
  • Begin by clearing your space . I always do this by calling in a column of light and asking for the platinum net to be brought down through the room. I also use the aura spray Archangel Michael Crystal Angel Essence. The Jeremiel essence will be a lovely addition to this meditation as well. IMG_1121
  • Put your feet firmly on the ground to ground , before you make contact with the silver light of the moon.
  • Imagine roots growing from your feet into the earth.
  • Then ask Archangel Michael to protect you with his deep blue cloak of protection.
  • Connect with the other Lightworkers who are meditating at the time, so we form a network of light around the earth .
  • Now imagine that you are in a Temple of Light in the higher dimensions. In the midst of the temple you encounter the Archangel Jeremiel . This magnificent angel is holding a book; the book of your life . In this book, your life purpose is written down.
  • If you have questions about your life mission, you can ask the Archangel about it. Let the visualization unfold. You may see visions of your future, read words about your mission or gain insights. If nothing comes, you can now reinforce the intention that you will clarity in the next few days.
  • Jeremiel finally closes the book and puts his hand on your heart and says, ” Your heart is the compass of your soul. Follow it with wisdom. ” The Archangel takes the book and says goodbye to you as you thank him for his help.
  • If you want you can now connect with other light workers who have joined this meditation. You enter a room full of loving, pink light where all lightworkers are celebrating their True Self and Soul Purpose. There is laughter and hugging.Together you use this energy of celebration to shower it all over the earth, sending positivity wherever it is needed. Let yourself be guided as to the what and where.
  • Now bring your awareness back to the room where you started . Move your hands and feet, and feel your body firmly connected to the Earth.
  • When you ‘re done, blow out your candle ( s) and thus let go of the meditation.
    Bright blessings




Full moon with Christmas: an angel meditation

santa-and-reindeer-in-front-of-moonWhat a special full moon on the very first day of Christmas! This moon will bring extra magic but also may bring some extra strong emotions within families and your home life. Those who feel lonely may feel so even more at this time of year.

Thankfully the full moon brings in the right energy to let go of the old. And isn’t that great in preparation for a brand new year to come?

Moon of the longest night – cleansing & purification


This Moon’s theme are cleansing and new beginnings. You may experience an increase in emotions, and perhaps past grief and hurts are to be released now.

This moon is again a perfect time straighten things out. What a great time to let go of all you wish to leave behind in 2015. If there are things left that need to be released, this full moon is a good time. This will make room for new things in the new cycle that is coming your way. Some things need to change before you can begin something new. The cleansing effect of the energy of this moon will help you in the process.full-moon-winter-sky.jpg.653x0_q80_crop-smart

The moon meditation

Usually we meditate around the same time with all lightworkers connected to this blog. Yet most people will be having long christmas diners. So…just find a little moment for yourself during the day and simply have the intention to connect to all other lightworkers to form a network of light.

The preparation

You may prepare the meditation by writing what you want to let go of.


  • You may light one or more candles before you begin. You can also burn an incense stick, or some aromatherapy oil.
  • Sit down and relax.
  • Start by cleansing your room. I always do this by placing a pillar of light, a platinum grid through the room and by inviting the ascension flame. Also, I always use the Archangel Michael spray of Crystal Angel Essences.
  • Place your feet firmly on the earth to ground yourself before you make contact with the silver light of the moon. Imagine roots growing from your feet deep into the earth.
  • Ask Archangel Michael to protect you with his deep blue cloak of protection.
  • Connect with all Lightworkers so that we may form a network of light around the earth. You can hold a special intention for the planet, such as peace, healing and / or love.
  • Now imagine that you are in a temple of light in the higher dimensions. The temple is a pyramid of light and is filled with a healing landscape. You walk through this landscape. There is a creek, where you can release your list of things that no longer serve you. The words will simply dissolve and the paper will perish.
  • You walk ahead and there are special animals that accompany you and remind you that you are part of nature and the larger whole. Before you appears a beautiful waterfall. This waterfall sparkles of light and rainbows shine through it. A great angel stands beside the waterfall. This is the Angel of Purification and you are invited to stand under the waterfall. Feel the light and rainbows flowing over you like warn water. Everything that you no longer need is washed away. All impurities, heavy emotions and pains are easily rinsed from your being.
  • If you feel that this is done, you leave the magical rainbow waterfall. The Angel hands you a robe of light for you to wear. The Angel encourages you to keep your mind and thoughts pure and to return whenever you feel you need it.
  • When you’re done, bring your awareness back to the room where you started. Move your hands and feet, stretch out and feel your body being connected to the ground. When you’re done, blow out the candle and let go of the meditation.
  • You may use the time after the cleansing meditation to make an angel vision board with your dreams, wishes and intentions for the year to come. You will find some inspiration about this on my youtube channel.

