Category Archives: Angel Blog Article

Channeling Archangel Michael for ‘helpers’: hold the space instead of taking over for others

It is a privilege to work with Angels, Archangels and other Beings of Light. It is not reserved just for me. I believe that everyone can connect to the Light worlds, with the right meditative focus, alignment and spiritual development.

Archangel Michael has guided me since the mid ’90’s. I started by channeling his messages and he still guides me to this day. The first Crystal Angel Essence I ever made, was that of Archangel Michael. Recently it was time to make a new batch. Every essence is attuned anew when creating it again. Sometimes that means that the gemstone elixir gets extra gems added to it. At other times it means that there is a specific energy that is being brought forward that adds an extra theme to work with, when using the essence.

Around the time of attuning the new batch, I was dealing with care in the family, which took

This card by Tamara Patrick very much had the energy I perceive when connecting to my Spirit Guide team in my pyramid of Light

quite a lot of energy. It also brought forward many old patterns between different family members. Though we wanted what was best for each other, the energy of fear and other patterns did interfere with the good intentions and the situation definitely needed some Light. Prior to attuning the elixir, I had received a healing in my pyramid of Light in the 5th dimension (I have learned to work with this from Ronna Hermans channeling of Archangel Michael). A new dragon guide had already appeared in the week before. She brought me to the pyramid, breathing air and Light into the situation, after which Archangel Michael cut the necessary cords.

When attuning the essence, Michael first referred to this healing. I am sharing his channeled words with you as I know many sensitives and light workers care for family members, friends and partners but also have a tendency to step into helper mode, depleting their own energies.  This channeling reminds us that we cannot learn other peoples lessons for them. Though it is important to be there for them with compassion and love, holding the space for them, we must also let them learn their own lessons and grow at their own time and speed.

“Beloved sister of Light,

I Am Archangel Michael and we have cut important Karmic cords.

This wonderful image of Archangel Michael can be found at Marius Fine Art Studio

As your dragon sister Avonlea impressed upon you it is not time for ou to learn to rise above judgment. You can only do this with compassion and detachment. While you work through your own soul lessons, they have to work through theirs. You cannot do it for them. Though you can support and advice when asked for, they still need to go their own path at their own pace.

If they head along to trouble and refuse to listen, they will need to learn to deal with the consequences of their own choices. Just like you cannot learn other peoples lessons for them, you do not help them by picking up their junk. They need to see all of the effects of their choices to learn the true lesson and choose differently.

Yours is not to step in, but to still be present.

It is much like holding the space in Angelic Reiki. you can hold the space for their Light to come through, if they ask for your help. But you do not have to rush in again and again to clean up their mess to the detriment of your being.

This is a lesson for all those who wish to become spirit guides. In this case you can hold the situation in the highest Light and then let go. As soon as you find yourself frustrated, taking over responsibility or drawn into drama, step back. Ground. Center. Step into your own highest Light. Send your Light to the situation for the highest benefit of all. Then let go.

This is in effect Light work on the personal level.

Let go of the outcome and focus on the Light instead.

Let us now attune the essence and add this important lesson on holding the Light and clearing karma, whilst disentangling from al that is not your responsibility.

I am Archangel Michael and I hold you in the highest Light.”

During the attuning of the essence, it was placed in the Blue Ray and I received an initiation into this Cosmic ray. The ray was placed in my aura, hands and third eye, so that I can use it in my Lightwork and in healing.

I have found the essences grow with the energy of the moment, themes in my own life and in that of others. In this way, higher and higher Light frequencies can be incorporated, which in turn help us to integrate more of our own Soul Light.

With big thanks to Archangel Michael and Avonlea for this great support.

Love and light,


Ps you can now order the essence again at the webshop>>>

Full moon meditation with Metatron: Moon of Awakening on April 30

We have had some lovely sunny weather in the past few weeks. Nature is awakening. My garden is flourishing with lovely flowers. Unfortunately weeds are growing abundantly as well.

