Tag Archives: 2014

Full moon meditation on December 6: Blood Moon

360893179e6fc3dcdad4190f8157ceabAnother full moon awaits us this weekend. This full moon is called the blood moon as it is historically the time of year when people would prepare for the hard winter months ahead by slaughtering the pigs. In those days the harvest had gone by and survival was a lot harder without all the technological support we have.

The Bloodmoon is a time to say goodbye to that which lies behind us. It is an excellent time to ponder what we wish to keep. It also shows us our vulnerability. Vulnerability and personal weaknesses do not deserve punishment or criticism. They should be given care and attention instead. It is important to take time to get to terms with old hurts and find inner peace. Winter is a time to go within, to collect energy so that we may blossom again come spring. Every season has its own energy and it is unwise to try make things grow and flourish in winter as spring is a much better time to do so.*

To prepare for the new year and spring, winter calls on us to let go of all that no longer serves us. Emotions and events may be digested. Take time to rest, take good care of yourself and recover and recuperate where needed.

Sensitive persons and Lightworkers can also be confronted with the heightening of the frequency on the planet caused by the ascension process. These higher energies can bring to the surface old patterns, which can cause some chaos in our lives. With some this can lead to some physical symptoms such as fatigue. Again, this is a good reason to go within and take excellent care of ourselves. It can also lead to a change in relationships. Old patterns of communicating may go and a new sense of integrity and transparence is needed.

Dia1The Earth and all souls currently incarnated stand before wondrous and powerful times of change and transformation. We can contribute to this process by taking care of ourselves and by sending love to ourselves, others and the earth. The closer we stay connected to our soul, the purer and more powerful the Light will be that we can radiate to the Earth, to people in need, and to all that lives and needs light.

You can prepare for the meditation by taking some time to write down your thoughts on survival, living and caring for yourself. How do you treat yourself? When do you criticize yourself? What about? Could you deal with these things differently, without all the criticism? Can you be more loving towards yourself? And how about taking better care of you? You are a child of the Divine after all!

The meditation

You are welcome to connect to me and all the other Light workers who are meditation on the full moon at 7 p.m. UK time.
Though far away, we can all connect through the field of unity. You may find this strongly facilitates your meditation. If you cannot make it at 7 p.m. you may sit down another time with the intention of connecting.

  • Light some candles. You may choose to burn some incense as well.
    Sit quietly and ground yourself by imagining roots growing from your feet deep into the earth.
    You may then clear and dedicate the space. The aura sprays by Crystal Angel Essences can be a lovely addition to this process (the is also a Morther Mary essence and both can be ordered through by sending me an email) Especially the one called archangel Michael created a high vibration and calls in protection at the same time.$(KGrHqMOKpwE7I6)2Y!pBRi!Notbn!~~60_35
  • You can ask Archangel Michael to place a Golden Dome of protection around you.
  • Connect to all the other Lightworkers so we may form a network of Light around the planet.
  • Imagine being in a temple of Light in the Higher Dimensions. The temple is a pyramid of Light. As you enter it you are surrounded by the most wonderful aquamarine crystal that radiates its soft light to you. Breathe in this color. Before you stand a being of pure blue and white light. When it comes near to you, you realize this is Mother Mary, the queen of Angels. Mary overlighted the Mother of Jesus and she and her angels bring endless healing and compassion. Picture her angels forming a circle around you and sending you healing from their hearts and hands. Mary looks at you lovingly. She knows your human ‘faults’, but sees the perfection of your soul. She radiates this to you and asks you to open your heart for yourself and to show yourself some respect and love! See your heart chakra as a beautiful flower with 33 and imagine the petals opening one by one.
  • Two of Mother Mary’s angels bring a big mirror to you. Now look at yourself and send love to all parts of yourself that you tend to criticize or which you are unsure about. When you have done this, your True Self appears in the mirror. It is a being of pure and magnificent light. This is who you truly are. The being you may bring to Earth in all you think, say and do.
  • Now see Mary appearing behind you as she puts her aquamarine cloak around you. This cloak is now placed within your energy field. Mary hugs you and you say goodbye to her and her angels.
  • When you are ready, bring your consciousness back to the room where you started. Move your hands and feet, stretch and feel your body making contact with the floor beneath you. Then blow out the candles, and let go of this meditation.

Bright moon blessings



World Dragon Day on October 25th, 2014

Dia1Have you heard the dragons call? Have dragons appeared in your life lately through dreams, visions, meditations or signs?

More and more Light Workers are starting to (re-)connect to Dragon Consciousness and awakening their own potential as co-creators.

On the 25th of October 2014 people all over the world will be celebrating the Dragons and the Dragon consciousness. Please join in!

