Tag Archives: archangel jeremiel

Full moon meditation on February 16


Tomorrow the moon is shining its fulness upon us.We call this moon the Ice Moon in The Netherlands. The Ice Moon is a good time to reflect; to go deeply within ourselves. Whilst nature is full of outer stillness, the trees and plants that seem asleep still are active in their deep roots in the earth. Likewise we need to go within. We cannot seed our dreams on frozen ground, we need to dig deep to reach fertile grounds at this time.

Archangel Jeremiel

During this meditation we will once again connect with the energy of Archangel Jeremiel. This archangel helps us to have pure spiritual vision and he gives us divine guidance in our life. He can help us find our life purpose and live it fully. Maybe you know your soul purpose already, in which case he can help you to keep in mind this objective clearly. He will help you clarify the next step on your path.

Start of meditation

You can meditate at 7 pm UK time with me and the other Lightworkers who join in. Although we are all in different locations and even time zones, we can still tune in to each other and form a field of consciousness . This will deepen the meditation. If you can not attend at this time, you can also tune in earlier or later.


  • You can start your meditation by lighting a candle and perhaps some incense.
  • Sit down quietly and relax yourself.
  • Begin by clearing your space . I always do this by calling in a column of light and asking for the platinum net to be brought down through the room. I also use the aura spray Archangel Michael Crystal Angel Essence. The Jeremiel essence will be a lovely addition to this meditation as well. 
  • Put your feet firmly on the ground to ground , before you make contact with the silver light of the moon.
  • Imagine roots growing from your feet into the earth.
  • Then ask Archangel Michael to protect you with his deep blue cloak of protection.
  • Connect with the other Lightworkers who are meditating at the time, so we form a network of light around the earth .
  • Now imagine that you are in a Temple of Light in the higher dimensions. In the midst of the temple you encounter the Archangel Jeremiel . This magnificent angel is holding a book; the book of your life . In this book, your life purpose is written down.
  • If you have questions about your life mission, you can ask the Archangel about it. Let the visualization unfold. You may see visions of your future, read words about your mission or gain insights. If nothing comes, you can now reinforce the intention that you will clarity in the next few days.
  • Jeremiel finally closes the book and puts his hand on your heart and says, ” Your heart is the compass of your soul. Follow it with wisdom. ” The Archangel takes the book and says goodbye to you as you thank him for his help.
  • If you want you can now connect with other light workers who have joined this meditation. You enter a room full of loving, pink light where all lightworkers are celebrating their True Self and Soul Purpose. There is laughter and hugging.Together you use this energy of celebration to shower it all over the earth, sending positivity wherever it is needed. Let yourself be guided as to the what and where.
  • Now bring your awareness back to the room where you started . Move your hands and feet, and feel your body firmly connected to the Earth.
  • When you ‘re done, blow out your candle ( s) and thus let go of the meditation.
    Bright blessings



Full supersoon & eclipse angel meditation for January 21, 2019

Photo: Steve Cullen Starscape Gallery

How has your start to 2019 been? January certainly brings lots of incoming energies. Not always easy as it can have quite an impact on the body (and in some cases emotions), but at the same time there is already a lot of potently creative energy available to us in this numerological 3-year.

We are starting this year of with a super moon and lunar eclipse on the 20/21st (depending on where you are in the world. Eclipses show us our unconscious emotions. A tie we can use to sort through them and transmute them. The eclipses of 2019 will also bring forward karmic lessons, which in turn can be transmuted. This will all created freedom and new space to create freely.

As such it is extra important to connect to your Soul, your Spirit guide team, to meditate and to rest when needed. Be extra gentle with yourself!


This full moon is called the Ice Moon. The Ice Moon is a good time to reflect; to go deeply within ourselves. Whilst nature is full of outer stillness, the trees and plants that seem asleep still are active in their deep roots in the earth. Likewise we need to go within. We cannot seed our dreams on frozen ground, we need to dig deep to reach fertile grounds at this time.

Archangel Jeremiel

During this meditation we will once again connect with the energy of Archangel Jeremiel. This archangel helps us to have pure spiritual vision and he gives us divine guidance in our life. He can help us find our life purpose and live it fully. Maybe you know your soul purpose already, in which case he can help you to keep in mind this objective clearly. He will help you clarify the next step on your path.