These are times of transformation and breakthroughs. You may be feeling extra emotional right now, which could lead to sudden catharsis. All in all it is a time that brings change. Especially relationships, and not just the romantic kind, will be in the limelight of this change. The transformational energy may help you see some relationships have served their soul purpose, yet other ones may actually expand and grow. The one thing that runs through it all though, is to let go of all that is withholding you from shining your inner light. The full moon on April 30 will help you with this.

The Moon of Awakening is usually around Beltane and this moon’s name refers to the awakening of nature in springThis is a great time for planting seeds. As you do so, you may have the intention that the seeds you are planting represent certain things in your life you wish to manifest or renew. The full moon then helps to let go of everything that hinders the growth of your dreams, intentions and goals. As such you may choose what metaphorical seeds to water and what weeds to get rid of. 

Like last year we will work with the energy of Archangel Metatron during this meditation.

Archangel Metatron
Metatron is one of the two archangels that are said to have lived human lives as a prophet, before they were rewarded with ascension to the realm of the Archangels. He is often depicted as a writer and he is sometimes called the Heavenly Scribe who oversees the Akashic Records. Here are all of our lives and deeds are recorded.

Metatron is the guardian of the threshold between the world of forms and the formless. It is said that he holds the highest vibration of all the archangels. Nevertheless, his energy is delicate, soft, illuminating and it is pure universal love. Metatron is the beginning and the end. His energy opens the gates of consciousness and dimensions. He gives us knowledge, insight and clarity. Metatron lets us see what is holding us back and shows us the various ways forward.
His energy brings silence, contentment, happiness and unity.

Metatron’s Cube: the Merkaba
Metatron is associated with the Merkabah, the celestial chariot of God. The vehicle of the Merkaba is now seen as the highest form of sacred geometry.
This 6000 year old pattern with nineteen overlapping circles and equilateral triangles are intertwined and together form a perfect geometric shape. This image was called “Merkaba” in Egypt. Mer stands for light or energy, and Ka Ba for body and soul. This symbolized the Merkaba energy field that surrounds the human body. Through the centuries, philosophers, artists and architects have always seen the Merkaba, also known as the Flower of Life, as a symbol of perfection and harmony. It is therefore known as the ultimate symbol of sacred geometry in which the fundamental forms of space and time are stored.
Archangel Metatron uses the Merkaba (also known as Matatrons Cube) for healing and the cleansing of lower energies. The cube rotates clockwise and its spinning movement pushes away negative energy.

Meditation time
We, in the Netherlands, will be meditating on the full moon at 8 pm (this is 7 pm UK time). You can either participate at the exact same time or whenever it is 8 pm in your time zone. All Light workers participating in this event connect to each other from afar. You will find this often enables a deepening of the meditation to occur.

You might want to prepare for meditation by planting seeds that symbolize things in your life that you want to give shape. In addition, you can take the time to observe the Merkaba / Metatron’s Cube and memorize it.