My journey with the dragons

My adventure with the dragons started about about five years ago after I bought a ceramics kiln and made a red and green dragon for a dear friend in Wales. Soon thereafter I was visited  by a Golden Dragon in one of my visualizations. He has been a great help, both in my personal life and during healings and Light work. I was rather surprised by its immense energy. I had worked with angels and with unicorns in my meditations, sometimes with faeries, but dragons were unknown to me in the spiritual sense and I had not looked for them in any way. The dragon inspired me to create the Dragon Oracle and I have create many dragon sculptures since. My experience with the dragon energy is one of no nonsense support, yet at the same time deeply wise and magigolden dragoncal. They like to help those who help themselves! And they like to empower those who use their power wisely.

As I opened up to their wisdom, to channel it into my Oracle Deck, they spoke to me:

We are the Dragons, higher dimensional beings that once lived and breathed on the great Mother Earth. Though Mother Earth was never the primary home of our souls we have resided on her and worked with her in close union.

We protected her treasures and ignited the power of the ley lines. We yielded the power and magic of the elements. We worked to keep the Earth and its inhabitants safe and powerful.

Our power was sought to be misused. It was misunderstood and feared. And so we have left this great planet in our physical forms many centuries ago. Yet many of us remain connected to Earth from our higher realms and when needed we are there to assist the planet and awakening beings on it in their journey towards healing and empowerment.

For those of you who are on a path towards greater love, peace and enlightenment we like to tell you we are here when you need our help or protection.

But be warned, we only come to those with open hearts and pure intentions.”soulmates

I felt goodness radiate from them as they worked with me. Dragons are often seen as a dark force. Who has not heard of the stories of bad dragons that needed to be slain? But as with all things of power, it depends on the intention of those working with it whether a force is for good or evil.

Connecting with Dragons on World Dragon Day

Do you wish to connect with the dragons too? World Dragon Day will be a great time to do that. There will be activities and meditations all over the world to help people connect to their energy. Here are some simple ways to do so on your own:

  • Dragons come to us when we are in a higher state of consciousness. To reach this state of mind, meditation is always a good first step.
  • To further open your consciousness to them, it can be helpful to focus on an image of a dragon, much like I did when I made the dragon sculpture. You may want to purchase a dragon card, painting or sculpture to look at from time to time. Or equally, you can make on yourself!
  • “The teacher comes when the student is ready.” So even though dragons do not care for being summoned, you can pave the way for their arrival by stating those things within yourself and your life you wish to transform and tell the dragons you would very much welcome their help. As said they like to help those who help themselves, so make sure you start making changes in the area you need help with. No matter how small the changes, it will send out a signal of your desire for change and growth.
  • Use the Dragon Oracle to work on your personal and spiritual growth.
  • Use Dragon Essences to attune to their energy.
  • Visit a ley line and send white light through it to raise the vibration of the area it flows through. The ley lines are sometimes called dragon lines and you can imagine a crystalline dragon helping you with your Light Work on the ley lines.
  • Lastly here is a guided meditation for you to use to connect to dragon consciousness:

Green dragonChakra Dragon meditation

  • Ground yourself properly and call in spiritual protection before you start your meditation. Prepare yourself for this meditation by relaxing your body and breathing deeply.
    Imagine walking in an ancient forest. The trees are thick and gnarled and your feet are touching a thick blanket of moss. Spiders weave their webs and birds sing their songs.
  • As you move deeper into the forest you find a cave before you. As you enter this cave a red light radiates from the crystals in the cave. In the middle a red dragon raises itself up and it breathes the red light over you and through you, bringing you strength. You thank the great being as you leave.
  • As you walk onwards within the cave, you find an opening to an alcove, shimmering in orange. There an orange dragon awaits you amidst orange calcite stones. The dragon looks you in the eyes and from its eyes a beam of orange light emerges. The light surrounds you and encourages you to live your dreams and follow your passions. Again you thank the dragon as leave the alcove and move deeper into the large cave.
  • Another area of the cave appears; this one a shining yellow citrine area. A yellow dragon moves its talons through your aura and you see it cutting away dark cords from your being. It then softly touches your solar plexus, empowering you with golden yellow energy. You thank the dragon as you move onwards.
  • A lovely green dragon appears. It is surrounded by the most brilliant emerald cave as it shines soft green light from its huge heart into yours, bringing forgiveness and healing of the heart. You feel your chest expanding and your heart filling itself with love. You send back love to the dragon before you leave its lair.
  • Onwards a blue dragon lies in another alcove of deep blue sapphire. From its throat radiates a clear blue light into your throat chakra as it gives you the power to express your feelings and speak your truth. You thank the blue dragon as you continue on your journey.
  • You keep walking through the caves as an indigo dragon appears in a dark blue cave that looks like the night sky. It touches its brow to yours, sending indigo energy into your third eye to awaken your spiritual sight. You bow deeply to this great Master.
  • Finally you enter a beautiful amethyst cave. A great purple dragon with butterfly wings motions you to come closer. It lights a campfire for you by spitting violet fire onto the ground. It encourages you to give all that no longer serves you to the flames. You gladly do so, thanking the dragon for its wonderful help.purple dragon
  • As you walk on you hear a great rumbling sound and you realize you have come to the end of the cave It is covered by a great waterfall, which radiates rainbow colours. You step through it as it cleanses your aura and brings together all the attributes of the colourful dragons.
  • As you emerge from the waterfall a white, crystalline dragon soars in the sky. It looks magnificent and reminds you of a unicorn with its white, spiral horn. It lands before you and touches your forehead. You feel a strange tingling sensation and as you look into the lake at the bottom of the waterfall you see a diamond shaped light on your forehead. It will help you use your spiritual power wisely.
  • Now you are ready to return to the place where you started, to your own body. Make sure you ground yourself as you return to your normal consciousness and write down any insights you received during this meditation.

