Category Archives: Angel Healing

Channeling Archangel Michael for ‘helpers’: hold the space instead of taking over for others

It is a privilege to work with Angels, Archangels and other Beings of Light. It is not reserved just for me. I believe that everyone can connect to the Light worlds, with the right meditative focus, alignment and spiritual development.

Archangel Michael has guided me since the mid ’90’s. I started by channeling his messages and he still guides me to this day. The first Crystal Angel Essence I ever made, was that of Archangel Michael. Recently it was time to make a new batch. Every essence is attuned anew when creating it again. Sometimes that means that the gemstone elixir gets extra gems added to it. At other times it means that there is a specific energy that is being brought forward that adds an extra theme to work with, when using the essence.

Around the time of attuning the new batch, I was dealing with care in the family, which took

This card by Tamara Patrick very much had the energy I perceive when connecting to my Spirit Guide team in my pyramid of Light

quite a lot of energy. It also brought forward many old patterns between different family members. Though we wanted what was best for each other, the energy of fear and other patterns did interfere with the good intentions and the situation definitely needed some Light. Prior to attuning the elixir, I had received a healing in my pyramid of Light in the 5th dimension (I have learned to work with this from Ronna Hermans channeling of Archangel Michael). A new dragon guide had already appeared in the week before. She brought me to the pyramid, breathing air and Light into the situation, after which Archangel Michael cut the necessary cords.

When attuning the essence, Michael first referred to this healing. I am sharing his channeled words with you as I know many sensitives and light workers care for family members, friends and partners but also have a tendency to step into helper mode, depleting their own energies.  This channeling reminds us that we cannot learn other peoples lessons for them. Though it is important to be there for them with compassion and love, holding the space for them, we must also let them learn their own lessons and grow at their own time and speed.

“Beloved sister of Light,

I Am Archangel Michael and we have cut important Karmic cords.

This wonderful image of Archangel Michael can be found at Marius Fine Art Studio

As your dragon sister Avonlea impressed upon you it is not time for ou to learn to rise above judgment. You can only do this with compassion and detachment. While you work through your own soul lessons, they have to work through theirs. You cannot do it for them. Though you can support and advice when asked for, they still need to go their own path at their own pace.

If they head along to trouble and refuse to listen, they will need to learn to deal with the consequences of their own choices. Just like you cannot learn other peoples lessons for them, you do not help them by picking up their junk. They need to see all of the effects of their choices to learn the true lesson and choose differently.

Yours is not to step in, but to still be present.

It is much like holding the space in Angelic Reiki. you can hold the space for their Light to come through, if they ask for your help. But you do not have to rush in again and again to clean up their mess to the detriment of your being.

This is a lesson for all those who wish to become spirit guides. In this case you can hold the situation in the highest Light and then let go. As soon as you find yourself frustrated, taking over responsibility or drawn into drama, step back. Ground. Center. Step into your own highest Light. Send your Light to the situation for the highest benefit of all. Then let go.

This is in effect Light work on the personal level.

Let go of the outcome and focus on the Light instead.

Let us now attune the essence and add this important lesson on holding the Light and clearing karma, whilst disentangling from al that is not your responsibility.

I am Archangel Michael and I hold you in the highest Light.”

During the attuning of the essence, it was placed in the Blue Ray and I received an initiation into this Cosmic ray. The ray was placed in my aura, hands and third eye, so that I can use it in my Lightwork and in healing.

I have found the essences grow with the energy of the moment, themes in my own life and in that of others. In this way, higher and higher Light frequencies can be incorporated, which in turn help us to integrate more of our own Soul Light.

With big thanks to Archangel Michael and Avonlea for this great support.

Love and light,


Ps you can now order the essence again at the webshop>>>

Archangel Azrael: the angel of consolation

Angellightheart5Everyone will experience loss sooner or later. Whether this loss of a job, a friendship, relationship, health or the most permanent loss that we know on Earth: the death of a loved one. In all these situations, we can call upon Archangel Azrael. In the Dutch angel book I co-authored called Angel Do Book, we called him the archangel of consolation. That’s a very appropriate and gentle name for this loving angel, wo is more commonly known as the angel of death.