  • Meditation
    Light some candles. You may choose to burn some incense as well.
    Sit quietly and ground yourself by birnigin your attention to your earth star chakra, which is about 20-30 centimeters underneath your
  • You may then clear and dedicate the space. I do this by calling in an ascension column of light, the platinum net and ascension flame. Especially the one called archangel Michael creates a high vibration and calls in protection at the same time.
  • You can ask Archangel Michael to place a Golden Dome of protection around you.
    Connect to all the other Lightworkers so we may form a network of Light around the planet.
  • Now imagine that you travel to Archangel Metatrons Temple in higher dimensions. This temple shines deep hues of pink and dark green. It is an extraordinary building like nothing on earth and it consists of sacred geometric shapes. You reach the temple by a walkway and the temple seems to open automatically for you.
  • In the middle of the temple Archangel Metatron is awaiting you. His arms are stretched above him and in the space between it rotates Metatron’s cube. You feel your eyes drawn to the delicate and intricate shape of the Cube.
  • Metatron asks you what seeds you wish to plant in your life. He asks you to think carefully to make sure your wishes reflect your soul and not your ego. When it feels right, release the seeds to the angel. Then to see how the seeds are placed in the rotating cube and see them taking shape as symbolic plants or trees. They are gorgeous and fabulous and you watch them spring to life in awe. Angels enter the temple to bring the plants or trees outside where they will plant them into temple grounds. This way your seeds will always be rooted in the Light.
  • Metatron now asks you if you want to receive healing in order for you to experience a spiritual rebirth. If you want this, then see how the Archangel places his cube around your body. Feel how its spins clockwise. Any lower or dark energy in your body or energy field is expelled by the spinning of the cube. Feel your energy increasing. You feel lighter and lighter.
  • When your energy is healed and cleansed, the rotation gradually decreases and Matatron withdraws the cube. He says: “Feel the healing in your being. Your energy is lifted and cleared. This will help you to realign to your Higher Self. If you let yourself be guided by your Higher Self, it will be so much easier to live your Divine Blueprint. You are always welcome to return to me for further healing and spiritual growth.”
  • You thank the angel and say goodbye to him. You leave the temple via the bridge to return to where you started this journey.
  • When you feel that are ready, bring your consciousness back to the room where you started. Move your hands and feet, stretch and feel your body making contact with the floor beneath you. Then blow out the candles, and let go of this meditation.
  • Please make sure you ground extra well as Metatron’s Cube holds a very high frequency. You may also drink lots of clear water in the coming days, to aid the cleansing process.

Bright Blessings


PS you can now order the Crystal Angel Essences Michael and Metatron from

There is a special discount on all essences till April 30 with coupon code: NEWVIBRATION. 

Full moon meditation March 31, 2018: 5D protection

The full moon is just aorund the corner and this particular one is known as the spring moon. Its theme is protection. A good theme to help us to deal with fear in the world and possibly within ourselves. Archangel Michael will help us with this, as he is the great protector and champion of Light.

I have seen within myself and many of my highly sensitive clients that there used to be a lot spiritual protection as a practice that was direct to ward of negative energies and as such quite fear based. When moving from 3D to 5D we move away from duality towards unity consciousness and unconditional love. Though this by no means says you should not put up boundaries where needed, it does bring to light a new way of viewing spiritual protection.

I have found that then moving from 3D to 5D, protection shifts from protecting against harsh energies, to maintaining the integrity of ones own Light and energy field. Can you feel the subtle difference?

graphic1auraschakras.pngThe best way to do this at present is to ground and activate your earth star chakra and connect to the earth and the crystalline grid through it. Then bring (your soul) Light from this chakra into your entire being and then your aura. You may ask angels to add a layer, but this is not to hold out things, it is help to solidify your energy field. You see, the more Light you radiate, the less the lower dimensional energies get to you. you actually help raise other ones vibration just by being true to you and by taking care of your own energy fields!

So…Let us focus this mediation on protecting the Light within us all. Let this protection be about the vibration of Love. For where there is Love and Light, there is no room for conflict.

I will be meditating at 8 pm standard European time and so will many other light workers. You can join in at the same time with the intention of joining our intention together. If you cannot make it at this time, do so whenever you can and still connect to the field of consciousness and light created by all light workers during this full moon meditation.