Start of meditation

You can meditate at 7 pm UK time with me and the other Light workers who join in on January 21st. Although we are all in different locations and even time zones, we can still tune in to each other and form a field of consciousness . This will deepen the meditation. If you can not attend at this time, you can also tune in earlier or later.


  • You can start your meditation by lighting a candle and perhaps some incense.
  • Sit down quietly and relax yourself.
  • Begin by clearing your space . I always do this by calling in a column of light and asking for the platinum net to be brought down through the room. I also use the aura spray Archangel Michael Crystal Angel Essence. The Jeremiel essence will be a lovely addition to this meditation as well. IMG_1121
  • Put your feet firmly on the ground to ground , before you make contact with the silver light of the moon.
  • Sit quietly and ground yourself via your earth star chakra, which is found 20-30cm below your feet.
  • The earth star chakra is filled with light and connects you to the crystalline grid around the earth. See this light flow from beneath your feet into your body. Let is fill every cell and then your aura. Feel how this protects you from the inside.
  • Connect with the other Light workers who are meditating at the time, so we form a network of light around the earth .
  • Now imagine that you are in a Temple of Light in the higher dimensions. In the midst of the temple you encounter the Archangel Jeremiel . This magnificent angel is holding a book; the book of your life . In this book, your life purpose is written down.
  • If you have questions about your life mission, you can ask the Archangel about it. Let the visualization unfold. You may see visions of your future, read words about your mission or gain insights. If nothing comes, you can now reinforce the intention that you will clarity in the next few days.
  • Jeremiel finally closes the book and puts his hand on your heart and says, ” Your heart is the compass of your soul. Follow it with wisdom. ” The Archangel takes the book and says goodbye to you as you thank him for his help.
  • If you want you can now connect with other light workers who have joined this meditation. You enter a room full of loving, pink light where all lightworkers are celebrating their True Self and Soul Purpose. There is laughter and hugging.Together you use this energy of celebration to shower it all over the earth, sending positivity wherever it is needed. Let yourself be guided as to the what and where.
  • Now bring your awareness back to the room where you started . Move your hands and feet, and feel your body firmly connected to the Earth.
  • When you ‘re done, blow out your candle ( s) and thus let go of the meditation.
    Bright blessings



Super Blue Icemoon with Lunar Eclipse! Meditate with archangel Jeremiel.

Dear Light workers and sensitive readers,ice-moon-and-stars-2880x1800-wallpaper-1250

how are you? What an interesting time we are living in. Eclipse season is here and tomorrows fun moon is not only a blue moon (which is the second full moon in a month) and the ice moon, but a lunar eclipse as well. Suffice it to say potent energies can be felt and it is not always easy to ground these in the body and being, which can lead to extreme fatigue, flu like symptoms and perhaps emotions being more deeply felt than usual.

As such it is extra important to connect to your Soul, your Spirit guide team, to meditate and to rest when needed. Be extra gentle with yourself!


This full moon is called the Ice Moon. The Ice Moon is a good time to reflect; to go deeply within ourselves. Whilst nature is full of outer stillness, the trees and plants that seem asleep still are active in their deep roots in the earth. Likewise we need to go within. We cannot seed our dreams on frozen ground, we need to dig deep to reach fertile grounds at this time.

Lunar Eclipse

There will also be a lunar eclipse when sun, earth and moon are aligned. With the earth in between, this casts a shadow on the moon, making it nearly invisible for a bit. This often reflects on ones emotional life where you may feel out of touch with your feelings. Looking at the things you have a hard time dealing with and letting go of the blocks that go with it, is extra beneficial at this time!

Archangel Jeremiel

During this meditation we will once again connect with the energy of Archangel Jeremiel. This archangel helps us to have pure spiritual vision and he gives us divine guidance in our life. He can help us find our life purpose and live it fully. Maybe you know your soul purpose already, in which case he can help you to keep in mind this objective clearly. He will help you clarify the next step on your path.

Start of meditation

You can meditate at 7 pm UK time with me and the other Lightworkers who join in on January 31st. Although we are all in different locations and even time zones, we can still tune in to each other and form a field of consciousness . This will deepen the meditation. If you can not attend at this time, you can also tune in earlier or later.


