Monthly Archives: March 2019

Full moon and spring equinox meditation with Archangel Michael on March 21

Hello my lovelies,

Moon Goddess – a wonderful painting by Josephine Wall

happy springtime! Today is the spring equinox here on this side of the world and I am so ready for spring! Spring brings new growth and flourishing. It brings new energy and a Lightness of being. Something we can well use in these trying times of unrest in the world and the cosmic effects of  the solar flares. Springs will help us renew our being and ground and radiate our inner Light with more gusto.

. A good theme to help us to deal with fear in the world and possibly within ourselves. Archangel Michael will help us with this, as he is the great protector and champion of Light.

Let us focus this mediation on protecting the Light within us all. Let this protection be about our physical safety as well as the vibration of Love. For where there is Love and Light, there is no room for conflict.

I will be meditating at 8 pm standard European time and so will many other light workers. You can join in at the same time with the intention of joining our intention together. If you cannot make it at this time, do so whenever you can and still connect to the field of consciousness and light created by all light workers during this full moon meditation.

The meditation

  • Light some candles. You may choose to burn some incense as well.
    Sit quietly and ground yourself by imagining roots growing from your feet deep into the earth.
  • You may then clear and dedicate the space. I do this by calling in an ascension column of light, the platinum net and ascension flame. You can add the Crystal Angel Essence Archangel Michael to create a high vibration and call in protection at the same time.
  • Fill yourself and your aura with the Light from your earth star chakra. This is your endless reservoir of Light. By filling your aura with it, you are protected form the inside out. It helps you stay entered in your own Light.
  • Place your feet firmly on the ground beneath you to ground yourself. Connect to your earth star chakra as you ground into the crystalline grid around the Earth and the very core of the Earth. As you draw in the energy of Mother Earth, at the same time open up to the silver energy of the moon.
  • Connect to all the other Light workers so we may form a network of Light around the planet. You may imagine drawing in Cosmic Golden Light through your Crown chakra into your heart and sending it from your heart to me and all other light workers participating. When we all do this we form a powerful network of Light that helps heal the earth. When you are done, imagine us all simultaneously sending the energy to areas of conflict and turmoil to bring Light, Love, Freedom and Healing. You may want to then send it to other areas and people you feel need it at this time.
  • Now as you feel connected to all the other light workers and to the energy of the full moon, let its power flow to you and through you to help you let go of all that no longer serves you. Let go of fear and other negative emotions. You can ask archangel Zadkiel to transmute them as well as lower energies that are causing conflict on earth. Let go of all that does not resonate with Love and Light.
  • Now, imagine traveling to the astral temple of archangel Michael. See yourself walking up a huge spiral staircase of luminescent light and move higher and higher till you reach a gate made of lapis lazuli. enter the gate. Before you in the light worlds is a beautiful temple that radiates Michael’s purest blue energy. Walk towards it and enter the temple. You may sit on a crystal throne, which will help you to activate your truest vibration of Light and Love.
  • Archangel Michael arrives and you give him permission to cut away anything that is keeping you connected to fear and other fearful emotions.
  • He then brings down a column of Light to flow through your energy field. All that resonates with fear dissolves in the light. From this state of light, you can send loving energy and light through your heart to places on earth that need it.
  • Love and light are endless and they simply dissolve the darkness. Michael asks you to shine your light every day in all you do, think and say.
  • You happily agree. You then thank him and return to your consciousness to where you started this meditation.
  • Make sure to ground and then let go of the meditation.

Wishing you a peaceful full moon


PS you can read more about my work on the renewed website

Channeling Archangel Michael for ‘helpers’: hold the space instead of taking over for others

It is a privilege to work with Angels, Archangels and other Beings of Light. It is not reserved just for me. I believe that everyone can connect to the Light worlds, with the right meditative focus, alignment and spiritual development.

Archangel Michael has guided me since the mid ’90’s. I started by channeling his messages and he still guides me to this day. The first Crystal Angel Essence I ever made, was that of Archangel Michael. Recently it was time to make a new batch. Every essence is attuned anew when creating it again. Sometimes that means that the gemstone elixir gets extra gems added to it. At other times it means that there is a specific energy that is being brought forward that adds an extra theme to work with, when using the essence.

Around the time of attuning the new batch, I was dealing with care in the family, which took

This card by Tamara Patrick very much had the energy I perceive when connecting to my Spirit Guide team in my pyramid of Light

quite a lot of energy. It also brought forward many old patterns between different family members. Though we wanted what was best for each other, the energy of fear and other patterns did interfere with the good intentions and the situation definitely needed some Light. Prior to attuning the elixir, I had received a healing in my pyramid of Light in the 5th dimension (I have learned to work with this from Ronna Hermans channeling of Archangel Michael). A new dragon guide had already appeared in the week before. She brought me to the pyramid, breathing air and Light into the situation, after which Archangel Michael cut the necessary cords.

When attuning the essence, Michael first referred to this healing. I am sharing his channeled words with you as I know many sensitives and light workers care for family members, friends and partners but also have a tendency to step into helper mode, depleting their own energies.  This channeling reminds us that we cannot learn other peoples lessons for them. Though it is important to be there for them with compassion and love, holding the space for them, we must also let them learn their own lessons and grow at their own time and speed.

“Beloved sister of Light,

I Am Archangel Michael and we have cut important Karmic cords.

This wonderful image of Archangel Michael can be found at Marius Fine Art Studio

As your dragon sister Avonlea impressed upon you it is not time for ou to learn to rise above judgment. You can only do this with compassion and detachment. While you work through your own soul lessons, they have to work through theirs. You cannot do it for them. Though you can support and advice when asked for, they still need to go their own path at their own pace.

If they head along to trouble and refuse to listen, they will need to learn to deal with the consequences of their own choices. Just like you cannot learn other peoples lessons for them, you do not help them by picking up their junk. They need to see all of the effects of their choices to learn the true lesson and choose differently.

Yours is not to step in, but to still be present.

It is much like holding the space in Angelic Reiki. you can hold the space for their Light to come through, if they ask for your help. But you do not have to rush in again and again to clean up their mess to the detriment of your being.

This is a lesson for all those who wish to become spirit guides. In this case you can hold the situation in the highest Light and then let go. As soon as you find yourself frustrated, taking over responsibility or drawn into drama, step back. Ground. Center. Step into your own highest Light. Send your Light to the situation for the highest benefit of all. Then let go.

This is in effect Light work on the personal level.

Let go of the outcome and focus on the Light instead.

Let us now attune the essence and add this important lesson on holding the Light and clearing karma, whilst disentangling from al that is not your responsibility.

I am Archangel Michael and I hold you in the highest Light.”

During the attuning of the essence, it was placed in the Blue Ray and I received an initiation into this Cosmic ray. The ray was placed in my aura, hands and third eye, so that I can use it in my Lightwork and in healing.

I have found the essences grow with the energy of the moment, themes in my own life and in that of others. In this way, higher and higher Light frequencies can be incorporated, which in turn help us to integrate more of our own Soul Light.

With big thanks to Archangel Michael and Avonlea for this great support.

Love and light,


Ps you can now order the essence again at the webshop>>>