The meditation

  • Light some candles. You may choose to burn some incense as well.
    Sit quietly and ground yourself by imagining roots growing from your feet deep into the earth.
  • You may then clear and dedicate the space. I do this by calling in an ascension column of light, the platinum net and ascension flame. You can add the Crystal Angel Essence Archangel Michael to create a high vibration and call in protection at the same time.
  • Place your feet firmly on the ground beneath you to ground yourself. Feel into your Earth Star Chakra. You may ask archangel Sandalphon to activate it for you. Feel it connect you to Mother Earth and the crystalline grid. breathe in Light from it and fill yourself and your aura up with it. Make it as big or small as your like. Feel how grounded you are in your own light.
  • You can ask Archangel Michael to place a Golden Dome of protection around you if you feel this will help you anchor your light energy better.
  • Connect to all the other Light workers so we may form a network of Light around the planet. You may imagine drawing in Cosmic Golden Light through your Crown chakra into your heart and sending it from your heart to me and all other light workers participating. When we all do this we form a powerful network of Light that helps heal the earth. When you are done, imagine us all simultaneously sending the energy to areas of conflict and turmoil to bring Light, Love, Freedom and Healing. You may want to then send it to other areas and people you feel need it at this time.
  • Now as you feel connected to all the other light workers and to the energy of the full moon, let its power flow to you and through you to help you let go of all that no longer serves you. Let go of fear and other negative emotions. You can ask archangel Zadkiel to transmute them as well as lower energies that are causing conflict on earth. Let go of all that does not resonate with Love and Light.
  • Now imagine archangel Michael joining you.
  • Archangel Michael arrives and you give him permission to cut away anything that is keeping you connected to fear and other fearful emotions.
  • He then brings down a column of Light to flow through your energy field. All that resonates with fear dissolves in the light. From this state of light, you can send loving energy and light through your heart to places on earth that need it.
  • Love and light are endless and they simply dissolve the darkness. Michael asks you to shine your light every day in all you do, think and say.
  • You happily agree. You then thank him and the other archangels and return to your consciousness to where you started this meditation.
  • Make sure to ground and then let go of the meditation.

Wishing you a peaceful full moon




Planting seeds for your year at the snow moon: a full moon meditation


I always feel the snow moon is magical as it is all about the new seeds yet togerminate. Feel free to join in with the meditation on March 2!

Since the heaviest snow usually falls during this month, native tribes of the north and east most often called the full Moon around this time of year the Full Snow Moon. Some tribes also referred to this Moon as the Full Hunger Moon, since harsh weather conditions in their areas made hunting very difficult.

The Snow Moon falls between Imbolc and Ostara. Between sowing (Imbolc) and germination (Ostara) is the moment where we wait to see if something will be viable. Not every seed that reaches the earth, will germinate. Likewise not all ideas that come to mind are achievable. Sometimes it is necessary to handy to let go of something before something new can avail.

And as such this moon is a great time to look at our plans and ideas and make choices seeds of lightabout what we want to do, want to postpone and want to leave behind. This moon shows us the harshness of nature and the importance of using our energy wisely. Therefore it is better not to spend energy on plans that are not feasible. Give your energy to those things you know are achievable and in line with your Soul’s Purpose (as meditated upon on the previous Full Moon). Make a list for yourself of all things that are currently superfluous. This can give a great sense of relief.

Let us ask archangel Uriel to shine his light on what seeds to plant this year!

Angellightheart33Archangel Uriel
Archangel Uriel is one of the seven Archangels that stand at the throne of the Creator and one of the four major Archangels that serve humanity.

Uriel rules the mental plane such as our thoughts and ideas, creativity, insights, judgment, universal consciousness and divine order. Uriel can help us link to the spiritual realms and he can show us how to find our inner power. When we shift in consciousness we help the entire human kingdom’s shift into higher realms of consciousness. Uriel helps with this very important process, especially in these times of Cosmic Change.

Uriel is also known as the Archangel of Salvation and he helps us when we want to heal every aspect of lives. He helps us let go of disappointments and turn them into victories. He shows us the hidden blessings in times of adversity. And he helps us release the painful burdens and memories of the past through the application of unconditional forgiveness. With his flaming sword he purifies mental and emotional understanding. He transmutes lower vibrational energies into enlightened spiritual understanding.

You can use the Crystal Angel Essence Uriel to support you in this special time.

