Monthly Archives: October 2019

Cosmic portals and hunter’s full moon meditation

We have arrived in the last quarter of 2019 and with that the energy of next year can already be felt. According to numerology, the new year and decennium has challenges and changes in store for us.

Towards 2020

2020 is a 4 year. This means that it is a year of spirituality. A year in which it is important to take care of our inner life and our spiritual development. When we do, it can bring a breakthrough. This year’s energy will help you set new priorities and long-term goals. Getting things working is what it’s all about.

This often entails a clearing to make room for the new energy that wants to manifest itself. Things that no longer resonate and vibrate may be released. Nature shows us how to let go. While the leaves are falling, a small miracle takes place on the forest floor and the most beautiful mushrooms can be seen. The same applies in our lives: letting go of unnecessary things brings fertile grounds for what serves our greater good.

The energy of cosmic gates

Yesterday was the cosmic 10:10 gateway. According to ‘the Keepers’ via Irma Kaye, the last three star gates of 2019 stand for:

10:10 – consciousness

11:11 – transcendence

12:12 – realization

Star gates are openings to higher consciousness. This one was for letting go of karma, including blaming yourself for things. Master Adama also informed me this week that it is no longer necessary to participate in the ‘blame game’ that the ego often plays. The expectation is that a large amount of cosmic energy will arrive between 12:12 and 21:12. Everything that we now clean up and let go of creates space to allow more Light into our being.

To do this, we can use a beautiful spiritual tool: the Golden, Silver, Violet Flame. The Violet Flame is said to be a spiritual tool, dating back to the times of Atlantis. It has been withdrawn from general knowledge after misuse of power. Since the beginning of the 20th century St. Germain has brought it back to the earth to a select few. After the Harmonic Convergence in the 80’s it was decided to bring this tool out into the open. The Flame has evolved with the changing vibrations on Earth. In 1998 the Silver Ray of Grace and Harmony merged with the Violet Flame of Transmutation. When this is invoked, negative energy is replaced with something beautiful of a higher frequency. And now the fifth dimensional Gold Ray has merged with the Silver Violet Flame, adding wisdom, angelic love and protection to the qualities of transmutation and harmony – a truly mighty combination that raises your consciousness to the fifth dimension and holds it there.
Using the Golden, Silver, Violet Flame can work as a spiritual super cleansing. Things you want to let go of, can be transmuted.

PreparinArchangel-Jeremielg for the meditation

Before going into meditation, take 15 minutes to make a list of all the things that no longer serve you. You may want to change certain ways of thinking and behaving, relationship or work issues. Write these down and bring them to your meditation.

Find a peaceful place where you can meditate without being disturbed.
If possible you may want to meditate in the fresh air out in nature, as to be closer to the full moon. A place where you will not be disturbed inside can be equally beneficial.

An altar can help you find the right focus for your meditation.
You could put some symbols on the alter this month to represent transformation and the violet flame. You could for instance put amethyst on it, violet or purple candles and flowers or a picture of St. Germain and Archangel Zadkiel.

The meditation

You are welcome to connect to me and all the other Light workers who are meditation on the full moon at 7 p.m. UK time.
Though far away, we can all connect through the field of unity. You may find this strongly facilitates your meditation. If you cannot make it at 7 p.m. you may sit down another time with the intention of connecting.

  • Light some candles. You may choose to burn some incense as well.
    Sit quietly.
    You may start by clearing and dedicating the space. You can do this in any way feels right to you. I usually call in the ascension column and pillar of light, the Platinum Net and the Ascension Flame.
  • Always make sure your are protected. you can ask Archangel Michael to place a Golden Dome of protection around you or put his deep, blue cloak of protection around you. I always use the Archangel Michael Spray from Crystal Angel Essences.
  • Connect to the earth and ground yourself, preferably via your earth star chakra. Then close your eyes.
  • Connect to all the other Light Workers and imagine us all forming lovely network of light all around Mother Earth.
  • Now see before you a path of Light. On this path of Light are ten portals. As you walk your path of Light into higher Dimensions you pass underneath these ten portals. Each one has two light beings guarding it and they are here to help you on your path.These guardians may be dragons, unicorns, angels or other higher dimensional beings of light. heart22
  • Feel your vibration heightening as you walk through each portal. When you have passed all of them you standing front of a temple of Light in the Higher Dimensions.
  • You step into this violet temple. Before you a magnificent violet fire is burning brightly. Silver and golden flames dance through the violet fire. Archangel Zadkiel stands behind the fire and asks you to put anything that is holding you back and that no longer serves you into the fire. The fire will not only transform it, but will transmute it, bringing something better in its place.
  • When you are done with this personal process you may send the violet light to any area in the world that could use transformation. Send it with your love and compassion.
  • When you are ready, bring your consciousness back to the room where you started. Move your hands and feet, stretch and feel your body making contact with the floor beneath you.
  • Then blow out the candles, and let go of this meditation.

