Category Archives: Channeling

Channeling Archangel Michael for ‘helpers’: hold the space instead of taking over for others

It is a privilege to work with Angels, Archangels and other Beings of Light. It is not reserved just for me. I believe that everyone can connect to the Light worlds, with the right meditative focus, alignment and spiritual development.

Archangel Michael has guided me since the mid ’90’s. I started by channeling his messages and he still guides me to this day. The first Crystal Angel Essence I ever made, was that of Archangel Michael. Recently it was time to make a new batch. Every essence is attuned anew when creating it again. Sometimes that means that the gemstone elixir gets extra gems added to it. At other times it means that there is a specific energy that is being brought forward that adds an extra theme to work with, when using the essence.

Around the time of attuning the new batch, I was dealing with care in the family, which took

This card by Tamara Patrick very much had the energy I perceive when connecting to my Spirit Guide team in my pyramid of Light

quite a lot of energy. It also brought forward many old patterns between different family members. Though we wanted what was best for each other, the energy of fear and other patterns did interfere with the good intentions and the situation definitely needed some Light. Prior to attuning the elixir, I had received a healing in my pyramid of Light in the 5th dimension (I have learned to work with this from Ronna Hermans channeling of Archangel Michael). A new dragon guide had already appeared in the week before. She brought me to the pyramid, breathing air and Light into the situation, after which Archangel Michael cut the necessary cords.

When attuning the essence, Michael first referred to this healing. I am sharing his channeled words with you as I know many sensitives and light workers care for family members, friends and partners but also have a tendency to step into helper mode, depleting their own energies.  This channeling reminds us that we cannot learn other peoples lessons for them. Though it is important to be there for them with compassion and love, holding the space for them, we must also let them learn their own lessons and grow at their own time and speed.

“Beloved sister of Light,

I Am Archangel Michael and we have cut important Karmic cords.

This wonderful image of Archangel Michael can be found at Marius Fine Art Studio

As your dragon sister Avonlea impressed upon you it is not time for ou to learn to rise above judgment. You can only do this with compassion and detachment. While you work through your own soul lessons, they have to work through theirs. You cannot do it for them. Though you can support and advice when asked for, they still need to go their own path at their own pace.

If they head along to trouble and refuse to listen, they will need to learn to deal with the consequences of their own choices. Just like you cannot learn other peoples lessons for them, you do not help them by picking up their junk. They need to see all of the effects of their choices to learn the true lesson and choose differently.

Yours is not to step in, but to still be present.

It is much like holding the space in Angelic Reiki. you can hold the space for their Light to come through, if they ask for your help. But you do not have to rush in again and again to clean up their mess to the detriment of your being.

This is a lesson for all those who wish to become spirit guides. In this case you can hold the situation in the highest Light and then let go. As soon as you find yourself frustrated, taking over responsibility or drawn into drama, step back. Ground. Center. Step into your own highest Light. Send your Light to the situation for the highest benefit of all. Then let go.

This is in effect Light work on the personal level.

Let go of the outcome and focus on the Light instead.

Let us now attune the essence and add this important lesson on holding the Light and clearing karma, whilst disentangling from al that is not your responsibility.

I am Archangel Michael and I hold you in the highest Light.”

During the attuning of the essence, it was placed in the Blue Ray and I received an initiation into this Cosmic ray. The ray was placed in my aura, hands and third eye, so that I can use it in my Lightwork and in healing.

I have found the essences grow with the energy of the moment, themes in my own life and in that of others. In this way, higher and higher Light frequencies can be incorporated, which in turn help us to integrate more of our own Soul Light.

With big thanks to Archangel Michael and Avonlea for this great support.

Love and light,


Ps you can now order the essence again at the webshop>>>

Archangel Metatron: living your full potential with Sacred Geometry

Are you highly sensitive? Are you a sensitive light worker? And do you sometimes feelangellightheart17you are not living to your full potential? Perhaps you feel your sensitivity is in fact holding you back from taking the next step in your life? 