You can also visit my Youtube Channel and listen to the Dragon Meditation there.

Dragon blessings


PS if you want to work with the energy of the dragons, you can now order the Dragon Oracle through http://www.angellightheart.com or via my etsy. Email me at angellightheart@hotmail.com to receive more information or order. Equally I love making personalized Dragon Sculptures.

October 8, Full moon meditation: Harvest Moon and lunar eclipse!

This wednesday there is another powerful full moon. It is known as the Harvest Moon. It FullLunarEclipsemeaning pertains to immortality. At this moment it is important to keep the bigger picture in mind. Little things will not influence the course of events. What you harvest today is the seed for the harvest to come. A helpful point of view during this Mercury retrograde, which is usually a time of technological and communicational challenges. Looking at the bigger picture helps you not get bothered by little misunderstandings.

Lunar Eclipse

At the same time this full moon will also be a full lunar eclipse! The meaning of the eclipse is a time where both the moon and the ego are out os sight for a bit. This makes it so much easier to again look at the bigger picture:  our divine life plan. As the ego is dormant for a little bit, we can look with the eyes of our soul. What a relief to let ego conflicts go for a while.

night-fairy,-wings,-ballet,-moon,-water,-swan-134764This full moon enables us to look at past difficulties with a new perspective. This is enhanced by three cosmic influences:

  1. Harvest Moon helps us reap what we have sown. We learn from our past creations.
  2. Mercury Retrograde helps us put things in order, finish old projects and renew old connections.
  3. The lunar eclipse extinguishes the tendencies of the ego so we can look at old stuff with the perspective of our soul.
    A perfect moment to look at the things that no longer serve you, learn from them and then let them go!

Tuning in together!

Lightworkers will meditate at 7 pm UK time. When you meditate earlier or later, all you need to do is state the intention to connect energetically with the other Lightworkers.

The meditation

Before the meditation you may think of a period of your life you wish to let go of after looking at it differently.

  • You may light a candle and light it with the intention of bringing more Light to the planet. You can also burn incense, or some aomatherapy oils. Sit down and relax.maddie_circle
  • Start by energetically cleansing your room. I always do this by calling in a pillar of light, a platinum net through the room and building and by bringin in the ascension flame. Also, I always use the aura spray of Archangel Michael by Crystal Angel Essences (I sell them for those interested).
  • Put your feet firmly on earth to ground yourself, before you make contact with the silver light of the moon. Imagine roots growing from your feet into the earth.
  • Ask Archangel Michael to protect you with his deep blue cloak of protection.
    Imagine that you connect with all Lightworkers in order to create a network of light around the earth.
  • Now imagine that you are in a temple of light is in the higher dimension. A mirror appears in front of you, flanked by two angels of light. The angels of light ask you to look into the mirror with the eyes of your soul.
  • You first look at yourself. What do you notice? How do you view yourself when you look with the loving eyes of your soul?
  • Next the mirror will take you back to the time in your life that you have chosen as a focus for this meditation. Perhaps you see a particular scene . Look at this scene with the eyes of your soul. What do you notice? What was your soul lesson? How can use this lesson to empower yourself in the future?
  • Give thanks for the lesson and tell the angels you are ready to let go of this past period or theme in your life. The surface of the mirror will then be filled with the golden, silver violet flame of transformation.  Let it transform and transmute the past, leaving only the wisdom you gained from it.
  • Thank the angels for their help.
  • You can then use the mirror for light work by healing the collective past on earth. Perhaps a certain conflict or area on earth comes to mind.
  • When finished, bring your awareness back to the room where you started. Move your hands and feet and take some refreshing deep breaths. As you breathe out the candle let go of the meditation.
  • Thank you for the courage to let your soul in! 

Have a magical full moon meditation.

Bright angel blessings

❤ Cathelijne


Archangel Haniel about the Supermoons of 2014

imagesCADJXSZXWhat a lovely place to be during this first of three supermoons. The Llyn Peninsula is such a beautiful place. And though the clouds are blocking out the sight of the supermoon, its power can be felt clearly nonetheless.

