Monthly Archives: December 2010

Closure for 2010 and Manifesting a Wonderful 2011

Just a few more weeks and 2010 will come to a close. Midwinter and Yule is almost upon us and this time Yule coincides with the full moon. What better year to look back on your year and see what has gone well and to let go of the things that no longer serve you? By letting go of the past year, you open up to new possibilities for 2011!

Now how can you do this? There is a simple and joyful way to do so:

1. write down a gratitude list for 2010
2. write down all that you would like to leave behind in 2010
3. write down what you wish to manifest in the new year


Gratitude is a powerful tool for every Lightworker, every spiritual seeker, and every human being. By feeling grateful for what we have and have done, we create a sense of harmony, lightness and love. One of the spiritual laws, the law of attraction, states that what we give our attention to, increases. And so by focusing on what we are grateful for, we create an energy that attracts more of the same. What better way to close the year and start the new one than with an attitude of gratitude?

And so, take a pen and paper and write down all the things you are grateful for (big and SMALL) and all the things you accomplished. All that has given you joy or the things you did that gave joy to others.

Letting go

Every year we have new experiences and new lessons to learn. Once learned, we can then let go of them, so we do not have to repeat the same thing over and over again. And so, take a second sheet of paper and write down all that no longer serves you. This may be conflicts in friendships or relationships, worries and thought patterns that hinder you, behaviour patterns that do not reflect your inner light.


Once you have insight in what you no longer want, it is time to focus on what you do want. What new experiences do you want to attract and manifest in the year 2011? What new ways of thinking and behaving would you like to learn and create? Which changes do you like to see happen in all the different areas in your life?

Again, you can write this down on a sheet of paper. But, you can be more creative about this manifesting process! For instance you can make a vision board, on which you write the things you want to manifest and stick pictures that illustrate this. Beneath you will find a manifestation angel. You can print it and write on its body all you wish to manifest. Be sure to always use affirming, positive, here-and-now words.


Now that you have made the three lists, you can create a little angel ritual for yourself. You may need to do part of it outside. Whichever place you choose, make sure you will not be disturbed and feel safe and secure. Before beginning any spiritual practice, make sure you protect yourself. You can do this in many ways. One of my favourites is to ask Archangel Michael to put his deep, blue cloak of protection around me.

First tell Father Mother God and the Angels what you have written down on your gratitude list. Express your gratitude and truly feel it. Feel the blessings that are in your life.

Then, tell them about the things you want to let go of and destroy the second list. When outside, you can do this by burning the list and asking Archangel Zadkiel and Saint Germain to add the Golden, Silver, Violet fire to your earthly flames for transformation and transmutation of all the things on your list.

Lastly show them your manifestation list and ask them to take it up to the higher Dimensions for perfect manifestation.

I wish everyone a lovely Christmas time and a most blessed, inspired and loving 2011!


Copyright Cathelijne – HEART HEaling ART

Channeling Archangel Gabriel about the words we speak and think.

New moon, december 5, 2010

I am Archangel Gabriel, the messenger angel.

With the raising of the energetic vibration on earth, the impact of your words, whether spoken out loud, thought internally, or written down on paper, or the computer, cell phone or any other device, all contain magnified power.

Much like the Japanese doctor Masara Emoto proved: beautiful words create beauty. Chaotic words create chaos.

Words can harm or heal.
Word can uplift or steal.
Words can transform and transmute.
With words you create the stories of your life. And so, what story are you writing, my dear one? Are you writing a story of love or of hardship?

In this last part of 2010 I would like to invite you to become aware of your thoughts and words. Whenever you find yourself worrying, complaining or even cursing, I want you to imagine a huge eraser with angel wings flying in to erase the words or thoughts. This leaves a blank canvas and I’d like you to imagine writing loving words on it in beautifully written golden letters. Reprogram your thoughts and words. Let them radiate qualities such as love, respect, peace and healing.

You can practice by silently blessing all those you meet. Try it. Imagine those words:
“Be blessed.”
“Be at peace”
“Be healed”
“Be at one”
“Be loved”

Repeat these words now. Feel them resonate within you. Can you feel the difference this makes?

You literally have the potential to huge change and healing on the very tip of your tongue.

Let this coming holiday season not be about material gifts. Let it be about the true blessing of loving thoughts and words.
Choose appreciation over criticism.
Choose love over hurt or resentment.
Choose your words with care.

I will be there to support you with your inner and outer communication whenever you ask.

I am Archangel Gabriel.

Copyright Cathelijne Filippo

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