Last full moon as I attuned the newest Crystal Angel Essence  Archangel Metatron, this wonderful archangel gave me the following information in a channeling to help you with this theme: 

Beloved Sister / Brother of Light,

the Sacred Geometry is the secret to unlocking your full potential. It is the instrument of the sensitive soul, the old soul, the light worker. it is there to call on. it moves with the speed of Light, bringing you Creator Light. As such your Diamond Core God Cell is activated. Your body and also your non-physical bodies are then brought to a new vibrational frequency.

For a sensitive this process can be intense, but please know that at all times you can ask for a gentler process. It will then take a bit longer, but for some the integration of the higher energies will be easier.

By surrounding yourself with my Cube of Light, called Merkaba by some, you will be able to spin out all old, redundant energies. This creates diamond energy.merkaba

What does the diamond do? It is crystal clear. It reflects the light. And it is strong. No one can scratch it. As such I recommend all light workers, sensitives and the new children to surround themselves with diamond light. Simply ask me and I will infuse you with it as I now infuse this essence with it. Your sensitivity will become your greatest gift, bringing light and clarity to all and staying strong in its own power.

This is my gift to you. I am Metatron.

So, use the diamond light and Cube of Light in your meditations and visualizations and call in Metatron whenever you need. The picture above shows you how you can visualize the tube of light, which consists of two interlinking pyramids.

You may also strengthen this process with the Metatron Essence.


Archangel Azrael: the angel of consolation

Angellightheart5Everyone will experience loss sooner or later. Whether this loss of a job, a friendship, relationship, health or the most permanent loss that we know on Earth: the death of a loved one. In all these situations, we can call upon Archangel Azrael. In the Dutch angel book I co-authored called Angel Do Book, we called him the archangel of consolation. That’s a very appropriate and gentle name for this loving angel, wo is more commonly known as the angel of death.

Archangel does Azraëls name “Whom God helps” and as said, he is known as the angel of death. This may sound scary, but he fulfills this role in the most loving and healing sense.

Azrael is a true grief therapist who helps the souls during their transition to Heaven. At the same time he comforts those who are left behind. He brings them infinite comfort and helps them cope with their loss. He also helps, more generally, in case of loss and times of transition and transformation.

During the previous full moon, I made the gem elixir dedicated to Azrael, yesterday I attuned this essence and today i have filled the essence bottles. While attuning, I received Azraël the following words, which are also intended for all readers of this blog:

I am with you and as i sense your sadness, I shower you with my loving support. I am the guiding light that returns souls home. So for anyone going through a dark night of the soul, each one with a broken heart and grieving mind I went here.

Death on Earth is a birth in the Light Worlds. There is great joy in the light worlds to welcome souls home and, no matter how strange this may sound, this light and joy at the homecoming of a soul surpasses the sadness of leavened and the deep grief of those left behind. (…)

In truth, love never dies. Soul connections go on forever and in every loss there is also a door that opens to a deeper insight of life, of your true calling.

I am here to bring comfort. To help you move through loss and change and sadness.

I am a guiding light, through any darkness. So for anyone who experiences a dark night of the soul, anyone with a broken heart and grieving mind, I am here.

On Earth all is temporary. Even pain and loss. In Light all is eternal, especially love.

So dear ones, let light come in through the cracks in your heart to heal it. And know that all is well and you are never alone.

I Am Azrael. “

IMG_7696I send love and light to all who are going through a period of loss or bereavement. If you need help, know that the angels are there for you.


PS The Archangel Azrael Essence you can assist as well as the Rainbow Bridge Essence. For those who need extra support I offer Angelic Reiki Distant Healing and also coaching and consultations via Skype or email. Finally, I have made angels for those who are grieving. These Healing Heart Angels, with the intention of consolation, can be ordered as a comfort in times of grief.


Channeling fo The Angels of Creativity about Flow

IMAG0366Today I visited the Aysgarth Falls. What a beautiful place! I found myself a perfect little spot, tucked away next to one of the falls. A great place to just Be and meditate. Earlier this week I asked other Lightworkers to send the intention of Peace to such areas as Gaza and Ukraine (on my Dutch blog). Sitting at the Falls I started doing so myself from that peaceful place next to the thundering water. I also sent some Angelic Reiki to a dear friend in the U.S. Then as I sat down to experience the beautiful energies of this unspoiled place in nature a channeling came in, that could almost be seen as a visualisation. You may want to use it as such to create more freedom, flow and creativity in your own life:

Beloved Human Angel,IMAG0384

As the water rushes down, let its energy field cleanse yours. Ever streaming. Ever flowing. Bringing new energy to you.