Archangel does Azraëls name “Whom God helps” and as said, he is known as the angel of death. This may sound scary, but he fulfills this role in the most loving and healing sense.

Azrael is a true grief therapist who helps the souls during their transition to Heaven. At the same time he comforts those who are left behind. He brings them infinite comfort and helps them cope with their loss. He also helps, more generally, in case of loss and times of transition and transformation.

During the previous full moon, I made the gem elixir dedicated to Azrael, yesterday I attuned this essence and today i have filled the essence bottles. While attuning, I received Azraël the following words, which are also intended for all readers of this blog:

I am with you and as i sense your sadness, I shower you with my loving support. I am the guiding light that returns souls home. So for anyone going through a dark night of the soul, each one with a broken heart and grieving mind I went here.

Death on Earth is a birth in the Light Worlds. There is great joy in the light worlds to welcome souls home and, no matter how strange this may sound, this light and joy at the homecoming of a soul surpasses the sadness of leavened and the deep grief of those left behind. (…)

In truth, love never dies. Soul connections go on forever and in every loss there is also a door that opens to a deeper insight of life, of your true calling.

I am here to bring comfort. To help you move through loss and change and sadness.

I am a guiding light, through any darkness. So for anyone who experiences a dark night of the soul, anyone with a broken heart and grieving mind, I am here.

On Earth all is temporary. Even pain and loss. In Light all is eternal, especially love.

So dear ones, let light come in through the cracks in your heart to heal it. And know that all is well and you are never alone.

I Am Azrael. “

IMG_7696I send love and light to all who are going through a period of loss or bereavement. If you need help, know that the angels are there for you.


PS The Archangel Azrael Essence you can assist as well as the Rainbow Bridge Essence. For those who need extra support I offer Angelic Reiki Distant Healing and also coaching and consultations via Skype or email. Finally, I have made angels for those who are grieving. These Healing Heart Angels, with the intention of consolation, can be ordered as a comfort in times of grief.


The Angels support and comfort us in a time of loss

IMAG1344This afternoon I was sculpting an angel for a couple who suddenly lost their teenage daughter. As always when making my Healing Heart Angels I tune into the Angels and this time I was focused on the Angels who comfort in grief, such as Archangel Azrael and the Angels of the Rainbow Bridge. Just as I was finishing the angel, news was broadcasted on Dutch radio that Prince Friso had died today.

Every day, new souls are born on earth in a human body. And at the same time souls leave the planet on a daily bases. Every person has to deal with the grief associated with the ebb and flow of life. We all walk the earth for a certain time. Sometimes we walk together during our whole lives. In other instances life paths cross for a brief time. At some point we all have to say goodbye until the time we will be reunited in the Afterlife or next life on Earth.

The Angels comfort us because they know goodbye  is not forever. Shared love is eternal. You keep this fire burning in your heart for as long as you live, after which there you meet again Soul to Soul.

When my father was dying, tears streamed down his cheeks. He did not understand why his body was crying. He had never been a man who showed his emotions. But his body and soul obviously thought better of it. My sadness at losing him was devastating to him. His main concern was leaving his children behind. I comforted him by saying that the degree of sadness when grieving is in direct proportion to the degree of love that was shared. I had never wanted to miss out on that! After my dad died I made my first Healing Heart Angel to comfort myself and WeepingAngelGriefDallasGroveHillCemeteryLeighLunsford1remind me that our love was eternal and he was protected by angels.

When we mourn, the Angels come to comfort us. You can call on Archangel Azrael, the Angel of Consolation and the Angels of the Rainbow Bridge to assist you during the difficult time after a loss. You can also call on them to assist other people who are grieving. As such we can be there for each other as human angels on earth.

In times of grief, we can be there for others. Simply by being there. By a supportive word or card, a visit or phone call. You cannot take away the pain, but you can give the other person the strength to bear the loss.

