Tag Archives: volterra

Working with Orbs: Archangel Michael

This orb appeared on a photograph I took in a little church dedicated to Archangel Michael in the Tuscan city Volterra after spending time communicating with Archangel Michael.

Diana Cooper has written two books about orbs and she says “the angels can lower their frequency to impress their light bodies in a circular shape on the photographs.  These were the Orbs which contain the angelic energy and continue to radiate light and messages after they have been pictured.

Every Orb is a key to a specific energy.   Some offer healing, love and enlightenment.  Others give you special attunements.  A few are portals to the universe.”

She further explains that when you look at the Orbs of angels and other high dimensional beings you will receive:

  • Specific energies to enlighten you and transform your life
  • A connection with unicorns, angels, archangels and fairies
  • Tools for confidence, love, empowerment, spiritual expansion and hope
  • Expanded enlightenment

This orb is sent to us by Archangel Michael. It exudes protection, clarity and communication.

You can work with this orb in many ways:

  • Simply putting it in a room or on your altar can raise the vibration of the room and help bring in energies of protection, clarity and a higher frequency.
  • You can use the card as a focus for your meditation. By looking at the orb you can connect to the energy of Archangel Michael.
  • When you would like protection, clarity or better communication in some area in your life, you can place a word or picture representing that area (or a picture of yourself) on top of the orb.
  • If you would like to receive guidance from Michael in your dreams you may ask him to send it and place the card underneath your pillow (or if you do not want to damage it, place it on your bedside table).

May the orb picture and this great archangel be a support on your path to spiritual wholeness and wellness.

Angel blessings


PS you can find the orb postcard and my other work in the Angels & Co webshop. 


Spotting Angels in Italy

After sharing the angels in Strasbourg with you and the magnificent gift of Archangel Michael in the little church in Volterra, I would like to share some of the many other angels I saw in Italy. 

When you love angels and/or work with them like I do, seeing angel art is always inspirational. So when I am on holiay I always like looking for angels in churches and cathedrals. 

Though angels in art are always an interpretation of the artist, enjoying angel art will surely connect you to the angels.

Enjoying angel art, helps you align to a higher frequency and that will bring you closer to the angels. In my experience, making and seeing angel art eases the process of tuning into the angels.

So, come on a little angel journey with me and enjoy the Italian art. Perhaps it will help you feel in a better state of being which in turn will bring you closer to the angels.

An angel brings inspiration in Verona .
Een beautiful rustic fresco of and angel in Chiesa di Santa Anastasia te Verona 

Archangel Gabriel in Verona

A cherub in the Duomo of Verona
Angel fresco in the Duomo of Verona

There are many more angels to share, but the blog will not let me. so we will make do with these ones for now.  

Angel on the Santa Maria della Spina in Pisa

Ofcourse you can also find angel art to fill your own living space. Feel free to browse my galleries at www.faeryqueen-healingart.co.uk,  www.engelentherapiecoach.nl and www.heart-healingart.nl.

Bright blessings!

Archangel Michael (Orb) in Volterra

We are on holiday in Tuscany at the moment. It is a beautiful area, with its rolling hills, vineyards and many cultural and historical treasures. Today we were to go to the City of Volterra.  

I awoke from a very busy dream. I dreamt of holding a healing evening and there were so many people there, payment became an administrative chaos and I remember thinking I should do theme nights instead of trying to heal so many individuals at once. Now I do have a spiritual/creative business but do not do healing evenings at the moment and have even been wondering about which direction to go with my business as I still have a paid job and the business is much more about Lightwork and helping people than about earning money. 

After waking up I checked my email and there was an e-newsletter by Mikael and Amethyst, two people who do spiritual work and the message was for Lightworkers to stop making excuses and get off their buts to do their true lifé’s work:

“If you are here to change the world we want you right now to stop making excuses, get off your buts, and do it!! Inspired ACTION is what We’re calling forth!! INVESTMENT in accessing all the HELP YOU NEED is what We’re calling forth!! DETERMINED, SPIRIT GUIDED Decisions-in-Trust are what we’re calling forth.

Let me share with you, dear hearts. You do NOT make a difference sitting on your BUTS. You do NOT create a business and serve the people you are here to serve by staying behind your computer screen in your comfy pjs just dreaming about it.”

I was a bit unsettled after that wondering as to what the dream and newsletter were meant to tell me. Even though I did not feel too well, we went off on our day trip anyway to the city of Volterra. We were going there to visit the Etruscan Museum, but as we were walking through the old City I spotted a little church dedicated to San Michele (Archangel Michael). Most of the churches and cathedrals here are much bigger, but as Archangel Michael is my favorite angel and I have worked with him a lot I really wanted to enter the church.

Upon entering there were some people there and I felt very emotional. As I sat in front of the altar I felt Michael was close. My husband who is an indigo, but does not go around chasing spiritual experiences, felt the energies were a bit too much for him and left the church. As he did everybody in the church left and I was there alone with the presence of Michael. I was very warm! And felt some encouraging thoughts being sent to me. Archangel Michael reminded me of being a Light Worker and gave me a renewed choice about that. As always I told him I truly want to be a Light Worker and serve the higher good. He told me not to worry about which way to go about it, especially with my business. All I need to do is check in with him daily and we will take it one step at a time. I do not need to know where I am heading as my mind (uhm ego) would just get in the way. What a wonderful bit of guidance!

As you may know the angels are there for each and every one of us. And they will let their presence be known in many different ways. I would say there are as many ways as there are people. They may work through signs such as angel numbers, sending white feathers, sending coins, or other coincidences but they may also come through our different spiritual senses. Doreen Virtue describes four of them: clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience and claircognizance. If you want to know your primary clair, you can do a little test on one of her blogs.  

For me this encounter with Michael covered almost all the clairs. The thoughts in my head were definetely claircognizance (my most used clair), but the feelings upon entering the church and the feelings of warm rushes of energy coming in were a form of clairsentience. And although I am not much of a clairvoyant type, my camera seems to be…

As I was about to leave the church I dedicated a candle to Michael and took a picture of the church and lo and behold! A beautiful blue orb appeared on my camera! It looks a bit like a shield.

What an extraordinary gift from the great archangel!

When we returned in our holiday appartment I decided to pick one of the Archangel Michael cards of Doreen Virtue. I usually do not take oracle cards with me on holiday but had packed this as an after thought.

It said: Go forward fearlessly. And part of the desciption of the card was the same as Michaels encouraging message to me earlier today! A lovely confirmation I am on the right path.

Want to learn more about the angels, receive an e-consultation or card reading or order a Healing Heart Angel? Feel free to contact me through this blog or through my website www.faeryqueen-healingart.co.uk