Let go of all that has gone before. Let it simply flow down the river. Ease into this energy of flow as it moves through your energy field, right to the very core of your being. As it flows through you it sets free old pain, old stuff, and you feel freedom and lightness entering into your body, your state of mind and feelings. Your nature is like this. Ever flowing with new ideas and new creations. Choosing your own path over the river banks of life, through rocks and cracks. Just like the light falls and flitters on the waterfall, so the Light shines on your creative flow. Let is shine through it, bringing you new ideas and lifting older ideas to a higher level.

IMAG0370If another Lightworkers creative flow is compatible with yours, you can now enjoy flowing together, catching and reflecting the Light, making each other better, lighter and filled with joy. Those whose flow does not resonate with you, can follow their own stream. Let them go with grace and your blessing and do not look back. The river certainly never does. It’s simply joyful and powerful in its own flow and direction.

The Light is guiding you strongly through your ideas and inspirations, but most importantly through your heart! Listen to it carefully and let it be light-filled. It will help you channel any angelic virtue into your life, your work, your words and your creations.

You can ask the angels of creativity to expand your creativity and to help you ground it in your world of form. We are with you always to guide, support and inspire you under the watchful eye of Archangel Jophiel.

Be blessed.”

PS please join our efforts in sending the Intention of Peace to areas on Earth that need it right now. If you want to add any to Gaza and Ukraine, feel free to do so, or add them in the comment below.IMAG0376

Copyright Cathelijne ~Angel Light Heart

Archangel Haniel about the Supermoons of 2014

imagesCADJXSZXWhat a lovely place to be during this first of three supermoons. The Llyn Peninsula is such a beautiful place. And though the clouds are blocking out the sight of the supermoon, its power can be felt clearly nonetheless.

As I sat down to do the meditation as written down in the last blog, the presence of the angels came in quickly. Raguel, Zadkiel and Michael came in to help clear away unwanted energies from past connections.

After that, I sat down to see if there was any information the angels wanted to convey concerning the three supermoons. The following came through from Archangel Haniel:

 “Beloved Children of the Light,Dia1

I am Archangel Haniel, angel of the moon and restorer of Divine Feminine energies on Earth.

As the moon waxes and wanes, the waters of life ar in constant motion; an ebb and flow of life’s lessons and creations.

This full moon is the first of a Holy Trinity of Supermoons, here to truly help you let go of all that no longer serves you, all that does not resonate with your soul.

Now is the time to truly step away form those things that are not in accordance with your inner truths.

Let go of all outmoded ideas, concepts, connections, judgments and situations in a loving yet firm way.

supermoonThose who have lived Atlantean lives are extra sensitive to these supermoons as they are NOW called to step into their true spiritual power.

This can only be done when one lives in full integrity of ones soul and places Higher Self above ego. Letting go of ego by no means entails letting others run over you, disregarding your boundaries or take from you which is not by right theirs.

Live from the heart. Give from the heart. And say ‘no’- if need be-  from the heart.

You are ever growing, ever expanding on this spiral of life. Letting go of the “old stuff” will free up your energies to live a truly creative & magical life of Light and Love.

I am Haniel and I send you my Silver Light.”

Copyright Cathelijne

Empowering message of the whales for this time.

bultrug_archieffotoWe live in such special times. We, in the Netherlands, as not used to seeing whales in the wild. So when on the cosmic portal day 12-12-12 a humpback whale stranded on a small Dutch Island this was a huge happening. The lovely whale did not survive. Today, just as we are heading towards 21-12-2012 two healthy humpback whales have been spotted off the Dutch coast where they were jumping and frolicking in the sea.

A good moment to share with you a message from Orca Granny as given to Mary Getten, author of “Communicating with Orca’s”:

“Granny, in a few days it will be the shortest day of the year, when the light from the sun is not strong and shines the least number of hours. We call this day Solstice and many traditions consider this day sacred. A few days after that is a holiday called Christmas that is very important to many people around the world. Do you have a message for humanity at this special time of year?