Personally, I always ask the Angels to help and support those who have lost a loved one. I have created the Rainbow Bridge essence with my colleague Sabine to support people during any time of transition. And as mentioned above I regenboogbrug2share the peace and strength of the Angels through the sculptures I make.

Would you like a tangible reminder of the fact that your loved one is with the Angels and you are never alone? Or would you like to give this as a gift to someone who is in mourning? Feel free to contact me about making a comforting Healing Heart Angel to support you or your loved one.

Finally, the connection with the Angels can be strengthened by receiving a treatment with Angelic Reiki as a healing gift to yourself or another.

Balancing the Divine Masculine and Feminine energies (in Glastonbury)

2012 is a great inspiration for forecasts on the internet and in spiritual magazines. One of the recurrent themes is that of a balancing of the Divine Masculine and Feminine energies. Many are awakening to the archetype of the Goddess. The Goddess is the feminine aspect of the Creator and her characteristics are that of the loving, compassionate, receptive, introspective and creative woman.

Goddess Sculpture by Cathelijne

For many centuries the west has been dominated by patriarchal cultures and religions and the time has come to balance this. Not to return to the Matriarchal ways of live, but to balance the two. This is needed both in the world at large and in our lives.

Many of us are highly focused in the left side of the brain. This side of the brain is said to be the masculine side.  The left side of the brain processes information in a linear manner. It processes from part to whole. It takes pieces, lines them up, and arranges them in a logical order; then it draws conclusions. The right brain however, processes from whole to parts, holistically. It starts with the answer. It sees the big picture first, not the details. This side is highly intuitive, creative and dreamlike.

To balance the two is to not only use the rational mind, but also your intuition. It enables you to tap into both your analytical abilities as your creative and dreamlike states of mind. This will bring greater wholeness and wellness in your being and life.

Methods of opening the right brain functions abound and include music, sex, art, exercise, massage, color therapy, aroma therapy, acupressure, polarity therapy, and much more. A lovely book for those who wish to develop their creative talents and stimulate the right side of the brain is “” Drawing on the Right side of the brain” by Betty Edwards.

To help the Earth in the balancing of these energies me and my husband and my friend Sabine and her mother performed Lightwork on the Leyline of Archangel Michael. Whilst me and my hubby were in Glastonbury and worked with the leyline on the Glastonbury Tor, in close proximity to the Mary ley line, Sabine and her mum did the same on the Michael ley line here in the Netherlands. They visited the Mary Chapel in Keins where they too worked with both the energies of archangel Michael and mother Mary.

Glastonbury is the heart chakra of the earth. It attract a lot of light and light workers, but still the heart chakra needs help to be able to open in 2012, as Glastonbury also attract many needy people. We saw lovely, light people, but also some that had lots their way in drinking, drugs and psychotic disorders. Sending light to Glastonbury is therefore a great way to aid Mother Earth in balancing her chakra’s, much as we need to balance our own.

The Tor is a manmade hill in Glastonbury. On top of it rests the remains of a tower that once belonged to a church dedicated to Archangel Michael. The ley line can be clearly felt on this hill, where the wind always blows to freshen the mind and the spirit.

Glastonbury Tor

When arriving at the Tor it was absolutely packed with people, so instead of walking up to the tower in one go, we decided to use one of the mud paths and circle it instead. It was amazing to experience this beautiful place from a different angle, walking the hill, crossing little fairy woods and getting acquainted with sheep. Time seemed to flow differently.

At 2.22 pm on October 22 we placed a selenite heart inside the Tor asking this angelic stone to bring in Higher Dimensional energy to heal the Earths Heart Chakra and to help balance the Feminine and Masculine energies on Earth.

Two days later when meditating in the Chalice Well gardens, just below the Tor with my friend Jude we received a beautiful confirmation as orbs of the Angels of Love appeared on my digital camera!

Wishing you all love and an inner balance!