Preparation for the meditation
We, in the Netherlands, will be meditating on the full moon at 8 pm (this is 7 pm UK time). You can either participate at the exact same time or whenever it is 8 pm in your time zone. All Light workers participating in this event connect to each other from afar. You will find this often enables a deepening of the meditation to occur.
You may want to prepare for the meditation by writing down your list with superfluous things.

The Meditation

  • Light some candles. You may choose to burn some incense as well.
    Sit quietly and ground yourself by imagining roots growing from your feet deep into the earth.
  • You may then clear and dedicate the space. I do this by calling in an ascension column of light, the platinum net and ascension flame. I also the aura sprays I have developed with my collegue Sabine called Crystal Angel Essences. Especially the Archangel Michael Essence creates a high vibration and calls in protection at the same time.
    You can ask Archangel Michael to place a Golden Dome of protection around you.
  • Connect to all the other Light workers so we may form a network of Light around the planet. You may imagine drawing in Cosmic Golden Light through your Crown chakra into your heart and sending it from your heart to me and all other light workers participating. When we all do this we form a powerful network of Light that helps heal the earth. When you are done, imagine us all simultaneously sending the energy to areas of conflict and the refugees to bring Light, Love, Freedom and Healing. You may want to then send it to other areas and people you feel need it at this time.
  • Now imagine travelling through a moonlit snow landscape. The snow sparkles and glistens in the soft glow of the moon. The air is crisp and fresh and you inhale it deeply. You feel the soft snow underneath your feet and heal its soft cracking sound. You carry a beautiful pouch with you, inlaid with moonstones. You know this pouch holds all your ideas and plans for the coming year.
  • You soon reach a crystal cave that lights up from within. At the entrance you see a radiant Angel that radiates a pure, ruby red and golden energy. You intuitively know this is the Archangel Uriel. Uriel awaits you and motions you to come in. He tells you the entrance to this cave is a portal to the fifth or higher Dimensions and will bring you to that Dimension that currently suits your Soul best. You feel a shift in energy as you enter a hall that shimmers with light.
  • Archangel Uriel guides you to a crystal table. He motions you to empty your pouch on the table. These seeds are all your ideas and plans. As they touch the table some shrivel and others light up like pretty gemstones. Look at them carefully and let the seeds tell you their tale. Realize which ones are viable and not. Look at them one by one. Which seed, which idea looks most radiant? This is the seed that you can start to plant in your life now.
  • Uriel blesses it and the other gemstones. You are asked to then pick up the gemstones and put them in your magical pouch, but to leave behind the shriveled seeds.
  • Uriel gathers these and throws them in a golden fire so that the possible energy of the energy can be reused. He invites you to give any outmoded beliefs and worries to the flames as well.
  • You may ask Uriel to help you with your new ideas and projects. He may give you insights to take with you.
  • You thank the Archangel. He tells you that you are always welcome to return to him with any questions. He gladly helps you realign your thought processes to Higher Truth.
  • When you feel that are ready, bring your consciousness back to the room where you started. Move your hands and feet, stretch and feel your body making contact with the floor beneath you. Then blow out the candles, and let go of this meditation.
  • You may want to write down the insights your received or the plans you feel need your full attention.

I wish you a most blessed Full Moon with new insights and clarity!

Bright blessings


For more inspiration, please visit and



Archangel Metatron: living your full potential with Sacred Geometry

Are you highly sensitive? Are you a sensitive light worker? And do you sometimes feelangellightheart17you are not living to your full potential? Perhaps you feel your sensitivity is in fact holding you back from taking the next step in your life? 

Last full moon as I attuned the newest Crystal Angel Essence  Archangel Metatron, this wonderful archangel gave me the following information in a channeling to help you with this theme: 

Beloved Sister / Brother of Light,

the Sacred Geometry is the secret to unlocking your full potential. It is the instrument of the sensitive soul, the old soul, the light worker. it is there to call on. it moves with the speed of Light, bringing you Creator Light. As such your Diamond Core God Cell is activated. Your body and also your non-physical bodies are then brought to a new vibrational frequency.