  • You can start your meditation by lighting a candle and perhaps some incense.
  • Sit down quietly and relax yourself.
  • Begin by clearing your space . I always do this by calling in a column of light and asking for the platinum net to be brought down through the room. I also use the aura spray Archangel Michael Crystal Angel Essence. The Jeremiel essence will be a lovely addition to this meditation as well. IMG_1121
  • Put your feet firmly on the ground to ground , before you make contact with the silver light of the moon.
  • Imagine roots growing from your feet into the earth.
  • Then ask Archangel Michael to protect you with his deep blue cloak of protection.
  • Connect with the other Lightworkers who are meditating at the time, so we form a network of light around the earth .
  • Now imagine that you are in a Temple of Light in the higher dimensions. In the midst of the temple you encounter the Archangel Jeremiel . This magnificent angel is holding a book; the book of your life . In this book, your life purpose is written down.
  • If you have questions about your life mission, you can ask the Archangel about it. Let the visualization unfold. You may see visions of your future, read words about your mission or gain insights. If nothing comes, you can now reinforce the intention that you will clarity in the next few days.
  • Jeremiel finally closes the book and puts his hand on your heart and says, ” Your heart is the compass of your soul. Follow it with wisdom. ” The Archangel takes the book and says goodbye to you as you thank him for his help.
  • If you want you can now connect with other light workers who have joined this meditation. You enter a room full of loving, pink light where all lightworkers are celebrating their True Self and Soul Purpose. There is laughter and hugging.Together you use this energy of celebration to shower it all over the earth, sending positivity wherever it is needed. Let yourself be guided as to the what and where.
  • Now bring your awareness back to the room where you started . Move your hands and feet, and feel your body firmly connected to the Earth.
  • When you ‘re done, blow out your candle ( s) and thus let go of the meditation.
    Bright blessings



Archangel meditation for the full moon on July, 9, 2017.

I have been reading a book about a phoenix rising from the ashes during every solstice and equinox this week. Just this morning I came across an article about the energies of July stating it is a month for rebirth. Interesting! I have a feeling the new moon will be a great time to birth new things in our lives. This full moon is called Plant Moon in the Netherlands and this is about nature being at its most bountiful. It is the first full moon after the summer solstice. Now is the time to realize our destiny.


Take some time to contemplate the last 6 months. What has happened in your life until the summer solstice? What bounty has come to you? What is your destination? Remember, this is a 1-year, and as such it holds the potential for wonderful renewal. You may want to reinvent yourself! Though this is never about not being good enough! It is about living from your soul more and more.

Meditation time

Lightworkers following my blog in the Netherlands will be meditating on the full moon at 8 pm (this is 7 pm UK time). You can either participate at the exact same time or whenever it is 8 pm in your time zone. All Lightworkers participating in this event connect to each other from afar. You will find this often enables a deepening of the meditation to occur.


  • Light some candles. You may choose to burn some incense as well.
  • Sit quietly and ground yourself by imagining roots growing from your feet deep into the earth.
  • You may then clear and dedicate the space. I do this by calling in an ascension column of light, the platinum net and ascension flame. I also use my own sprays by Crystal Angel Essences. Especially the one called archangel Michael created a high vibration and calls in protection at the same time.
  • You can ask Archangel Michael to place a Golden Dome of protection around you.
  • Connect to all the other Lightworkers so we may form a network of Light around the planet.
  • Open yourself up to the energy of the full moon. This is the energy of letting go. So if there are things in your life and personality, you would like to lovingly let go of, you can do so now. Simply give those things to Archangel Zadkiel to be transformed and transmuted by the Dia1violet flame.
  • Then open up your being to the energy of the sun. Shine the golden light upon all you wish to further develop. Like a flower opening up to the rays of the sun, feel yourself and your life basking in the golden glow. If there are areas you are unsure of, doubts about which directions to take you can now call in the help of the archangels, for example:
    ~Archangel Jeremiel to show you your Divine Blueprint
    ~Archangel Raziel for esoteric knowledge and spiritual understanding
    ~Archangel Rafael for physical healing
    ~Archangel Raguel to heal the relationship with self and others
    Or simply let an appropriate angel come to you.
  • Share any doubt or feelings with the angel and listen to their reply. It may come in the form of images, thoughts and feelings. And keep an open mind to angel sings the coming days.
  • When you feel that are ready, bring your consciousness back to the room where you started. Move your hands and feet, stretch and feel your body making contact with the floor beneath you. Then blow out the candles, and let go of this meditation