Oh my dears, you have no idea how special this time of year really is. This is an opportunity for you to go inside and reflect on your lives. Are you fulfilling your purpose? Are you bringing peace and love into the world? Use this darkest of times to examine your life and see where you can make a difference. Each person is not an island, but an individual part of the whole. Everything that you do or say will affect everyone else, and when I say everyone, I don’t just mean humans. I mean every single being on this planet, and there are many more beings that are not human than are. If you could only see how your thoughts, words, deeds and actions ripple out into the world, I know you would do better and be more conscious. This is the change that needs to happen for your world, our world, to be whole.Bultrug-Castricum-1024

You see the violence in the world and you wonder how to stop it. It begins within your self. Fighting against it will never work, but creating a larger field of love will change it quickly. Are you really that powerful? Yes. Yes you are, but until you accept that, and work from this perspective, nothing will change. You must embrace this reality and remind yourself in each and every moment that the way to change the world is to change yourself, one thought and action at a time. Open your hearts, be the shining lights that you are. Radiate the energy of love to every corner of the planet and every being that exists. We are all connected.

Granny, there are those that say that in 4 days, on 12-21-12, there will be a shift on this planet. Some say that it will be mass destruction, others say it will affect our consciousness. Do you have any information or advice about this day?

Do not be in fear about this day. It is indeed an auspicious time with powerful planetary alignments, but it will not be the end of the world. However, there is great potential on that day and the days around it, for humans to open their hearts and raise their consciousness. These opportunities have come before, but this one is especially powerful, so use your time wisely this week. Spend time in contemplation. Go inside and see where you can put your energy to help the world. It is time for humanity to come together and use its strength and power for good, to see each other as brothers and not as competition, to build love and not fear. You CAN do this, but you must set your intention and follow through with action. Just meditating at a certain hour will not change much. You need to ask for insight and then follow through with what you receive. I have great hope that in the coming years humanity will wake up and take giant leaps forward in consciousness. I do not think that it will happen in one day, but if you desire this change, you can certainly put this change into motion at this time. And remember that it does not take everyone to make this change – it only takes enough of you to create a new wave of energy that will displace the old. Do not doubt – Go for it!

4882216399_aaf419d0b8_zRemember that the whales and dolphins are here cheering for you. We are always available to help you – you only need to ask. Together everything is possible and we know that you can create the vision that we have been holding for centuries – a planet of peace, love and harmony. Now is the time to cement this reality, to call upon it, to bring it to physicality and never give up or let this vision go.

Thank you Granny. Is there anything else you would like to say?

Do not put this off. The time is long overdue and you have an incredible opportunity this week to set the new world in motion. Things can change, things will change, if you go deep within, listen and take action. Do not fear – instead radiate love. My blessings to you at this important and potent time.”

12-12-12 Channeling of Shekinah

12-12-12 was an important day. During this Cosmic Portal day, a great influx of energy came to Earth to bring in the Divine Feminine.

Many Light workers across the globe meditated around 12.12 am. During my meditation I received a channeling from the Shekinah:

Goddess1“I am the Shekina bringing to you and to the world the Divine Feminine.   I am one with God. As soul flames, twin flames, the Father and the Mother god are one in essence. Two sides of the same coin. Within each these sides are represented. Both to be tapped into and used for the greater good. As in the yin yang symbol both flow together, encircling each other and carrying the aspect of the other within.

This is what interconnectedness and connection to the Godhead means. All beings are pieces of the same puzzle, carrying the same Divine Light within themselves.

Accept all that is. Sameness. Togetherness. Differences. All have their place in the greater whole as do you.

Bring in the caring, the nurturing of my energy to heal yourself. Now is the time to be gentle with yourself and your body as you receive the download of new cosmic energy in your being.

Soften your heart and wrap Divine Love around yourself like a blanket. Then picture yourself and all Light Workers wrapping the Earth in a soft blanket of Love and Golden Christ Light.librabluetolite

Each Light Worker is like a brilliant star on the blanket of Love. Each unique, yet part of the fabric of this healing blanket of Love for Earth.