PS If you need help bringing balance in your life, you can contact me for spiritual coaching sessions on skype ( mail me at:

PPS If you would like to work with these orbs, they will soon be printed on large, single cards, for sale for 1,75 euro, postage excluded ( mail me to order:

PPPS I make personalized healing goddess sculptures as the one above. Feel free to inform about it.

11.11.11, a Cosmic Portal

We are soon approaching  11 November 2011. The date of 11-11-11 is said to be one of the most powerful shifts in human awareness that we will experience in our lifetime. It is a rare opportunity to release lifetimes of karmic scripting and ancestral entrapment. Entrapment in the sense of the conscious and unconscious habit patterns which have us wondering why we can’t seem to actualize the life we really want to have, and know is possible. 11-11-11 is the cosmic birth date of humanities prayer for liberation from all that no longer serves us.

A friend told me that a guide told one of her firends that it is important to spend the days between now and 11.11.11 on spiritual self-healing where old hurts, behavior patterns and (family) karma are concerned. This was confirmed to me in a channeling by Archangel Raphael I did in preparation of the new Crystal Angel Essence dedicated to Raphael. I have started to daily work on release meditations and visualization both with Archangel Michael for cord cutting, the Lords of Karma for Karmic Release and Archangel Zadkiel and Saint Germain for overall transformation with the Violet Flame. If you want to learn to work with the Golden, Silver, Violet flame, feel free to contact me about a workshop (possible via skype for those abroad).

There is a lot of wonderful information out there about these special energies and times, such as the quote below that I found on

We are entering a field of energy in our cosmos heretofore never seen. That field of energy is completely programmable and will be programmed whether we participate consciously in its programming or not. For whatever human energy field is most prominent on the day for that hour will be the set point of where we begin the next phase of our evolution as humans. The energy is actually available for us to use and program for 28 hours beginning at 19:00 GMT November 10 and running through to 23:00 GMT November 11. However the most influential time during that time will take place November 11 at 11:11 GMT. During that time the field we are entering will close in behind us and we will be encapsulated in the new field. No matter what human energy we hold at that time will dictate the permanent charge of the new earth field and will be our starting point as we journey into a new time.”

Also, 11.11.11. has been named interconnectedness day. On 11 11 11 in every country at 11 AM in every time zone (starting in New Zealand), all people who are aware of interconnectedness and who are committed to translate that awareness into action are invited to practice interconnectedness as much as possible throughout that day. You can do this in many ways, such a through a loving kindness meditation, by expressing your appreciation, by smiling to everyone, even to those you do not like, practice forgiveness and so forth.  

So whatever you choose to do on 11.11.11, make it a day spent with positive, loving thoughts. The more of us send forth healing, loving and forgiving thoughts to self and others, the more positive this cosmic shift will be.

Bright blessings


Healing Heart Angels by Cathelijne

Working with Orbs: Archangel Michael

This orb appeared on a photograph I took in a little church dedicated to Archangel Michael in the Tuscan city Volterra after spending time communicating with Archangel Michael.

Diana Cooper has written two books about orbs and she says “the angels can lower their frequency to impress their light bodies in a circular shape on the photographs.  These were the Orbs which contain the angelic energy and continue to radiate light and messages after they have been pictured.

Every Orb is a key to a specific energy.   Some offer healing, love and enlightenment.  Others give you special attunements.  A few are portals to the universe.”

She further explains that when you look at the Orbs of angels and other high dimensional beings you will receive:

  • Specific energies to enlighten you and transform your life
  • A connection with unicorns, angels, archangels and fairies
  • Tools for confidence, love, empowerment, spiritual expansion and hope
  • Expanded enlightenment

This orb is sent to us by Archangel Michael. It exudes protection, clarity and communication.