As I sat down to do the meditation as written down in the last blog, the presence of the angels came in quickly. Raguel, Zadkiel and Michael came in to help clear away unwanted energies from past connections.

After that, I sat down to see if there was any information the angels wanted to convey concerning the three supermoons. The following came through from Archangel Haniel:

 “Beloved Children of the Light,Dia1

I am Archangel Haniel, angel of the moon and restorer of Divine Feminine energies on Earth.

As the moon waxes and wanes, the waters of life ar in constant motion; an ebb and flow of life’s lessons and creations.

This full moon is the first of a Holy Trinity of Supermoons, here to truly help you let go of all that no longer serves you, all that does not resonate with your soul.

Now is the time to truly step away form those things that are not in accordance with your inner truths.

Let go of all outmoded ideas, concepts, connections, judgments and situations in a loving yet firm way.

supermoonThose who have lived Atlantean lives are extra sensitive to these supermoons as they are NOW called to step into their true spiritual power.

This can only be done when one lives in full integrity of ones soul and places Higher Self above ego. Letting go of ego by no means entails letting others run over you, disregarding your boundaries or take from you which is not by right theirs.

Live from the heart. Give from the heart. And say ‘no’- if need be-  from the heart.

You are ever growing, ever expanding on this spiral of life. Letting go of the “old stuff” will free up your energies to live a truly creative & magical life of Light and Love.

I am Haniel and I send you my Silver Light.”

Copyright Cathelijne http://www.angellightheart.com

Full Supermoon Meditation July 12, 2014

supermoonThis full moon is called Plant Moon in the Netherlands and this is about nature being at its most bountiful. It is the first full moon after the summer solstice. Now is the time to realize our destiny.

On top of our destiny and building on the bountifulness in our lives, this is a super moon as well! Supermoons are especially close to the earth and this one is the first in a series of three (the others being August 10 and September 9). whenever this happens the power of the moon is extra strong on the Earth and all its dwellers. As such emotions may be felt ore strongly and we are challenged to accept them and work through them. 


Take some time to contemplate the last 6 months. What has happened in your life until the summer solstice? What bounty has come to you? What is your destination?

Meditation time

Dia1Lightworkers following my blog in the Netherlands will be meditating on the full moon at 8 pm (this is 7 pm UK time). You can either participate at the exact same time or whenever it is 8 pm in your time zone. All Lightworkers participating in this event connect to each other from afar. You will find this often enables a deepening of the meditation to occur.


  • Light some candles. You may choose to burn some incense as well.
  • Sit quietly and ground yourself by imagining roots growing from your feet deep into the earth.
  • You may then clear and dedicate the space. I do this by calling in an ascension column of light, the platinum net and ascension flame. I also use my own sprays by Crystal Angels Essences Especially the one called archangel Michael created a high vibration and calls in protection at the same time.
  • You can ask Archangel Michael to place a Golden Dome of protection around you.
  • Connect to all the other Lightworkers so we may form a network of Light around the planet.
  • Open yourself up to the energy of the full moon. This is the energy of letting go. So if there are things in your life and personality, you would like to lovingly let go of, you can do so now. Simply give those things to Archangel Zadkiel to be transformed and transmuted by the Dia1violet flame.
  • Then open up your being to the energy of the sun. Shine the golden light upon all you wish to further develop. Like a flower opening up to the rays of the sun, feel yourself and your life basking in the golden glow. If there are areas you are unsure of, doubts about which directions to take you can now call in the help of the archangels, for example:
    ~Archangel Jeremiel to show you your Divine Blueprint
    ~Archangel Raziel for esoteric knowledge and spiritual understanding
    ~Archangel Rafael for physical healing
    ~Archangel Raguel to heal the relationship with self and others
    Or simply let an appropriate angel come to you.
  • Share any doubt or feelings with the angel and listen to their reply. It may come in the form of images, thoughts and feelings. And keep an open mind to angel sings the coming days.
  • When you feel that are ready, bring your consciousness back to the room where you started. Move your hands and feet, stretch and feel your body making contact with the floor beneath you. Then blow out the candles, and let go of this meditation

Bright Blessings


PS if would you like to know more about my work, such as my readings, healings, angelic art and publications, you are most welcome to visit my website: http://www.angellightheart.com

Moon meditation on June 13, 2014: Grass Moon

solar-flareA full moon on Friday the 13th. Those who are superstitious may feel it is a bit much. The energies certainly are powerful at the moment. We are once more in the midst of the influence of Mercury being retrograde, which will last till July 1st. On the one hand a wonderful time to clear some clutter, finish things that you have been postponing and meeting with old friends. On the other hand it can certainly bring about some challenges where communication, technique and transport are concerned. Both our printers at work were not working this week, which has never happened simultaneously. For many interpersonal stuff comes up and it seems like things in that area are blocked and sluggish to say the least. On top of that there have been some very powerful solar flares this week, which can bring some emotional upheaval and unrest in those who ware sensitive. All in all this full moon is in the midst of winds of change as well as challenges