Today, nurture your inner light. Let it shine brightly to others. And see it reflected in the eyes and hearts of all you meet.

I am Shekinah, divine Mother, bringing you my nurturing Love.”

The dragons return

Have you heard the dragons call? Have dragons appeared in your life lately through dreams, visions, meditations or signs?

This is the year of the Water Dragon and now is the time more and more Light Workers are starting to (re-)connect to Dragon Consciousness and awakening their own potential as co-creators.

My adventure with the dragons started about three years ago after I bought a ceramics kiln and made a red and green dragon for a dear friend in Wales. Soon thereafter I was visited in a meditative visualisation by a Golden Dragon. It was immensely powerful and regal. I was rather surprised by its immense energy. I had worked with angels and with unicorns in my meditations, sometimes with faeries, but dragons were unknown to me in the spiritual sense and I had not looked for them in any way.

The energy of the Golden Dragon has been most welcome in my meditations, healings and daily life ever since. He has brought me strength in difficult situations at work, protected my energy field and assisted in healings I performed.

Soon the dragons inspired me to start working on a Dragon Oracle, as they conveyed it was time for them to return to human consciousness. They were quite adamant about that. Anytime I lost focus or procrastinated I felt them nudging me onwards with my work. Though they respect free will as angels do and their energies are closely related to Angelic energies, they do not seem to have much tolerance for excuses. They like to help those who help themselves! And they like to empower those who use their power wisely.

As I opened up to their wisdom, to channel it into my Oracle Deck, they spoke to me:

“We are the Dragons, higher dimensional beings that once lived and breathed on the great Mother Earth. Though Mother Earth was never the primary home of our souls we have resided on her and worked with her in close union.

We protected her treasures and ignited the power of the ley lines. We yielded the power and magic of the elements. We worked to keep the Earth and its inhabitants safe and powerful.

Our power was sought to be misused. It was misunderstood and feared. And so we have left this great planet in our physical forms many centuries ago. Yet many of us remain connected to Earth from our higher realms and when needed we are there to assist the planet and awakening beings on it in their journey towards healing and empowerment.

For those of you who are on a path towards greater love, peace and enlightenment we like to tell you we are here when you need our help or protection.

But be warned, we only come to those with open hearts and pure intentions.”

I felt goodness radiate from them as they worked with me. Dragons are often seen as a dark force. Who has not heard of the stories of bad dragons that needed to be slain? But as with all things of power, it depends on the intention of those working with it whether a force is for good or evil.

 Do you wish to work with the dragons? Here are some ways of doing just that.

  1.  Dragons come to us when we are in a higher state of consciousness. To reach this state of mind, meditation is always a good first step.
  2. To further open your consciousness to them, it can be helpful to focus on an image of a dragon, much like I did when I made the dragon sculpture. You may want to purchase a dragon card, painting or sculpture to look at from time to time. Or equally, you can make on yourself!
  3. “The teacher comes when the student is ready.” So even though dragons do not care for being summoned, you can pave the way for their arrival by stating those things within yourself and your life you wish to transform and tell the dragons you would very much welcome their help. As said they like to help those who help themselves, so make sure you start making changes in the area you need help with. No matter how small the changes, it will send out a signal of your desire for change and growth.
  4. Use the Dragon Oracle to work on your personal and spiritual growth.
  5. Use Dragon Essences to attune to their energy.
  6. Visit a ley line and send white light through it to raise the vibration of the area it flows through. The ley lines are sometimes called dragon lines and you can imagine a crystalline dragon helping you with your Light Work on the ley lines.
  7. Lastly here is a guided meditation for you to use to connect to dragon consciousness:
    Ground yourself properly and call in spiritual protection before you start your meditation. Prepare yourself for this meditation by relaxing your body and breathing deeply.

Imagine walking in an ancient forest. The trees are thick and gnarled and your feet are touching a thick blanket of moss. Spiders weave their webs and birds sing their songs.

As you move deeper into the forest you find a cave before you. As you enter this cave a red light radiates from the crystals in the cave. In the middle a red dragon raises itself up and it breathes the red light over you and through you, bringing you strength. You thank the great being as you leave.