Bright Blessings


PS if would you like to know more about my work, such as my readings, healings, angelic art and publications, you are most welcome to visit my website: http://www.angellightheart.com

Moon meditation for February 11, 2016: Icemoon, lunar eclipse and archangel Jeremiel


The moon is shining its fulness upon us on the night between the 10th and the 11th. It is called the Ice Moon.
The Ice Moon is a good time to reflect; to go deeply within ourselves. Whilst nature is full of outer stillness, the trees and plants that seem asleep still are active in their deep roots in the earth. Likewise we need to go within. We cannot seed our dreams on frozen ground, we need to dig deep to reach fertile grounds at this time.

Lunar Eclipse

There will also be a lunar eclipse when sun, earth and moon are aligned. With the earth in between, this casts a shadow on the moon, making it early invisible for a bit. This often reflects on ones emotional life where you may feel out of touch with your feelings. Looking at the things you have a hard time dealing with and letting go of the blocks that go with it, is extra beneficial at this time!


Archangel-JeremielArchangel Jeremiel

During this meditation we will once again connect with the energy of Archangel Jeremiel. This archangel helps us to have pure spiritual vision and he gives us divine guidance in our life. He can help us find our life purpose and live it fully. Maybe you know your soul purpose already, in which case he can help you to keep in mind this objective clearly. He will help you clarify the next step on your path.

Start of meditation

You can meditate at 7 pm UK time with me and the other Lightworkers who join in. Although we are all in different locations and even time zones, we can still tune in to each other and form a field of consciousness . This will deepen the meditation. If you can not attend at this time, you can also tune in earlier or later.


  • You can start your meditation by lighting a candle and perhaps some incense.
  • Sit down quietly and relax yourself.
  • Begin by clearing your space . I always do this by calling in a column of light and asking for the platinum net to be brought down through the room. I also use the aura spray Archangel Michael Crystal Angel Essence. The Jeremiel essence will be a lovely addition to this meditation as well. IMG_1121
  • Put your feet firmly on the ground to ground , before you make contact with the silver light of the moon.
  • Imagine roots growing from your feet into the earth.
  • Then ask Archangel Michael to protect you with his deep blue cloak of protection.
  • Connect with the other Lightworkers who are meditating at the time, so we form a network of light around the earth .
  • Now imagine that you are in a Temple of Light in the higher dimensions. In the midst of the temple you encounter the Archangel Jeremiel . This magnificent angel is holding a book; the book of your life . In this book, your life purpose is written down.
  • If you have questions about your life mission, you can ask the Archangel about it. Let the visualization unfold. You may see visions of your future, read words about your mission or gain insights. If nothing comes, you can now reinforce the intention that you will clarity in the next few days.
  • Jeremiel finally closes the book and puts his hand on your heart and says, ” Your heart is the compass of your soul. Follow it with wisdom. ” The Archangel takes the book and says goodbye to you as you thank him for his help.
  • If you want you can now connect with other light workers who have joined this meditation. You enter a room full of loving, pink light where all lightworkers are celebrating their True Self and Soul Purpose. There is laughter and hugging.Together you use this energy of celebration to shower it all over the earth, sending positivity wherever it is needed. Let yourself be guided as to the what and where.
  • Now bring your awareness back to the room where you started . Move your hands and feet, and feel your body firmly connected to the Earth.
  • When you ‘re done, blow out your candle ( s) and thus let go of the meditation.
    Bright blessings




Full moon angel meditation for the Ice Moon on January 24, 2016


This sunday the moon is shining its fulness upon us. It is called the Ice Moon.
The Ice Moon is a good time to reflect; to go deeply within ourselves. Whilst nature is full of outer stillness, the trees and plants that seem asleep still are active in their deep roots in the earth. Likewise we need to go within. We cannot seed our dreams on frozen ground, we need to dig deep to reach fertile grounds at this time.