For a sensitive this process can be intense, but please know that at all times you can ask for a gentler process. It will then take a bit longer, but for some the integration of the higher energies will be easier.

By surrounding yourself with my Cube of Light, called Merkaba by some, you will be able to spin out all old, redundant energies. This creates diamond energy.merkaba

What does the diamond do? It is crystal clear. It reflects the light. And it is strong. No one can scratch it. As such I recommend all light workers, sensitives and the new children to surround themselves with diamond light. Simply ask me and I will infuse you with it as I now infuse this essence with it. Your sensitivity will become your greatest gift, bringing light and clarity to all and staying strong in its own power.

This is my gift to you. I am Metatron.

So, use the diamond light and Cube of Light in your meditations and visualizations and call in Metatron whenever you need. The picture above shows you how you can visualize the tube of light, which consists of two interlinking pyramids.

You may also strengthen this process with the Metatron Essence.


Archangel Azrael: the angel of consolation

Angellightheart5Everyone will experience loss sooner or later. Whether this loss of a job, a friendship, relationship, health or the most permanent loss that we know on Earth: the death of a loved one. In all these situations, we can call upon Archangel Azrael. In the Dutch angel book I co-authored called Angel Do Book, we called him the archangel of consolation. That’s a very appropriate and gentle name for this loving angel, wo is more commonly known as the angel of death.

Archangel does Azraëls name “Whom God helps” and as said, he is known as the angel of death. This may sound scary, but he fulfills this role in the most loving and healing sense.

Azrael is a true grief therapist who helps the souls during their transition to Heaven. At the same time he comforts those who are left behind. He brings them infinite comfort and helps them cope with their loss. He also helps, more generally, in case of loss and times of transition and transformation.

During the previous full moon, I made the gem elixir dedicated to Azrael, yesterday I attuned this essence and today i have filled the essence bottles. While attuning, I received Azraël the following words, which are also intended for all readers of this blog:

I am with you and as i sense your sadness, I shower you with my loving support. I am the guiding light that returns souls home. So for anyone going through a dark night of the soul, each one with a broken heart and grieving mind I went here.

Death on Earth is a birth in the Light Worlds. There is great joy in the light worlds to welcome souls home and, no matter how strange this may sound, this light and joy at the homecoming of a soul surpasses the sadness of leavened and the deep grief of those left behind. (…)

In truth, love never dies. Soul connections go on forever and in every loss there is also a door that opens to a deeper insight of life, of your true calling.

I am here to bring comfort. To help you move through loss and change and sadness.

I am a guiding light, through any darkness. So for anyone who experiences a dark night of the soul, anyone with a broken heart and grieving mind, I am here.

On Earth all is temporary. Even pain and loss. In Light all is eternal, especially love.

So dear ones, let light come in through the cracks in your heart to heal it. And know that all is well and you are never alone.

I Am Azrael. “

IMG_7696I send love and light to all who are going through a period of loss or bereavement. If you need help, know that the angels are there for you.


PS The Archangel Azrael Essence you can assist as well as the Rainbow Bridge Essence. For those who need extra support I offer Angelic Reiki Distant Healing and also coaching and consultations via Skype or email. Finally, I have made angels for those who are grieving. These Healing Heart Angels, with the intention of consolation, can be ordered as a comfort in times of grief.


Be at peace and celebrate all that is well this autumn equinox

Amidst a month of pretty intense energies, including two eclipses, I received this lovely piece of inspiration and wisdom from my friend Nicky Jevon from Balance in Being:


THE AUTUMNAL EQUINOX – night and day in beautiful balance



WORLD ANIMAL DAY – 4th October An indispensable and brilliant booklet enabling people to shop for cruelty-free toiletries, cosmetics, household and pet care cleaning products

Amidst tragedy and turmoil in the world today, let us take time to celebrate too. This will lift the energy, the ripples from which will spread near and far. Late Summer and early Autumn have such a special feel about them, a glow all of their own, enhanced by the glorious colours filled with vibrant warmth, power and unceasing love. Its colours sing “Come let us dance, be not sad, celebrate life and those no longer with us on this earth.”