Big angelhug,





Moon meditation for the super moon and lunar eclipse on September 28.

lunar-eclipse-tomorrow_0On monday the 28th of September there is another powerful full moon. As it is optically close to the earth, it is called a Supermoon. Traditionally the full moon that shines this time of year is known as the Harvest Moon. Its meaning pertains to immortality. At this moment it is important to keep the bigger picture in mind. Little things will not influence the course of events. What you harvest today is the seed for the harvest to come. A helpful point of view during this Mercury retrograde, which is usually a time of technological and communicational challenges. Looking at the bigger picture helps you not get bothered by little misunderstandings.

Lunar Eclipse

event_135306832.jpegAt the same time this full moon will also be a full lunar eclipse! The meaning of the eclipse is a time where both the moon and the ego are out os sight for a bit. This makes it so much easier to again look at the bigger picture: our divine life plan. As the ego is dormant for a little bit, we can look with the eyes of our soul. What a relief to let ego conflicts go for a while.

This full moon enables us to look at past difficulties with a new perspective. This is enhanced by three cosmic influences:

  1. Harvest Moon helps us reap what we have sown. We learn from our past creations.
  2. Mercury Retrograde helps us put things in order, finish old projects and renew old connections.
  3. The lunar eclipse extinguishes the tendencies of the ego so we can look at old stuff with the perspective of our soul.

A perfect moment to look at the things that no longer serve you, learn from them and then let them go!
Tuning in together!

Lightworkers will meditate at 7 pm UK time. When you meditate earlier or later, all you need to do is state the intention to connect energetically with the other Lightworkers.

The meditation

Before the meditation you may think of a period of your life you wish to let go of after looking at it differently.

  • You may light a candle and light it with the intention of bringing more Light to the planet. You can also burn incense, or some aomatherapy oils.
  • Sit down and relax.
    Start by energetically cleansing your room. I always do this by calling in a pillar of light, a platinum net through the room and building and by bringin in the ascension flame. Also, I always use the aura spray of Archangel Michael by Crystal Angel Essences (you can find all the incenses and other lovely angel gifts at http://www.angelsco.nl).
  • Put your feet firmly on earth to ground yourself, before you make contact with the silver light of the moon. Imagine roots growing from your feet into the earth.
    Ask Archangel Michael to protect you with his deep blue cloak of protection.
    Imagine that you connect with all Lightworkers in order to create a network of light around the earth.
  • Now imagine that you are in a temple of light is in the higher dimension. A mirror appears in front of you, flanked by two angels of light. The angels of light ask you to look into the mirror with the eyes of your soul.
  • You first look at yourself. What do you notice? How do you view yourself when you look with the loving eyes of your soul?
  • Next the mirror will take you back to the time in your life that you have chosen as a focus for this meditation. Perhaps you see a particular scene . Look at this scene with the eyes of your soul. What do you notice? What was your soul lesson? How can use this lesson to empower yourself in the future?
  • Give thanks for the lesson and tell the angels you are ready to let go of this past period or theme in your life. The surface of the mirror will then be filled with the golden, silver violet flame of transformation. Let it transform and transmute the past, leaving only the wisdom you gained from it.
  • Thank the angels for their help.
  • You can then use the mirror for light work by healing the collective past on earth. Perhaps a certain conflict or area on earth comes to mind.
  • When finished, bring your awareness back to the room where you started. Move your hands and feet and take some refreshing deep breaths. As you breathe out the candle let go of the meditation.
  • Thank you for the courage to let your soul in!
  • Have a magical full moon meditation.

Bright angel blessings

❤ Cathelijne




October 8, Full moon meditation: Harvest Moon and lunar eclipse!