Mercury Retrograde

Since January 5th, we find ourselves in the Mercury retrograde , and this continues until January mercury-retrograde-in-capricorn-january-2016-time-to-regroup25th. A time with possible challenges in the area of communication and technique…we may experience some misunderstandings, technical issues or delays…but at the same time it is a great time to finish old stuff to make room for the new.

So … even though we need to start thinking about what we want to metaphoricaly sow this year, we will need to take things slowly. This time is about thinking (and feeling) before acting. Take the time to finish up old business and wait with starting up major new projects . That may have to wait until spring is here. Things already started before the retrograde fall outside of this advice.

Archangel-JeremielArchangel Jeremiel

During this meditation we will once again connect with the energy of Archangel Jeremiel. This archangel helps us to have pure spiritual vision and he gives us divine guidance in our life. He can help us find our life purpose and live it fully. Maybe you know your soul purpose already, in which case he can help you to keep in mind this objective clearly. He will help you clarify the next step on your path.

Start of meditation

You can meditate at 7 pm UK time with me and the other Lightworkers who join in. Although we are all in different locations and even time zones, we can still tune in to each other and form a field of consciousness . This will deepen the meditation. If you can not attend at this time, you can also tune in earlier or later.


  • You can start your meditation by lighting a candle and perhaps some incense.
  • Sit down quietly and relax yourself.
  • Begin by clearing your space . I always do this by calling in a column of light and asking for the platinum net to be brought down through the room. I also use the aura spray Archangel Michael Crystal Angel Essence. The Jeremiel essence will be a lovely addition to this meditation as well. IMG_1121
  • Put your feet firmly on the ground to ground , before you make contact with the silver light of the moon.
  • Imagine roots growing from your feet into the earth.
  • Then ask Archangel Michael to protect you with his deep blue cloak of protection.
  • Connect with the other Lightworkers who are meditating at the time, so we form a network of light around the earth .
  • Now imagine that you are in a Temple of Light in the higher dimensions. In the midst of the temple you encounter the Archangel Jeremiel . This magnificent angel is holding a book; the book of your life . In this book, your life purpose is written down.
  • If you have questions about your life mission, you can ask the Archangel about it. Let the visualization unfold. You may see visions of your future, read words about your mission or gain insights. If nothing comes, you can now reinforce the intention that you will clarity in the next few days.
  • Jeremiel finally closes the book and puts his hand on your heart and says, ” Your heart is the compass of your soul. Follow it with wisdom. ” The Archangel takes the book and says goodbye to you as you thank him for his help.
  • If you want you can now connect with other light workers who have joined this meditation. You enter a room full of loving, pink light where all lightworkers are celebrating their True Self and Soul Purpose. There is laughter and hugging.Together you use this energy of celebration to shower it all over the earth, sending positivity wherever it is needed. Let yourself be guided as to the what and where.
  • Now bring your awareness back to the room where you started . Move your hands and feet, and feel your body firmly connected to the Earth.
  • When you ‘re done, blow out your candle ( s) and thus let go of the meditation.
    Bright blessings




Hay Moon: an archangel meditation about your destiny

21 juni zonThe summer solstice has passed. On this longest day of the year the energy on Earth (at least on the Northern hemisphere) is full on. For me it was a day of celebration as I presented by Dutch angel book Engelen op je pad.

The period between the last new moon and the summer solstice was a powerful one, shaking things up quite a bit. The deepest wishes of the soul may have come up for you and at the same time you may have been confronted with human frailties and boundaries. It may have been a time where you deeply felt your own potential, but also the blocks that have been witholding you from manifesting your full potential. Some have felt this deep within there being. Add some powerful solar flares and emotions may have run high. This is the time and the moon to really go within and ask yourself” What is my true destiny?”volle-maan-2

This full moon is called Plant Moon in the Netherlands and this is about nature being at its most bountiful. Now is the time to realize our destiny.

