Tag Archives: archangel chamuel

Full moon meditation September 25th: Harvest Moon

The full moon is here once more. As always a good moment to let go of things that no longer serve you. As many are currently feeling sensitive and experiencing rollercoaster emotions, it is a good time to let go of old patterns of behavior and emotions. They have served a purpose and have brought us growth and lessons. As such we can let them go with gratitude.

At the moment it is important to keep the bigger picture in mind. Little things will not influence the course of events. What you harvest today is the seed for the harvest to come.

The full Harvest Moon is around the autumn equinox, making it a celebration of harvest and gratitude. Traditionally towards the end of September as the last harvest was brought the people working the fields made good use of light from the moon.

This is a great moon to focus on all that we are grateful for. Gratitude lifts our thoughts to lighter and more loving heights. In addition, gratitude opens our hearts. It makes us reflect on all the good in our lives. And the wonderful thing is that we thereby attract more good things. That which we focus attention on increases!

chamuel kleinArchangelic Triangle of Gratitude
I learned about working with a triangle of archangels from a Life Path Reading by Denise Whichello and it is a wonderful way to work with angelic energy. For this meditation we can use the following three archangels for creating an attitude of gratitude:
1. Archangel Jophiel to help us elevate our thoughts (and focusing on what is good and beautiful in our lives)
2. Archangel Chamuel to help us open our hearts
3. Archangel Sandalphon to deliver our prayers to the Creator / Source / Father Mother God (and in this case our gratitude).

The archangels are usually seen or felt as radiating a particular color, though this is sometimes perceived differently by different people.
Jophiel is usually associated with the color yellow and Chamuel with pink. Opinions differ greatly on the color of Sandalphon: according to some sources he emanates orange-brown, according to others black and white, according to Hazel Raven he exudes rainbow colors and Doreen Virtue perceives him as turquoise. You can choose any color that resonates within you. For me this is a very soft turquoise.
During meditation we visualize the archangels in a triangle around us while we ask them to envelop us with their special colors.

Preparation: your meditation space or altar
When you meditate in front of an altar, you can incorporate some objects to represent the full moon, like a round bowl of water or a moonstone. You can also display an image of the angels Chamuel, Jophiel and Sandalphon. You may find some flowers or stones to represent the angel’s colors such as citrine, rose quartz and turquoise.

Time of the meditation
In the Netherlands we will meditate at 8 pm on September the 12th. You can tune in at the same time as we are or pick 8 pm in your timezone and have the intention to join in with the network of Light that is formed between us all. After all, spiritual energy moves outside of time and space to connect us all.


  • You may light a candle and light it with the intention of bringing more Light to the planet. You can also burn incense, or some aomatherapy oils. Sit down and relax.
  • Start by energetically cleansing your room. I always do this by calling in a pillar of light, a platinum net through the room and building and by bringin in the ascension flame. Also, I always use the aura spray of Archangel Michael by Crystal Angel Essences (you can find them on http://www.angelsco.nl)
  • Put your feet firmly on earth to ground yourself, before you make contact with the silver light of the moon. Connect your earth star chakra and fill yourself up with its light. This helps you center in your soul light and forms a natural protection for your energy. You can also ask Archangel Michael to protect you with his deep blue cloak of protection.
  • Imagine that you connect with all Lightworkers in order to create a network of light around the earth.
  • Now imagine that you are in a temple of light is in the higher dimension. On the floor before you is a golden triangle with a circle in the middle. You step into this circle. Before you the triangle is bathed in radiant pink as Archangel Chamuel appears before you to open your heart. Feel your heart open like a delicate flower as it is filled with the loving, pink light of Chamuel.
  • You turn left and are embraced by yellow light. It is the Light of Archangel Jophiel. Jophiel will help you to focus your mind on gratitude. He gives you a large, golden bowl in which you can put everything you are grateful for.
  • In the last corner of the triangle appears Archangel Sandalphon who enfolds you in his beautiful, soft turquoise light. You give your gratitude bowl to Archangel Sandalphon who will carry it to Source. Know that your thoughts of gratitude not only bring forth a wonderful, loving vibration to yourself and the earth, it also helps you open up to more things to be thankful for. That which you focus your attention in increases.
  • When finished, bring your awareness back to the room where you started. Move your hands and feet and take some refreshing deep breaths. As you breathe out the candle let go of the meditation.

Bright blessings
This meditation may be freely distributed, provided the source is in copyright.

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© Cathelijne ~ http://www.angellightheart.com

Raven, Hazel. Angels Workshop. Veltman Publishers 2010
Virtue, Doreen. Archangel 101. Hay House, 2010

No more loneliness with AartsEngel Chamuël

I would like to share this lovely prayer written by Michele, one of my angel colleagues here in the Netherlands: No more loneliness with AartsEngel Chamuël.

It is a very powerful one and though it does not feature in the Angel Prayer Book it would most definitely fit in there.

Many have been experiencing loneliness in these past days. Some because they missed connectedness to family or true friends during Christmas time. Others may be experiencing a deeper sense of loneliness born from being a multidimensional soul in a human body with perhaps a touch of homesickness to its soul origins.