This wednesday there is another powerful full moon. It is known as the Harvest Moon. It FullLunarEclipsemeaning pertains to immortality. At this moment it is important to keep the bigger picture in mind. Little things will not influence the course of events. What you harvest today is the seed for the harvest to come. A helpful point of view during this Mercury retrograde, which is usually a time of technological and communicational challenges. Looking at the bigger picture helps you not get bothered by little misunderstandings.

Lunar Eclipse

At the same time this full moon will also be a full lunar eclipse! The meaning of the eclipse is a time where both the moon and the ego are out os sight for a bit. This makes it so much easier to again look at the bigger picture:  our divine life plan. As the ego is dormant for a little bit, we can look with the eyes of our soul. What a relief to let ego conflicts go for a while.

night-fairy,-wings,-ballet,-moon,-water,-swan-134764This full moon enables us to look at past difficulties with a new perspective. This is enhanced by three cosmic influences:

  1. Harvest Moon helps us reap what we have sown. We learn from our past creations.
  2. Mercury Retrograde helps us put things in order, finish old projects and renew old connections.
  3. The lunar eclipse extinguishes the tendencies of the ego so we can look at old stuff with the perspective of our soul.
    A perfect moment to look at the things that no longer serve you, learn from them and then let them go!

Tuning in together!

Lightworkers will meditate at 7 pm UK time. When you meditate earlier or later, all you need to do is state the intention to connect energetically with the other Lightworkers.

The meditation

Before the meditation you may think of a period of your life you wish to let go of after looking at it differently.

  • You may light a candle and light it with the intention of bringing more Light to the planet. You can also burn incense, or some aomatherapy oils. Sit down and relax.maddie_circle
  • Start by energetically cleansing your room. I always do this by calling in a pillar of light, a platinum net through the room and building and by bringin in the ascension flame. Also, I always use the aura spray of Archangel Michael by Crystal Angel Essences (I sell them for those interested).
  • Put your feet firmly on earth to ground yourself, before you make contact with the silver light of the moon. Imagine roots growing from your feet into the earth.
  • Ask Archangel Michael to protect you with his deep blue cloak of protection.
    Imagine that you connect with all Lightworkers in order to create a network of light around the earth.
  • Now imagine that you are in a temple of light is in the higher dimension. A mirror appears in front of you, flanked by two angels of light. The angels of light ask you to look into the mirror with the eyes of your soul.
  • You first look at yourself. What do you notice? How do you view yourself when you look with the loving eyes of your soul?
  • Next the mirror will take you back to the time in your life that you have chosen as a focus for this meditation. Perhaps you see a particular scene . Look at this scene with the eyes of your soul. What do you notice? What was your soul lesson? How can use this lesson to empower yourself in the future?
  • Give thanks for the lesson and tell the angels you are ready to let go of this past period or theme in your life. The surface of the mirror will then be filled with the golden, silver violet flame of transformation.  Let it transform and transmute the past, leaving only the wisdom you gained from it.
  • Thank the angels for their help.
  • You can then use the mirror for light work by healing the collective past on earth. Perhaps a certain conflict or area on earth comes to mind.
  • When finished, bring your awareness back to the room where you started. Move your hands and feet and take some refreshing deep breaths. As you breathe out the candle let go of the meditation.
  • Thank you for the courage to let your soul in! 

Have a magical full moon meditation.

Bright angel blessings

❤ Cathelijne


Full Moon Meditation: Thursday January 16, 2014. Cleansing & purification

clouds-full-moonMoon of the longest night – cleansing & purification

Since Yule / Winter Solstice the turnaround has taken place. The days grow longer and the constructive forces of nature are gradually strengthening over time. The light of the full moon at this time provides a glimpse of the sunlight returning in nature. This moon is a harbinger of the coming spring and summer.

This Moon’s theme are cleansing and new beginnings. At the same time people can also experience an increase in emotions, and perhaps past grief and hurts may now be released.

This moon is again a perfect time straighten things out. Many have already started letting go of the old and outmoded at the end of 2013. If there are things left that need to be released as well, this full moon is a good time. This will make room for new things in the new cycle that is coming your way.

Some things need to change before you can begin something new. The cleansing effect of the energy of this moon will help you in the process.