As you walk onwards within the cave, you find an opening to an alcove, shimmering in orange. There an orange dragon awaits you amidst orange calcite stones. The dragon looks you in the eyes and from its eyes a beam of orange light emerges. The light surrounds you and encourages you to live your dreams and follow your passions. Again you thank the dragon as leave the alcove and move deeper into the large cave.

Another area of the cave appears; this one a shining yellow citrine area. A yellow dragon moves its talons through your aura and you see it cutting away dark cords from your being. It then softly touches your solar plexus, empowering you with golden yellow energy. You thank the dragon as you move onwards.

A lovely green dragon appears. It is surrounded by the most brilliant emerald cave as it shines soft green light from its huge heart into yours, bringing forgiveness and healing of the heart. You feel your chest expanding and your heart filling itself with love. You send back love to the dragon before you leave its lair.
Onwards a blue dragon lies in another alcove of deep blue sapphire. From its throat radiates a clear blue light into your throat chakra as it gives you the power to express your feelings and speak your truth. You thank the blue dragon as you continue on your journey.

You keep walking through the caves as an indigo dragon appears in a dark blue cave that looks like the night sky. It touches its brow to yours, sending indigo energy into your third eye to awaken your spiritual sight.  You bow deeply to this great Master.

Finally you enter a beautiful amethyst cave. A great purple dragon with butterfly wings motions you to come closer. It lights a campfire for you by spitting violet fire onto the ground. It encourages you to give all that no longer serves you to the flames. You gladly do so, thanking the dragon for its wonderful help.

As you walk on you hear a great rumbling sound and you realize you have come to the end of the cave It is covered by a great waterfall, which radiates rainbow colours. You step through it as it cleanses your aura and brings together all the attributes of the colourful dragons.

As you emerge from the waterfall a white, crystalline dragon soars in the sky. It looks magnificent and reminds you of a unicorn with its white, spiral horn. It lands before you and touches your forehead. You feel a strange tingling sensation and as you look into the lake at the bottom of the waterfall you see a diamond shaped light on your forehead. It will help you use your spiritual power wisely.

Now you are ready to return to the place where you started, to your own body. Make sure you ground yourself as you return to your normal consciousness and write down any insights you received during this meditation.

Dragon blessings


PS if you want to work with the energy of the dragons, you can now order the Dragon Oracle through Email me at to receive more information or order.

Venus Transit and Mary Magdalene

What a special day, this was: 06/06/12 with the Venus transit.

I wrote about the transit earlier in my angel newsletter. Venus would move in fornt of the sun, bringing to the Earth her beautiful qualities. Whilst I would be in the South of France these couple of weeks, I knew that Lightworkers everywhere on earth would be meditating on this cosmic moment that helps us to honour the Divine feminine aspects of ourselves and unite them with the Divine Masculine parts.

How lucky just to be close to Rennes-le-Chateau. A perfect place to attune to Venus’ energies. Rennes-le-Château is a small town in France in the Pyrenees, Languedoc-Roussillon, Aude, between Carcassonne and Andorra. In 1885, Rennes-le-Château was a small provincial town. That year Bérenger Saunière was appointed priest of the village. He started a modest renovation of the church. Rumour has it that Sauniere found something that brought in large sums of money which he used for to fund a much larger renovation. The question remains what Sauniere found. There are now thousands of people around the world in search of this secret. Especially since it would appear that it has to do with the underground tradition around the doctrine of the Cathars and the worship of the Feminine and the specific role of Mary Magdalene. The church itself holds hidden symbols indicative of this role. Furthermore, information underscoring her role has said to have been found in the parchments Saunier discovered. According to the book The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail Saunière found evidence that Mary Magdalene was the wife of Jesus Christ, and had children with him. she is said to have traveld to France with their children.

It seemed a good day to visit Rennes-le-Chateau and meditate in Venus transit. I woke up early and I hoped to be able to see Venus dancing in front of the sun, but it was too cloudy so I went back in my bed. During the morning we left for Rennes-le-Chateau. The sun had come out and I enjoyed the scenery.  Nature around us reminded me of the beauty of Mother Earth. Vast vineyards were interspersed with wild flowers. There were rocky slopes with forests. A breath of fresh air compared to our rather over-populated country. The road to Rennes-le-Chateau had a few hairpins. I never like being on hairpin roads much, but my hubby had a great time traversing them.