Please know we are all exactly where we are supposed to be. We all have an angel team to help us with any feelings that need healing and balancing. Do ask them for their help as they lovingly give it to you!

Bright blessings


via No more loneliness with AartsEngel Chamuël.


Lightwork for Syria


SyrieThis blog article is a call to Lightworkers all over the world to work with the angels to improve the situation in Syria. As Dutch help organisations are raising money to help those in Syria, we can add to these practical ways of support by adding our spiritual support.

We are all born from the same stardust, we breathe the same air as we are all children of the Earth. Do we simply watch the news and think the suffering of those far away have no relevance to us and our lives or do we help? Money is only one way to give. What if we all give light?

The angels respect the free will. When we pray for others we give the angels permission to intervene for the Highest good. Starting today, on Easter Monday, April 1 I will be sending healing and light to Syria. Will you join?

You can add to this Lightwork in any way that feels right to you. You can call on the angels, meditate, visualize or send healing in any modality you are trained in. Or you can join this week of calling in the angels (or better yet, repeat it for three consecutive weeks):

Day 1: call on Archangel Michael. Ask him to protect you during your lightwork and then ask him to wrap all the people of Syria in his protective cloak of deep blue light. See how his sword of Light cuts away the darkness and how he uses his tube of Light to vacuum away all clouds of despair. Ask him to help the people transform their thoughts from darkness to light.

Day 2: call on Archangel Zadkiel and ask him to send the Golden, Silver,zadkiel Violet Flame to the area to transform and transmute all the pain, despair and aggression. Meanwhile transform similar energies within yourself. When we heal ourselves, we heal because a piece of the world. Let Zadkiel’ s energy bring forgiveness to all people in Syria.

Day 3: ask Archangel Uriel to bring peace to the country and throughout the Middle East. Visualize how his sword radiates peace to the people and the land and cuts away anything withholding the peace.

Day 4: ask Archangel Raphael to send healing to all who need it, anyone who suffers from the situation. Let his light and healing go to all doctors and nurses, so that miracles can befall those who suffer.

Day 5: call on Archangel Gabriel and Mother Mary to help, console and support all the war children. As the children receive healing  conflict in future generations is prevented.

Day 6: ask Chamuel to fill the hearts of the people love, gentleness and compassion.

Day 7: Finally, ask the angels of the rainbow bridge to bring the souls of those who died to the Light with the help of Archangel Azraël. Ask them too comfort and support their living loved ones.

Thank you!

Angel Blessings



Note: You can enhance this light work by making use of the corresponding Crystal Essences. They are for sale in the Dutch webshop. Feel free to inform about them as I can include translations with orders for those outside of the Netherlands when needed: http://www.crystalangelessences.nl

Healing Visualisation for Japan

News about the situation in Japan confronts us with the uncontrollable force of nature, the resilience of man and the risky use of the facilities on earth. This 3-in-1 disaster of earthquakes, tsunamis and nuclear disaster affects the people and creatures of Japan in a very hard way.

We can bring a small contribution to the healing of Japan and its people by sending light and angels to assist all in the affected area. You can do this healing visualization whenever you want, but if possible it would be nice to have all of us do this on a daily basis.

Healing Visualization

1. Sit quietly in a place where you will not be disturbed.

2. You can hold a picture of Japan in your hands or place it on your altar.

3. Light a candle with the intention that this session will bring healing for the highest good for Japan, its people and the world.

4. Then close your eyes and take three slow, deep breaths.

5. Ask Archangel Michael to protect you during your healing work by placing his deep blue cloak of protection around you.

6. Then ask him then to go to Japan and place a protective cocoon of golden light over all the nuclear reactors and to protect the Earth and it’s atmosphere. Ask him to fix any technical problems within the reactors.

7. Ask Archangel Raphael and his healing angels to support and heal the wounded. Imagine the angels sending emerald green light to the people, animals and nature of Japan and imagine this light to envelop and penetrate each and all to bring peace, harmony and healing.

8. Ask Archangel Chamuel to ensure that survivors are found, so they can be saved and healed.

9. Request Archangel Azrael that all souls who have not survived the disaster be brought to the Light gently and lovingly and ask him and his angels to comfort and support the bereaved.

10. Now ask Archangel Ariel to help restore and protect nature in Japan from all the natural and unnatural violence.

11. And finally, ask Archangel Jophiel to aid in the process of clearing and cleansing all the debris to bring back order and beauty in the country.

12. Thank all the angels and archangels for their help and ask them to send little signals to you on your path that will show you how you can continue to contribute to the healing of Japan and the planet.

Let us hope that this disaster will lead to a flood of compassion, love and understanding of the world.

Meditation with Archangel Chamuel

This meditation enables you to connect to Archangel Chamuel. It heals the heart and helps you open up to unconditional love.
Want help with this? Feel free to email me about angel e-coaching: engelentherapiecoach@hotmail.com

The painting and sculptures are made by me. You can see more of my work at www.faeryqueen-healingart.co.uk.
I also make custommade pieces.