The meditation

Here in the Netherlands we are meditating at 8 pm. You can join me and the other Lightworkers participating by connecting to meditate at the same time, or at 8 pm in your time zone. If you cannot make this time, feel free to choose a time that is convenient and simply hold the intention to connect to us. This will amplify the meditation.

The preparation

You may prepare the meditation by writing what you want to let go of in order to really bring forward your intentions for the year ahead.


  • You may light one or more candles before you begin. You can also burn an incense stick, or some aromatherapy oil.rainbow-over-banias-waterfall-x-widescreen-wallpaper-3d-abstract_widewallpaper_rainbow-over-banias-waterfall_39414
  • Sit down and relax.
  • Start by cleansing your room. I always do this by placing a pillar of light, a platinum grid through the room and by inviting the ascension flame. Also, I always use the Archangel Michael spray of Crystal Angel Essences (you can order this from me for euro 12.99).
  • Place your feet firmly on the earth to ground yourself before you make contact with the silver light of the moon. Imagine roots growing from your feet deep into the earth.
  • Ask Archangel Michael to protect you with his deep blue cloak of protection.
  • Connect with all Lightworkers so that we may form a network of light around the earth. You can hold a special intention for the planet, such as peace, healing and / or love.
  • Now imagine that you are in a temple of light in the higher dimensions. The temple is a pyramid of light and is filled with a healing landscape. You walk through this landscape. There is a creek, where you can release your list of things that no longer serve you. The words will simply dissolve and the paper will disintegrate.
  • You walk ahead and there are special animals that accompany you and remind you that you are part of nature and the larger whole.
  • Before you appears a beautiful waterfall. This waterfall sparkles of light and rainbows shine through it. A great angel stands beside the waterfall. This is the Angel of Purification and you are invited to stand under the waterfall. Feel the light and rainbows flowing over you like warn water.
  • Everything that you no longer need is washed away. All impurities, heavy emotions and pains are easily rinsed from your being.
  • If you feel that this is done, you leave the magical rainbow waterfall. The Angel hands you a robe of light for you to wear. The Angel encourages you to keep your mind and thoughts pure and to return whenever you feel you need it.
  • When you’re done, bring your awareness back to the room where you started.
  • Move your hands and feet, stretch out and feel your body being connected to the Unicorn-Under-A-Rainbow-unicorns-5783490-350-350ground. When you’re done, blow out the candle and let go of the meditation.

Big angelhug,




Healing Visualisation for Japan

News about the situation in Japan confronts us with the uncontrollable force of nature, the resilience of man and the risky use of the facilities on earth. This 3-in-1 disaster of earthquakes, tsunamis and nuclear disaster affects the people and creatures of Japan in a very hard way.

We can bring a small contribution to the healing of Japan and its people by sending light and angels to assist all in the affected area. You can do this healing visualization whenever you want, but if possible it would be nice to have all of us do this on a daily basis.

Healing Visualization

1. Sit quietly in a place where you will not be disturbed.

2. You can hold a picture of Japan in your hands or place it on your altar.

3. Light a candle with the intention that this session will bring healing for the highest good for Japan, its people and the world.

4. Then close your eyes and take three slow, deep breaths.

5. Ask Archangel Michael to protect you during your healing work by placing his deep blue cloak of protection around you.

6. Then ask him then to go to Japan and place a protective cocoon of golden light over all the nuclear reactors and to protect the Earth and it’s atmosphere. Ask him to fix any technical problems within the reactors.

7. Ask Archangel Raphael and his healing angels to support and heal the wounded. Imagine the angels sending emerald green light to the people, animals and nature of Japan and imagine this light to envelop and penetrate each and all to bring peace, harmony and healing.

8. Ask Archangel Chamuel to ensure that survivors are found, so they can be saved and healed.

9. Request Archangel Azrael that all souls who have not survived the disaster be brought to the Light gently and lovingly and ask him and his angels to comfort and support the bereaved.

10. Now ask Archangel Ariel to help restore and protect nature in Japan from all the natural and unnatural violence.

11. And finally, ask Archangel Jophiel to aid in the process of clearing and cleansing all the debris to bring back order and beauty in the country.

12. Thank all the angels and archangels for their help and ask them to send little signals to you on your path that will show you how you can continue to contribute to the healing of Japan and the planet.

Let us hope that this disaster will lead to a flood of compassion, love and understanding of the world.