For many the harvest is a busy time, followed by reaping the rewards plus festivities. This marks the passing of time in a full and appreciative way. A good time to acknowledge the efforts of others by letting them know the difference they have made to one’s life, to this amazing planet or to any who dwell upon her. Thank you.

Time too for reflection upon the year thus far: what has been learnt or accomplished, one’s goals or where one ‘is’ at this time. Surrounding all this is a mellowness and truthfulness where love and harmony reside, so no need to be hard on oneself if it seems that things are not ‘quite right’. Autumn’s guidance is that of finding both flexibility and contentment in life. BRIGHT BLESSINGS TO ONE AND ALL.”

It is a time to go within, be mindful of all the good in your life and to share your appreciation and gratitude with others. Let there be peace in your heart and let this radiate out into a world where the energy of peace is now needed and welcomed.

Bright blessingsIMG_5292


PS the current week from September 21st to 28st is said to be extra powerful. To support those who are sensitive and to those who would like some faery inspiration, I gift the Faery Oracle I made years ago with any orders over 30 euros in the webshop .

From worries to prayers with Archangel Sandalphon

IMG_4696As many of you will probably know, I have created a range of Crystal Angel Essences. It was a beautiful road of personal development as me and my friend Sabine created the range over e period of about three years. Today it was time to attune a new batch of Archangel Sandalphon Essence. The gemstone elixir had been made onder the blue moon.

As I attuned the angel to the wonderful energy of archangel Sandalphon I received this wonderful reminder:

“I am with you, grounding you on Earth and connecting you to the Divine.
I am the Great Go Between. It is my joy to deliver your prayers to Father/Mother God.
All you do and think leaves a trail of energy behind. We angels see this and we love it when humans leave patterns of light and love in their wake.
As worry drags you down, I wish to remind you that you can lift yourself up by transforming worries into prayers!
I will be there to catch them and carry them to Source.
Please trust and know that all is well.
I am Sandalphon”

You can call on Sandalphon when in need of grounding and when you need help with your prayers and soul wishes. This angel also brings in the Divine Feminine and helps us balance the masculine and feminine within. Using the Crystal Angel Essence Sandalphon can help you with this!

This beautiful Crystal Angel Essence:

  • connects you to the energy of archangel Sandalphon and brings this into your aura 
  • delivers your prayers to Source and helps you manifest your dreams
  • helps in the search for your twin soul and helps you open your heart to earthly and heavenly love
  • balances the feminine and masculine aspect
  • brings heaven and earth together in your heart
  • opens you up to the energy of Goddess 
  • helpts to ground
  • lifts blocks on your spiritual journey  
  • helps you translate spirituality to the practicalities of daily living

Archangel Sandalphon

Archangel Sandalphon brings prayers to heaven. His name means ‘brother’ and is the twin 17091102aspect of Archangel Metatron. Both are the only archangels that once lived human lives. in the case of Sandalphon the prophet  Elijah. He rules the earth aspect in the Kabbalah. As such Sandalphon helps us to bring heaven and earth together and live our spirituality in our daily lives. Working with this essence helps develop your spiritual gifts and create a stronger connection to the Divine. Music can help as do poetry and creativity. This essence will help you get unstuck on your spiritual path, when needed.

The crystal power in this essence accelerates spiritual transformation. It helps to gorund and focus the energy of angel prayers and rituals. As such it is a lovely essence to use together with the book 365 Days of Angel Prayers.