You can work with this orb in many ways:

  • Simply putting it in a room or on your altar can raise the vibration of the room and help bring in energies of protection, clarity and a higher frequency.
  • You can use the card as a focus for your meditation. By looking at the orb you can connect to the energy of Archangel Michael.
  • When you would like protection, clarity or better communication in some area in your life, you can place a word or picture representing that area (or a picture of yourself) on top of the orb.
  • If you would like to receive guidance from Michael in your dreams you may ask him to send it and place the card underneath your pillow (or if you do not want to damage it, place it on your bedside table).

May the orb picture and this great archangel be a support on your path to spiritual wholeness and wellness.

Angel blessings


PS you can find the orb postcard and my other work in the Angels & Co webshop. 


Closure for 2010 and Manifesting a Wonderful 2011

Just a few more weeks and 2010 will come to a close. Midwinter and Yule is almost upon us and this time Yule coincides with the full moon. What better year to look back on your year and see what has gone well and to let go of the things that no longer serve you? By letting go of the past year, you open up to new possibilities for 2011!

Now how can you do this? There is a simple and joyful way to do so:

1. write down a gratitude list for 2010
2. write down all that you would like to leave behind in 2010
3. write down what you wish to manifest in the new year


Gratitude is a powerful tool for every Lightworker, every spiritual seeker, and every human being. By feeling grateful for what we have and have done, we create a sense of harmony, lightness and love. One of the spiritual laws, the law of attraction, states that what we give our attention to, increases. And so by focusing on what we are grateful for, we create an energy that attracts more of the same. What better way to close the year and start the new one than with an attitude of gratitude?

And so, take a pen and paper and write down all the things you are grateful for (big and SMALL) and all the things you accomplished. All that has given you joy or the things you did that gave joy to others.

Letting go

Every year we have new experiences and new lessons to learn. Once learned, we can then let go of them, so we do not have to repeat the same thing over and over again. And so, take a second sheet of paper and write down all that no longer serves you. This may be conflicts in friendships or relationships, worries and thought patterns that hinder you, behaviour patterns that do not reflect your inner light.


Once you have insight in what you no longer want, it is time to focus on what you do want. What new experiences do you want to attract and manifest in the year 2011? What new ways of thinking and behaving would you like to learn and create? Which changes do you like to see happen in all the different areas in your life?

Again, you can write this down on a sheet of paper. But, you can be more creative about this manifesting process! For instance you can make a vision board, on which you write the things you want to manifest and stick pictures that illustrate this. Beneath you will find a manifestation angel. You can print it and write on its body all you wish to manifest. Be sure to always use affirming, positive, here-and-now words.


Now that you have made the three lists, you can create a little angel ritual for yourself. You may need to do part of it outside. Whichever place you choose, make sure you will not be disturbed and feel safe and secure. Before beginning any spiritual practice, make sure you protect yourself. You can do this in many ways. One of my favourites is to ask Archangel Michael to put his deep, blue cloak of protection around me.

First tell Father Mother God and the Angels what you have written down on your gratitude list. Express your gratitude and truly feel it. Feel the blessings that are in your life.

Then, tell them about the things you want to let go of and destroy the second list. When outside, you can do this by burning the list and asking Archangel Zadkiel and Saint Germain to add the Golden, Silver, Violet fire to your earthly flames for transformation and transmutation of all the things on your list.

Lastly show them your manifestation list and ask them to take it up to the higher Dimensions for perfect manifestation.

I wish everyone a lovely Christmas time and a most blessed, inspired and loving 2011!


Copyright Cathelijne – HEART HEaling ART

Weekly Healing List

I have started a weekly healing listback in 2010, to help those in need by sending distant (angelic) reiki healing every sunday night both on this blog and mu Dutch angel blog. It has been my joy to do this for all who needed it.

As demand has grown, I have decided to no longer send free distant healing, but I do offer to call on the angels on your behalf on a single sunday night. Feel free to email me your request.

Should you like further support or healing, you might like to order starbursts, request a distant treatment with Angelic Reiki, an Angel Heart E-consultation or a Healing Heart Angel.

Please note that the healing list is not a replacement for medical help. should you have (serious or recurrent) physical or mental problems ALWAYS visit your doctor a.s.a.p.