Take some time to contemplate the last 6 months. What has happened in your life the past period of time? What bounty has come to you? What is your destination or your destiny?

guardian_angel_by_mis_destiny-e1343562670158Meditation time
We, in the Netherlands, will be meditating on the full moon at 8 pm (this is 7 pm UK time). You can either participate at the exact same time or whenever it is 8 pm in your time zone. All Light workers participating in this event connect to each other from afar. You will find this often enables a deepening of the meditation to occur.


  • Light some candles. You may choose to burn some incense as well.
    Sit quietly and ground yourself by imagining roots growing from your feet deep into the earth.
  • You may then clear and dedicate the space. I do this by calling in an ascension column of light, the platinum net and ascension flame. I also use my own sprays by Crystal Angels Essences Especially the one called Archangel Michael created a high vibration and calls in protection at the same time.
  • You can ask Archangel Michael to place a Golden Dome of protection around you.
  • Connect to all the other Lightworkers so we may form a network of Light around the planet.EarthAura2011
  • Open yourself up to the energy of the full moon. This is the energy of letting go. So if there are things in your life and personality, you would like to lovingly let go of, you can do so now. Simply give those things to Archangel Zadkiel to be transformed and transmuted by the violet flame.
  • Then open up your being to the energy of the sun. Shine the golden light upon all you wish to further develop. Like a flower opening up to the rays of the sun, feel yourself and your life basking in the golden glow.If there are areas you are unsure of, doubts about which directions to take you can now call in the help of the archangels, for example:
    ~Archangel Jeremiel to show you your Divine Blueprint
    ~Archangel Raziel for esoteric knowledge and spiritual understanding
    ~Archangel Raphael for physical healng
    ~Archangel Raguel to heal the relationship with self and others
    Or simply let an appropriate angel come to you.
  • Share any doubt or feelings with the angel and listen to their reply. It may come in the form of images, thoughts and feelings. And keep an open mind to angel sings the coming days.
  • When you feel that are ready, bring your consciousness back to the room where you started. Move your hands and feet, stretch and feel your body making contact with the floor beneath you. Then blow out the candles, and let go of this meditation

Bright Blessings


I have finally created a bilingual web shop where you can order Crystal Angel Essences, mystical sculptures, some crystals and books and oracles. You can find it at: www.angelsco.nl. All you need to do is click the icon of the British Flag.

Magical pink moon: a meditation for the full moon en lunar eclipse

Hello lovelies,pinkmoon

the moon is almost full! On the fourth of April we can celebrate the Pink moon, named after certain pink spring flowers. On the northern hemisphere this is the first full moon of spring and celebrated in conduction with Easter. This is a super powerful moon as there will be a full lunar eclipse as well, which is quite rare.

It is also the last full moon still connected to the energy of the square between Pluto and Uranus and all the social change and unrest that brought. Since the new moon and solar eclipse two weeks ago, the energies have been turbulent and stormy, in some countries quite literally. Time to shake it up, shake it loose, let it go. A major time to let go of all that no longer servers us:

  • what is keeping the real you hidden from the world?
  • what is holding you back?
  • are you living your divine blueprint?
  • if not, why?

2011-longest-total-lunar-eclipse1These are the themes being brought to the surface so that we can let them go. Of course this may give us the feeling we are going around and around in circles. Again the same lesson? Recurrent themes? You are not alone in this, but it is all about layers that need to go for the real you to shine through. Only then will you be able to step into your true power. Because that is what this time is about..becoming the authentic you with a soul of light shining through.

Now all this shaking and twisting and turning, can have quite an effect on the body:

  • intense fatigue
  • blocks in the lower chakra’s and associated pains, such as in the lower back and belly
  • spinning in the higher chakra’s where integration of the high energies can lead to some head aches and neck and shoulder problems

Not to worry, all this is telling us is that the body needs some time to realign itself to the energies on the planet. You may be becoming even more sensitive and need better grounding and shielding. Most importantly, rest, rest, rest, be in nature, stand against a tree, drink lots of water…and go within.