This essence also helps to open the third eye and balance the kundalini energy. When speaye in the room, it hieghtens its vibration and makes manifestion easier. This Crystal Angel Essence expands your intuition and gives insight in times of emotional turbulance.  Your vibration gets heightened on the physical level. It brings quantum leaps in healing.

I now offer both the essence and the book with a special extra choice: that I write an angel prayer especially for you and your situation. You can take a look at for all the details about these wonderfully inspiring products.

Loving prayers for you

Lion’s Gate 2015: stepping into your spiritual power!

lions-gate.jpgA most special time awaits us. In the calendar of the Tzolkin kalender the 25 of July is the Day out of Time. Which means the 26th is the spiritual New Year. This periode of the year had been known as the Lion’s Gate as the constellation Leo aligned with the pyramid of Giza, says Celia Fenn.

Both the sun and sirius are rising, bringing the powers of gold and blue. Sirius used to bring us many Master Teachers. So…what does this mean for us in 2015? Well, as Celia says so beautifully:

Now, in 2015, we are being given the chance to live the process of integrating the Gold Frequency in the process of Ascension. And, as the Blue Sun rises in the morning sky, we are reminded that waves of Love and Blessings are pouring out to us from the Sun, from Sirius, from the Great Central Sun at the Center of the Galaxy, and from the Cosmic Sun or Heart.The Blue Sun represents the Love and Support of advanced beings of Light who have incarnated on Earth or who have guided consciousness in other ways in order to achieve this moment of deep change when the Earth is ready to become a Body of Light and a Multi-dimensional Blue and Gold Star.

The Lion’s Gate opens on July 26, with its peak at the powerful moment of 8-8 and it then closed beautiful-lion-wallpapers-2560x1920on the 12th. This is a time to connect to our own spiritual power and all the guidance available from our Higher Self and Spirit Guide Team. Those sensitive will feel this strongly and may download packages/downloads of Light. As I mentioned to a friend the other day, it seems we are on an ascension high Way. It is like high speed internet with all the downloads.

This can be a very intense time where we are forced to let go of stuff that no longer serves us. At the same time these are magical times when it becomes so much easier to raise your vibration and work with your Spirit Guide Team. As such is becomes easier to be true to your True Self and Soul Purpose.

Keep an eye on the blog as within this time frame we also have a full moon on the 31st. As it is the second full moon of July it is a Blue Moon, bringing in powerful energies to set intentions in line with your Soul Purpose!

❤ Cathelijne

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Lovely news and lots of gratitude


This week it is exactly five years ago that I cycled to the Centre of Commerce in Leiden City to start by own business. though I loved helping people as a psychologist, my heart and soul yearned to share the spirituality and creativity with others to help them to shine their unique light.

I have not regretted it one day. My (angel) sculptures have flown all over the world as have the intuitive angel drawings. I have created the Dragon oracle, Dutch Angel Cards and a line of Crystal Angel Essences together with my friend Sabine. Each time we attuned a new essence we received the attunement in our own aura’s and beings, leading to processes of personal growth and spiritual insights. Not always easy, but always blessed. I have written articles, done many angel -ereadings, helped bring Angelic Reiki to the Netherlands, given healing treatments.

I have enjoyed Lightwork and meditations, like the ones shared during the full moon on this blog and hope to continue this for many years to come.

My dream is to celebrate this jubilee by publishing my first Angel Book in Dutch, called “Angels on your Path”. I am currently getting the finance ready through crowd funding. If you want to join in, you can do so and instead of the Dutch gift of the book, I will send you the book 365 Days of Angel Prayers as a thank you  when donating 25 euro’s

Lastly, i have some lovely news…you can finally order my sculptures, essences and oracles through my webshop Angels & Co with English translation! Please visit to have a look. This week there is a discount to celebrate the fact Angel Light Heart turned 5 years old!

I thank the angels, dragons, unicorns, dolphin spirit guides and other Light beings for their loving support. And I thank you for being on this journey with me!

Angel blessings,