This full moon is called the Grass Moon. The Grass full Moon falls in the period of growth and flowering prior to Midsummer. A wonderful time, when all the grass in bloom. Historically this is the time of the hay harvest, which would ensure that the cattle would live through the winter to come. As most vegetables are not yet harvested and the corn just begins to mature this is not t a harvest festival, but rather a time of hope and promise.


twilight-of-the-moon-bright-flowers-full-moon-glow-grass-light-sky-starsWhilst nature is flowering, ad full of growth and promise, it is time to look at our lives and evaluate our own growth. The full moon is a good moment to release what no longer serves us. In this case, you can let go anything that is holding you and your personal and spiritual growth back. Then you can focus on an intention of what you wish to see in its place.

Meditation time

We, in the Netherlands, will be meditating on the full moon at 8 pm (this is 7 pm UK time). You can either participate at the exact same time or whenever it is 8 pm in your time zone. All Light workers participating in this event connect to each other from afar. You will find this often enables a deepening of the meditation to occur.


  • Light some candles. You may choose to burn some incense as well.
  • Sit quietly and ground yourself by imagining roots growing from your feet deep into the earth.
  • You may then clear and dedicate the space. I do this by calling in an ascension column of light, the platinum net and ascension flame. I also use lovely aura sprays attuned to angels and higher light beings that I make. The one called archangel Michael creates a high vibration and calls in protection at the same time.
  • You can ask Archangel Michael to place a Golden Dome of protection around you.
  • Connect to all the other Lightworkers so we may form a network of Light around the planet.
  • Now imagine that you are in a beautiful meadow full of blooming flowers and grasses. It smells delicious and the sun is shining on your face. The grass is waving gently in the wind and you feel very peaceful and at ease.
  • You see a Being of Light walking towards you in the field. This is your Soul Angel, the angel guiding you through all your incarnations and life lessons. The angel moves towards you through the tall grass and you are filled with joy. The angel gives you a big hug and its loving wings envelop you.
  • Then the angel releases you from its warm hug and asks you if there is anything that is Dia1blocking your (spiritual) growth. Feel free to share anything that is holding you back. The angel holds out a big, golden bowl for you. You place all those things that do not serve your growth in the golden bowl. When you are finished and the bowl is full, two angels come to take it away to Source for recycling. The angel then asks you what growth you would wish to bring into your life. As you ponder this question a large white board appears before you. This allows you to project images of what you wish to manifest in your life and all things you want to see grow and flourish. You can fill the board with the words, images or video clips of what you would like to see happen. You can remember this board and add to it daily before going to sleep to increase your good intentions and to anchor them in your awareness. You can also  write down an affirmation after this meditation and daily repeat it during the month.
  • When you are finished, thank your Soul Angel. Ask your angel to support your growth and intentions. The angel does so lovingly and willingly. It is time to say goodbye to your angel and you watch the angel leave the field.
  • When you feel that are ready, bring your consciousness back to the room where you started. Move your hands and feet, stretch and feel your body making contact with the floor beneath you. Then blow out the candles, and let go of this meditation

Bright Blessings



Moon of Awakening – Rebirth

The full moon is just around the corner: at May 14 it is time for the Moon of Awakening.

The Moon of Awakening is usually around Beltane and this moon’s name refers to the awakening of nature in spring. Today I was taking a walk in the woods near where I live. It has rained and all the leafs of the trees looked stunning in their vibrant green colours. The air was fresh and clean and the scent in the air brought a feeling of expectancy and new beginnings.
This is a great time for planting seeds. As you do so, you may have the intention that the seeds you are planting represent certain things in your life you wish to manifest or renew. The full moon then helps to let go of everything that hinders the growth of your dreams, intentions and goals.

Like two years ago we will work with the energy of Archangel Metatron during this meditation

Archangel archangel-metatron-steve-robertsMetatron
Metatron is one of the two archangels that are said to have lived human lives as a prophet, before they were rewarded with ascension to the realm of the Archangels. He is often depicted as a writer and he is sometimes called the Heavenly Scribe who oversees the Akashic Records. Here are all of our lives and deeds are recorded.

Metatron is the guardian of the threshold between the world of forms and the formless. It is said that he holds the highest vibration of all the archangels. Nevertheless, his energy is delicate, soft, illuminating and it is pure universal love. Metatron is the beginning and the end. His energy opens the gates of consciousness and dimensions. He gives us knowledge, insight and clarity. Metatron lets us see what is holding us back and shows us the various ways forward.
His energy brings silence, contentment, happiness and unity.