  • Light some candles. You may choose to burn some incense as well.
  • Sit quietly and ground yourself by imagining roots growing from your feet deep into the earth.
  • You may then clear and dedicate the space. I do this by calling in an ascension column of light, the platinum net and ascension flame. I also the aura sprays I have developed with my collegue Sabine called Crystal Angel Essences. Especially the Archangel Michael Essence creates a high vibration and calls in protection at the same time.
  • You can ask Archangel Michael to place a Golden Dome of protection around you.
    Connect to all the other Light workers so we may form a network of Light around the planet.
  • You may imagine drawing in Cosmic Golden Light through your Crown chakra into your full-moon-angel-night-31000heart and sending it from your heart to me and all other light workers participating. When we all do this we form a powerful network of Light that helps heal the earth.
  • Now picture being in an open circle in the woods. Great oaks stand around you. You stand up against one to ground. Like the oak you are rooted in the earth and yet your being reachers to the stars in the sky.
  • You then move into the circle of grass between the trees and above you, you see sparkling, magical stars around the full moon. You see a circle move in front of it, till there is just a ring of light.
  • And archangel Zadkiel appears to your left and asks you to send all the things that have been holding you back through that ring of light. As you do, the circle lights up with the violet flame igniting all that you send through it.
  • When you have let go of all your old stuff and energetic blocks, the full moon reappears, just like your inner light can now shine freely.
  • Now archangel Jeremiel appears to your right, and you may ask him about your life purpose and Divine Blueprint. He may tell you about the next steps to take.
  • Before you appears a path of light…you walk upon it, moving forwards towards a figure of Light. You realize this is your Higher Self…you now merge with your Higher Self. You feel your mind and heart aligning. You are whole, healed and have realigned with the true you…
  • You now return to your own body and place on earth and take this energy with you for the next steps on your life journey!
  • Make sure you ground and blow out the candle. You may want to write down any insights.

Blessed full moon!



Want to know more about my essences and sculptures? I am now building a webshop with an English translation for all the products: http://www.angelsco.nl

Full moon meditation on february 4, 2015: Icemoon and Archangel Jeremiel!

volle_maan(1)On the 4th of Februari another full moon is upon us. It is called the Ice Moon.

The Ice Moon is a good time to reflect; to go deeply within ourselves. Whilst nature is full of outer stillness, the trees and plants that seem asleep still are active in their deep roots in the earth. Likewise we need to go within. We cannot seed our dreams on frozen ground, we need to dig deep to reach fertile grounds at this time. The angels remind us we can only do so when we listen to our heart and follow its wisdom!

Mercury Retrograde

Since January 21st, we find ourselves in the Mercury retrograde , and this continues until Februari 11th. Mercury is the planet of communication and when it is retrograde we may be challenged in the areas of communication, technique and transport. As such it is not a time to start new ventures or sign contracts. On the other hand it is an excellent time to stop procrastinating, to finish what we started and to let of of the old.

So … even though we need to start thinking about what we want to metaphorically sow this year, we will need to take things slowly. This time is about thinking (and feeling) before acting. Take the time to finish up old business and wait with starting up major new projects . That may have to wait until spring is here. Things already started before the retrograde fall outside of this advice.

Archangel Jeremiel

During this meditation we connect with the energy of Archangel Jeremiel. This archangel helps us to have pure spiritual vision and he gives us divine guidance in our life. He can help us find our life purpose and live it fully. Maybe you know your soul purpose already, in which case he can help you to keep in mind this objective clearly. He will help you clarify the next step on your path.

Start of meditation

You can meditate at 7 pm UK time with me and the other Lightworkers who join in. Although we are all in different locations and even time zones,  we can still tune in to each other and form a field of consciousness . This will deepen the meditation.  If you can not attend at this time, you can also tune in earlier or later.


