Monthly Archives: October 2011

11.11.11, a Cosmic Portal

We are soon approaching  11 November 2011. The date of 11-11-11 is said to be one of the most powerful shifts in human awareness that we will experience in our lifetime. It is a rare opportunity to release lifetimes of karmic scripting and ancestral entrapment. Entrapment in the sense of the conscious and unconscious habit patterns which have us wondering why we can’t seem to actualize the life we really want to have, and know is possible. 11-11-11 is the cosmic birth date of humanities prayer for liberation from all that no longer serves us.

A friend told me that a guide told one of her firends that it is important to spend the days between now and 11.11.11 on spiritual self-healing where old hurts, behavior patterns and (family) karma are concerned. This was confirmed to me in a channeling by Archangel Raphael I did in preparation of the new Crystal Angel Essence dedicated to Raphael. I have started to daily work on release meditations and visualization both with Archangel Michael for cord cutting, the Lords of Karma for Karmic Release and Archangel Zadkiel and Saint Germain for overall transformation with the Violet Flame. If you want to learn to work with the Golden, Silver, Violet flame, feel free to contact me about a workshop (possible via skype for those abroad).

There is a lot of wonderful information out there about these special energies and times, such as the quote below that I found on

We are entering a field of energy in our cosmos heretofore never seen. That field of energy is completely programmable and will be programmed whether we participate consciously in its programming or not. For whatever human energy field is most prominent on the day for that hour will be the set point of where we begin the next phase of our evolution as humans. The energy is actually available for us to use and program for 28 hours beginning at 19:00 GMT November 10 and running through to 23:00 GMT November 11. However the most influential time during that time will take place November 11 at 11:11 GMT. During that time the field we are entering will close in behind us and we will be encapsulated in the new field. No matter what human energy we hold at that time will dictate the permanent charge of the new earth field and will be our starting point as we journey into a new time.”

Also, 11.11.11. has been named interconnectedness day. On 11 11 11 in every country at 11 AM in every time zone (starting in New Zealand), all people who are aware of interconnectedness and who are committed to translate that awareness into action are invited to practice interconnectedness as much as possible throughout that day. You can do this in many ways, such a through a loving kindness meditation, by expressing your appreciation, by smiling to everyone, even to those you do not like, practice forgiveness and so forth.  

So whatever you choose to do on 11.11.11, make it a day spent with positive, loving thoughts. The more of us send forth healing, loving and forgiving thoughts to self and others, the more positive this cosmic shift will be.

Bright blessings


Healing Heart Angels by Cathelijne