Metatron’s Cube: the Merkaba
Metatron is associated with the Merkabah, the celestial chariot of God. The vehicle of the Merkaba is now seen as the highest form of sacred geometry.
eb4ff42e76This 6000 year old pattern with nineteen overlapping circles and equilateral triangles are intertwined and together form a perfect geometric shape. This image was called “Merkaba” in Egypt. Mer stands for light or energy, and Ka Ba for body and soul. This symbolized the Merkaba energy field that surrounds the human body. Through the centuries, philosophers, artists and architects have always seen the Merkaba, also known as the Flower of Life, as a symbol of perfection and harmony. It is therefore known as the ultimate symbol of sacred geometry in which the fundamental forms of space and time are stored.
Archangel Metatron uses the Merkaba (also known as Matatrons Cube) for healing and the cleansing of lower energies. The cube rotates clockwise and its spinning movement pushes away negative energy.

Meditation time
We, in the Netherlands, will be meditating on the full moon at 8 pm (this is 7 pm UK time). You can either participate at the exact same time or whenever it is 8 pm in your time zone. All Light workers participating in this event connect to each other from afar. You will find this often enables a deepening of the meditation to occur.

You might want to prepare for meditation by planting seeds that symbolize things in your life that you want to give shape. In addition, you can take the time to observe the Merkaba / Metatron’s Cube and memorize it.

  • Meditation
    Light some candles. You may choose to burn some incense as well.
    Sit quietly and ground yourself by imagining roots growing from your feet deep into the earth.
  • You may then clear and dedicate the space. I do this by calling in an ascension column of light, the platinum net and ascension flame. I also use the aura sprays I have created with my collegue Sabine (www.crystalangelessences.nl). Especially the one called archangel Michael creates a high vibration and calls in protection at the same time.
  • You can ask Archangel Michael to place a Golden Dome of protection around you.
    Connect to all the other Lightworkers so we may form a network of Light around the planet.
  • Now imagine that you travel to Archangel Metatrons Temple in higher dimensions. This temple shines deep hues of pink and dark green. It is an extraordinary building like nothing on earth and it consists of sacred geometric shapes. You reach the temple by a walkway and the temple seems to open automatically for you.
  • In the middle of the temple Archangel Metatron is awaiting you. His arms are stretched above him and in the space between it rotates Metatron’s cube. You feel your eyes drawn to the delicate and intricate shape of the Cube.
  • Metatron asks you what seeds you wish to plant in your life. He asks you to think carefully to make sure your wishes reflect your soul and not your ego. When it feels right, release the seeds to the angel. Then to see how the seeds are placed in the rotating cube and see them taking shape as symbolic plants or trees. They are gorgeous and fabulous and you watch them spring to life in awe. Angels enter the temple to bring the plants or trees outside where they will plant them into temple grounds. This way your seeds will always be rooted in the Light.
  • Metatron now asks you if you want to receive healing in order for you to experience a spiritual rebirth. If you want this, then see how the Archangel places his cube around your body. Feel how its spins clockwise. Any lower or dark energy in your body or energy field is expelled by the spinning of the cube. Feel your energy increasing. You feel lighter and lighter.
  • When your energy is healed and cleansed, the rotation gradually decreases and Matatron withdraws the cube. He says: “Feel the healing in your being. Your energy is lifted and cleared. This will help you to realign to your Higher Self. If you let yourself be guided by your Higher Self, it will be so much easier to live your Divine Blueprint. You are always welcome to return to me for further healing and spiritual growth.”
  • You thank the angel and say goodbye to him. You leave the temple via the bridge to return to where you started this journey.
  • When you feel that are ready, bring your consciousness back to the room where you started. Move your hands and feet, stretch and feel your body making contact with the floor beneath you. Then blow out the candles, and let go of this meditation.
  • Please make sure you ground extra well as Metatron’s Cube holds a very high frequency. You may also drink lots of clear water in the coming days, to aid the cleansing process.

Bright Blessings




Doreen Virtue. Archangel 101. Hay House, INC., 2010.


Dorene Carrel as mentioned at Nieuwetijdskind.com


logo ALH tekstFeel free to share this meditation with others, but please enclose the source and copyright.

© Cathelijne


Special full moon meditation on April 15, 2014: lunar eclipse

foto-'s-van-de-maansverduistering-nb8699The next full moon is on April 15. This moon of April is known by different names, such as the Pink Moon, referring to pink blooming moss flowers. In another system, it is called the Moon of death, because at this time when many crops are particularly vulnerable. Buds and flowers of fruit trees can still significantly affected by the frost that can still occur. In that sense it is a time that separates the wheat from the chaff. When you see your personal intentions as seeds, then some intentions will flourish and others will be like dreams that do not come true.