  • You can start your meditation by lighting a candle and perhaps some incense.
  • Sit down quietly and relax yourself.
  • Begin by clearing your space . I always do this by calling in a column of light and asking for the platinum net to be brought down through the room.  I also use the aura spray Archangel Michael Crystal Angel Essences and in this case I will add the Jeremiel essence.
  • Put your feet firmly on the ground to ground , before you make contact with the silver light of the moon.
  • Imagine roots growing from your feet into the earth. Send a cord of light into the core of the dart from your second chakra (for women and the base chakra for men). you are now firmly connected to Mother Earth. Send her your love and gratitude for all that she is.Archangel-Jeremiel
  • Then ask Archangel Michael to protect you with his deep blue cloak of protection.
  • Connect with the other Lightworkers who are meditating at the time, so we form a network of light around the earth .
  • Now imagine that you are in a Temple of Light in the higher dimensions. In the midst of the temple you encounter the Archangel Jeremiel . This magnificent angel is holding a book; the book of your life . In this book, your life purpose is written down.
  • If you have questions about your life mission, you can ask the Archangel about it. Let the visualisation unfold. You may see visions of your future, read words about your mission or gain insights. If nothing comes, you can now reinforce the intention that you will clarity in the next few days.
  • Jeremiel finally closes the book and puts his hand on your heart and says, ” Your heart is the compass of your soul. Follow it with wisdom. ” The Archangel takes the book and says goodbye to you as you thank him for his help.
  • If you want you can now connect with other light workers who have joined this meditation. You enter a room full of loving, pink light where all lightworkers are celebrating their True Self and Soul Purpose. There is laughter and hugging.Together you use this energy of celebration to shower it all over the earth, sending positivity wherever it is needed. Let yourself be guided as to the what and where.
  • Now bring your awareness back to the room where you started . Move your hands and feet, and feel your body firmly connected to the Earth.
  • When you ‘re done, blow out your candle ( s) and thus let go of the meditation.

 Bright blessings


If you want more angel inspiration through either a reading, healing, intuitive angel drawing or personalized angel sculpture, please visit my site: http://www.angellightheart.com

Full Supermoon Meditation July 12, 2014

supermoonThis full moon is called Plant Moon in the Netherlands and this is about nature being at its most bountiful. It is the first full moon after the summer solstice. Now is the time to realize our destiny.

On top of our destiny and building on the bountifulness in our lives, this is a super moon as well! Supermoons are especially close to the earth and this one is the first in a series of three (the others being August 10 and September 9). whenever this happens the power of the moon is extra strong on the Earth and all its dwellers. As such emotions may be felt ore strongly and we are challenged to accept them and work through them. 


Take some time to contemplate the last 6 months. What has happened in your life until the summer solstice? What bounty has come to you? What is your destination?

Meditation time

Dia1Lightworkers following my blog in the Netherlands will be meditating on the full moon at 8 pm (this is 7 pm UK time). You can either participate at the exact same time or whenever it is 8 pm in your time zone. All Lightworkers participating in this event connect to each other from afar. You will find this often enables a deepening of the meditation to occur.


  • Light some candles. You may choose to burn some incense as well.
  • Sit quietly and ground yourself by imagining roots growing from your feet deep into the earth.
  • You may then clear and dedicate the space. I do this by calling in an ascension column of light, the platinum net and ascension flame. I also use my own sprays by Crystal Angels Essences Especially the one called archangel Michael created a high vibration and calls in protection at the same time.
  • You can ask Archangel Michael to place a Golden Dome of protection around you.
  • Connect to all the other Lightworkers so we may form a network of Light around the planet.
  • Open yourself up to the energy of the full moon. This is the energy of letting go. So if there are things in your life and personality, you would like to lovingly let go of, you can do so now. Simply give those things to Archangel Zadkiel to be transformed and transmuted by the Dia1violet flame.
  • Then open up your being to the energy of the sun. Shine the golden light upon all you wish to further develop. Like a flower opening up to the rays of the sun, feel yourself and your life basking in the golden glow. If there are areas you are unsure of, doubts about which directions to take you can now call in the help of the archangels, for example:
    ~Archangel Jeremiel to show you your Divine Blueprint
    ~Archangel Raziel for esoteric knowledge and spiritual understanding
    ~Archangel Rafael for physical healing
    ~Archangel Raguel to heal the relationship with self and others
    Or simply let an appropriate angel come to you.
  • Share any doubt or feelings with the angel and listen to their reply. It may come in the form of images, thoughts and feelings. And keep an open mind to angel sings the coming days.
  • When you feel that are ready, bring your consciousness back to the room where you started. Move your hands and feet, stretch and feel your body making contact with the floor beneath you. Then blow out the candles, and let go of this meditation

Bright Blessings


PS if would you like to know more about my work, such as my readings, healings, angelic art and publications, you are most welcome to visit my website: http://www.angellightheart.com