You can use the Archangel Zadkiel Spray of Crystal Angel Essences to help you with your process of transformation.

May you have a blessed and transforming full moon!

Love and light
Cathelijne xx

Are the dragons calling you? Happy World Dragon Day!

Happy World Dragon Day!

Tomorrow (October 5, 2019) is World Dragon Day. All over the world people will come together to celebrate our celestial brothers and sisters the dragons.

How my journey with the dragons began

My adventure with the dragons started around 2009 when I bought a ceramics kiln and made a red and green dragon for a dear friend in Wales. Soon thereafter I was visited in a meditative visualization by a Golden Dragon. It was immensely powerful and regal. I had worked with angels and with unicorns in my meditations, sometimes with faeries, but dragons were unknown to me and I had not looked for them in any way. The energy of the Golden Dragon has been most welcome in my meditations, healings and daily life. This dragon has become a trusted spirit guide who has helped me in many difficult situations, but also was present during some of my Lemurian Lightwork with the Seeds of Light, that I have written about in my Dutch book Lemurisch Lichtwerk.

Back in those first of working with the dragons they asked me to make the Dragon Oracle to enable more people to connect to their healing and powerful energy. If was  quite surprised at the time. I knew of no one who worked with dragon energy. But when being of Light ask me to create with them, I answer the call. Dragons have had quite a bad reputation. They are often seen as a dark force (slaying dragons much like slaying demons) but as with things of power, it all depends on the intention of those working with it whether a force is for good or evil. The deck of dragon cards can help you find your way towards empowerment on your spiritual path. Dragons will appear when you are ready. But the deck gives you an opportunity to start attuning to their energies. As do other tools that help you connect with the dragons. I will give you some tips in this blog.

Many are being called by the dragons

The last few years more and more dragons have joined my spirit guide team and I have seen the same happen with clients and Light workers around me. I feel with all the work being done by many Lightworkers, including those who have been active in creating the yearly World Dragon Day (thank you Val, Marc, Ana and others!) has opened the field of consciousness of Dragon Energy. The more people connecting to dragons, the easier it becomes for those who wish to join in. The field is one of beautiful Light and it is ever expanding.

Many are now connecting to the energy of the dragons and their own dragon spirit guides. Some see them as archetypal energy. To me they are beings of Light, who carry cosmic fire. They work side by side with angels and are strongly connected to the elemental realms as well. They call you to work with them when you are ready.

Tips for connecting to dragons and there energy

Do you feel the call and do you wish to connect to them with more ease?Here are some ways to do so:

  • First and foremost set the intention you wish to work with dragons of the 5thand higher dimensions who are of 100% pure Light.
  • Then open your heart and mind to them.
  • You may draw them to you by doing a meditation. I created this meditation to do so on World Dragon Day a few years ago.
  • When things are holding you back in working with them, call on the Dragons of Violet fire and place all that is holding you back in the violet fire, which acts as a strong spiritual cleanser and will transform whatever you place in it back to Light potential.
  • Use dragon oracle cards to connect to the dragons. I will do an oracle reading just for World Dragon Day on my Dragon Oracle page. You can already pick your card today and I will share the reading itself in the comments there tomorrow. Visit the Dragon Oracle Page here>>> (and I would love it if you would like my page)
  • Surround yourself with dragon images and art and/or create an altar for the dragons. You can place dragon stones on it, such as septarian and elestial quartz. You can add some earth for earth dragon, incense for air dragon, a bowl of water for water dragon and a lovely candle for fire dragon. There are many dragon cards and sculptures on the market to place on your altar as well as septarian dragon eggs and crystal dragon skulls. Follow your own heart and intuition in the creation of your altar. I create dragon sculptures and wands for those who are looking for them and sell dragon crystals as well. You can take a look here >>>
  • Lastly Lightworkers can call on the dragons when doing Light work. Dragons are especially powerful allies when sending Light in ley lines and vortexes. The ley lines were once called ‘dragon lines’ and it was the dragons that helped create these energy lines all over Mother Earth. World Dragon Day will be a great day to do just that, as many will be connecting to the dragons and creating a field of Light for the earth in doing so.

Wishing you a lovely World Dagon Day.

Bright dragon blessings Cathelijne

P.S. To celebrate I am giving away 10% discount on all dragon products in the webshop today and tomorrow. Go to the Dragon Page in the shop and use discount code WDD19

Looking for more dragon inspiration? 

Read my dragon article for parading shift here>>

Pick  a free dragon oracle card here >>>