This full moon will also be a lunar eclipse. Eclipses provide surprises in our horoscope. They can shake up our lives and help us to grow. This may be associated with major life events. Messages that come your way during eclipses require extra attention. Eclipses shine light on deeper truths in your life. They can unveil new insights.

Often eclipses bring about the new. They may announce an end as well as new beginnings.

The eclipses of 2014 are extra powerful because they are total eclipses. These are wonderful moments that can bring around great change, especially when you tune into your higher self and your true path through meditation.

Dia1Please pay extra attention to the signs from your angels and guides. This will help you bring about positive change and inner growth. Use these moments for deep introspection and purification. Go within and find the silence of your heart. The lunar eclipse will give you the opportunity to let go of old stuff from your own and the collective unconscious making room for your True Self to shine through. This is a great time to heal relationships and the earth. A time to bring yourself back into balance and you can recharge your inner batteries.

As such this moon meditation will not only connect you to the full moon and all the light workers who join the meditation, but also to your life path or Divine Blue print. Archangel Jeremiel is the angel who helps us during a so-called life review. After this life we all receive such a review, but there is no need to wait. You can use this meditation to check in with your Higher Self and Archangel Jeremiel to see if you are living your Blueprint. I will create a new Crystal Angel Essence during this full moon, attuned to Jeremiel. By focusing on the beautiful , spiritual energy of Archangel Jeremiel during this full moon will indirectly help to anchor this energy on Earth too!


You can join me and the other light workers at 7 pm UK time. Should this not be convenient, then feel free to join in at another time. In meditation and spiritual work intention is more important and will connect us all regardless of time and space.


1. You can start your meditation by lighting a candle (make sure it is in a safe place).

2. You can also use some incense or aromatherapy.

3. Sit quietly and relax. Be aware of your body and take some deep breaths. This will purify your energy and helps you connect to the angels more easily.

4. Begin by purifying your space, for instance by visualising the golden, silver & violet flame through your room.

5. Ask Archangel Michael to protect you with his deep blue cloak of protection.

6. Put your feet firmly on the earth to ground yourself. Imagine your feet growing roots deep into the earth. Then open up to the powerful energy of the full moon and lunar eclipse. Travel to Archangel Jeremiel on a beam of moonlight.

7. Now imagine that you are in a Temple of Light in the higher dimensions. In the middle of the temple awaits a beautiful purple angel. You know it is the Archangel Jeremiel. He is holding the book of your life. In this book, your mission in life is written down.

8. If you have questions about your life mission, ask Archangel Jeremiel about it. Let the picture unfold. Perhaps scenes are shown, or you receive words or other insights. If nothing comes, you can set the intention to receive clarity and directions from the angels in the coming days.

9. Jeremiel finally closes the book and puts his hand on your heart and says: ” Your heart is the compass of your soul. Follow it with wisdom.” The Archangel then takes the book and says goodbye to you. Thank him for his help.

10. Now bring your awareness back to the room where you started. Move your hands and feet, stretch a bit and feel your body firmly back on the ground. When you’re done, consciously blow out your candle letting of the meditation. Do not forget to write down any insights you received (in a angel diary).

I wish you a transformative and insightful moon.

Angelic love,


PS If you are interested in the Crystal Angel Essence Jeremiel, you can mail me.


Full Moon Februari 2014: Ice Moon

RituelenThis saturday another full moon is upon us. It is called the Ice Moon.

The Ice Moon is a good time to reflect; to go deeply within ourselves. Whilst nature is full of outer stillness, the trees and plants that seem asleep still are active in their deep roots in the earth. Likewise we need to go within. We cannot seed our dreams on frozen ground, we need to dig deep to reach fertile grounds at this time.

Mercury Retrograde

Since February 6 , we find ourselves in the Mercury retrograde , and this continues until Februari 28. This will still cast a shadow until the first day of spring; March 21. So … even though we need to start thinking about what we want to metaphoricaly sow this year, we will need to take things slowly. This time is about thinking (and feeling) before acting. Take the time to finish up old business and wait with starting up major new projects . That may have to wait until spring is here. Things already started before the retrograde fall outside of this advice.

A12_1Archangel Jeremiel

During this meditation we connect with the energy of Archangel Jeremiel. This archangel helps us to have pure spiritual vision and he gives us divine guidance in our life. He can help us find our life purpose and live it fully. Maybe you know your soul purpose already, in which case he can help you to keep in mind this objective clearly. He will help you clarify the next step on your path.

Start of meditation

You can meditate at 7 pm UK time with me and the other Lightworkers who join in. Although we are all in different locations and even time zones,  we can still tune in to each other and form a field of consciousness . This will deepen the meditation.  If you can not attend at this time, you can also tune in earlier or later.