Arriving at Rennes-le-Chateau, we first visited the museum about the supposed treasure and Sauniere. We enjoyed the open views and when the belltower announced it was noon, I felt it was time to go to the church dedicated to Mary Magdalen.

The atmosphere in the church was very special. It was like stepping into a warm bath. As receiving a warm and loving embrace. It literally felt very warm. All the holy statues are lovely and the dome behind the altar is painted a beautiful blue with stars.

The church exuded a very strong angelic energy, and I felt many angels were present. I sat quietly in a church bench and sank into a light meditation, occasionally interrupted by other visitors. Soon the energy of Mary Magdalene was present as I received a channeling and guided meditation.

When I closed my eyes I saw a circle with a dot in it. I was asked to do the infinity breath through the center of my heart. Breathing in I was to bring down a loop into Cosmos, breathing out into the Earth. Then I was to do the infinity breath horizontally from the front of my heart to the back. The vertical movement focused on Light and the horizontal one on Love.

I sat for a while breathing the Light and Love through me and around me. In the channeling I was blessed with the Love of the Mother, the Light of the Father and finally with Love of Self. I was once more welcomed into The Sisterhood of Light, as has happened before in Glastonbury.

I was told that the balance between the Divine Masculine and Feminine was torn apart in Atlantean times when the energy of this continent sank and most people started to listen to the negative ego instead of the Higher Self. We are invited to meditate and pray to restore these Divine energies at this time. There is much work to be done. We have free will and we need to make our own contribution. It does not matter how we do this, as long as it comes from pure intention (Light) and a pure, heartfelt awareness (Love). With this, we give the angels and ascended masters permission to do the work on our behalf.

We must realize that we have the masculine and feminine within us. The light and love are here to guide us in our lives. How beautiful!

After the silence and meditation in the lovely church of Magdalena, we drove to the Cathar Castle of Arques. And while I was waiting for the door to be opened, I looked up. There was a beautiful halo around the sun. There it was again: the dot with the circle. I made a picture of it. When  downloading it on our laptop, I saw two birds within the circle. A beautiful reminder of the twin aspect of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine: two separate parts which still form a unity.

Want to know more about my work? Please visit my site: You can sign up for my monthly angel newsletter, free Moon meditation and read about my spiritual and creative work.

Bright blessings


Channeling Archangel Gabriel about the words we speak and think.

New moon, december 5, 2010

I am Archangel Gabriel, the messenger angel.

With the raising of the energetic vibration on earth, the impact of your words, whether spoken out loud, thought internally, or written down on paper, or the computer, cell phone or any other device, all contain magnified power.

Much like the Japanese doctor Masara Emoto proved: beautiful words create beauty. Chaotic words create chaos.

Words can harm or heal.
Word can uplift or steal.
Words can transform and transmute.
With words you create the stories of your life. And so, what story are you writing, my dear one? Are you writing a story of love or of hardship?

In this last part of 2010 I would like to invite you to become aware of your thoughts and words. Whenever you find yourself worrying, complaining or even cursing, I want you to imagine a huge eraser with angel wings flying in to erase the words or thoughts. This leaves a blank canvas and I’d like you to imagine writing loving words on it in beautifully written golden letters. Reprogram your thoughts and words. Let them radiate qualities such as love, respect, peace and healing.

You can practice by silently blessing all those you meet. Try it. Imagine those words:
“Be blessed.”
“Be at peace”
“Be healed”
“Be at one”
“Be loved”

Repeat these words now. Feel them resonate within you. Can you feel the difference this makes?

You literally have the potential to huge change and healing on the very tip of your tongue.

Let this coming holiday season not be about material gifts. Let it be about the true blessing of loving thoughts and words.
Choose appreciation over criticism.
Choose love over hurt or resentment.
Choose your words with care.

I will be there to support you with your inner and outer communication whenever you ask.

I am Archangel Gabriel.

Copyright Cathelijne Filippo

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