  • You can start your meditation by lighting a candle and perhaps some incense.
  • Sit down quietly and relax yourself.
  • Begin by clearing your space . I always do this by calling in a column of light and asking for the platinum net to be brought down through the room.  I also use the aura spray Archangel Michael Crystal Angel Essences.
  • Put your feet firmly on the ground to ground , before you make contact with the silver light of the moon.107346008
  • Imagine roots growing from your feet into the earth.
  • Then ask Archangel Michael to protect you with his deep blue cloak of protection.
  • Connect with the other Lightworkers who are meditating at the time, so we form a network of light around the earth .
  • Now imagine that you are in a Temple of Light in the higher dimensions. In the midst of the temple you encounter the Archangel Jeremiel . This magnificent angel is holding a book; the book of your life . In this book, your life purpose is written down.
  • If you have questions about your life mission, you can ask the Archangel about it. Let the visualisation unfold. You may see visions of your future, read words about your mission or gain insights. If nothing comes, you can now reinforce the intention that you will clarity in the next few days.
  • Jeremiel finally closes the book and puts his hand on your heart and says, ” Your heart is the compass of your soul. Follow it with wisdom. ” The Archangel takes the book and says goodbye to you as you thank him for his help.
  • If you want you can now connect with other light workers who have joined this meditation. You enter a room full of loving, pink light where all lightworkers are celebrating their True Self and Soul Purpose. There is laughter and hugging.Together you use this energy of celebration to shower it all over the earth, sending positivity wherever it is needed. Let yourself be guided as to the what and where.
  • Now bring your awareness back to the room where you started . Move your hands and feet, and feel your body firmly connected to the Earth.
  • When you ‘re done, blow out your candle ( s) and thus let go of the meditation.

 Bright blessings



Full Moon Meditation: Thursday January 16, 2014. Cleansing & purification

clouds-full-moonMoon of the longest night – cleansing & purification

Since Yule / Winter Solstice the turnaround has taken place. The days grow longer and the constructive forces of nature are gradually strengthening over time. The light of the full moon at this time provides a glimpse of the sunlight returning in nature. This moon is a harbinger of the coming spring and summer.

This Moon’s theme are cleansing and new beginnings. At the same time people can also experience an increase in emotions, and perhaps past grief and hurts may now be released.

This moon is again a perfect time straighten things out. Many have already started letting go of the old and outmoded at the end of 2013. If there are things left that need to be released as well, this full moon is a good time. This will make room for new things in the new cycle that is coming your way.

Some things need to change before you can begin something new. The cleansing effect of the energy of this moon will help you in the process.

The meditation

Here in the Netherlands we are meditating at 8 pm. You can join me and the other Lightworkers participating by connecting to meditate at the same time, or at 8 pm in your time zone. If you cannot make this time, feel free to choose a time that is convenient and simply hold the intention to connect to us. This will amplify the meditation.

The preparation

You may prepare the meditation by writing what you want to let go of in order to really bring forward your intentions for the year ahead.


  • You may light one or more candles before you begin. You can also burn an incense stick, or some aromatherapy oil.rainbow-over-banias-waterfall-x-widescreen-wallpaper-3d-abstract_widewallpaper_rainbow-over-banias-waterfall_39414
  • Sit down and relax.
  • Start by cleansing your room. I always do this by placing a pillar of light, a platinum grid through the room and by inviting the ascension flame. Also, I always use the Archangel Michael spray of Crystal Angel Essences (you can order this from me for euro 12.99).
  • Place your feet firmly on the earth to ground yourself before you make contact with the silver light of the moon. Imagine roots growing from your feet deep into the earth.
  • Ask Archangel Michael to protect you with his deep blue cloak of protection.
  • Connect with all Lightworkers so that we may form a network of light around the earth. You can hold a special intention for the planet, such as peace, healing and / or love.
  • Now imagine that you are in a temple of light in the higher dimensions. The temple is a pyramid of light and is filled with a healing landscape. You walk through this landscape. There is a creek, where you can release your list of things that no longer serve you. The words will simply dissolve and the paper will disintegrate.
  • You walk ahead and there are special animals that accompany you and remind you that you are part of nature and the larger whole.
  • Before you appears a beautiful waterfall. This waterfall sparkles of light and rainbows shine through it. A great angel stands beside the waterfall. This is the Angel of Purification and you are invited to stand under the waterfall. Feel the light and rainbows flowing over you like warn water.
  • Everything that you no longer need is washed away. All impurities, heavy emotions and pains are easily rinsed from your being.
  • If you feel that this is done, you leave the magical rainbow waterfall. The Angel hands you a robe of light for you to wear. The Angel encourages you to keep your mind and thoughts pure and to return whenever you feel you need it.
  • When you’re done, bring your awareness back to the room where you started.
  • Move your hands and feet, stretch out and feel your body being connected to the Unicorn-Under-A-Rainbow-unicorns-5783490-350-350ground. When you’re done, blow out the candle and let go of the meditation.

Big angelhug,


