Tag Archives: archangel azrael

Archangel Azrael: the angel of consolation

Angellightheart5Everyone will experience loss sooner or later. Whether this loss of a job, a friendship, relationship, health or the most permanent loss that we know on Earth: the death of a loved one. In all these situations, we can call upon Archangel Azrael. In the Dutch angel book I co-authored called Angel Do Book, we called him the archangel of consolation. That’s a very appropriate and gentle name for this loving angel, wo is more commonly known as the angel of death.

Archangel does Azraëls name “Whom God helps” and as said, he is known as the angel of death. This may sound scary, but he fulfills this role in the most loving and healing sense.

Azrael is a true grief therapist who helps the souls during their transition to Heaven. At the same time he comforts those who are left behind. He brings them infinite comfort and helps them cope with their loss. He also helps, more generally, in case of loss and times of transition and transformation.

During the previous full moon, I made the gem elixir dedicated to Azrael, yesterday I attuned this essence and today i have filled the essence bottles. While attuning, I received Azraël the following words, which are also intended for all readers of this blog:

I am with you and as i sense your sadness, I shower you with my loving support. I am the guiding light that returns souls home. So for anyone going through a dark night of the soul, each one with a broken heart and grieving mind I went here.

Death on Earth is a birth in the Light Worlds. There is great joy in the light worlds to welcome souls home and, no matter how strange this may sound, this light and joy at the homecoming of a soul surpasses the sadness of leavened and the deep grief of those left behind. (…)

In truth, love never dies. Soul connections go on forever and in every loss there is also a door that opens to a deeper insight of life, of your true calling.

I am here to bring comfort. To help you move through loss and change and sadness.

I am a guiding light, through any darkness. So for anyone who experiences a dark night of the soul, anyone with a broken heart and grieving mind, I am here.

On Earth all is temporary. Even pain and loss. In Light all is eternal, especially love.

So dear ones, let light come in through the cracks in your heart to heal it. And know that all is well and you are never alone.

I Am Azrael. “

IMG_7696I send love and light to all who are going through a period of loss or bereavement. If you need help, know that the angels are there for you.


PS The Archangel Azrael Essence you can assist as well as the Rainbow Bridge Essence. For those who need extra support I offer Angelic Reiki Distant Healing and also coaching and consultations via Skype or email. Finally, I have made angels for those who are grieving. These Healing Heart Angels, with the intention of consolation, can be ordered as a comfort in times of grief.


The Angels support and comfort us in a time of loss

IMAG1344This afternoon I was sculpting an angel for a couple who suddenly lost their teenage daughter. As always when making my Healing Heart Angels I tune into the Angels and this time I was focused on the Angels who comfort in grief, such as Archangel Azrael and the Angels of the Rainbow Bridge. Just as I was finishing the angel, news was broadcasted on Dutch radio that Prince Friso had died today.

Every day, new souls are born on earth in a human body. And at the same time souls leave the planet on a daily bases. Every person has to deal with the grief associated with the ebb and flow of life. We all walk the earth for a certain time. Sometimes we walk together during our whole lives. In other instances life paths cross for a brief time. At some point we all have to say goodbye until the time we will be reunited in the Afterlife or next life on Earth.

The Angels comfort us because they know goodbye  is not forever. Shared love is eternal. You keep this fire burning in your heart for as long as you live, after which there you meet again Soul to Soul.

When my father was dying, tears streamed down his cheeks. He did not understand why his body was crying. He had never been a man who showed his emotions. But his body and soul obviously thought better of it. My sadness at losing him was devastating to him. His main concern was leaving his children behind. I comforted him by saying that the degree of sadness when grieving is in direct proportion to the degree of love that was shared. I had never wanted to miss out on that! After my dad died I made my first Healing Heart Angel to comfort myself and WeepingAngelGriefDallasGroveHillCemeteryLeighLunsford1remind me that our love was eternal and he was protected by angels.

When we mourn, the Angels come to comfort us. You can call on Archangel Azrael, the Angel of Consolation and the Angels of the Rainbow Bridge to assist you during the difficult time after a loss. You can also call on them to assist other people who are grieving. As such we can be there for each other as human angels on earth.

In times of grief, we can be there for others. Simply by being there. By a supportive word or card, a visit or phone call. You cannot take away the pain, but you can give the other person the strength to bear the loss.

Personally, I always ask the Angels to help and support those who have lost a loved one. I have created the Rainbow Bridge essence with my colleague Sabine to support people during any time of transition. And as mentioned above I regenboogbrug2share the peace and strength of the Angels through the sculptures I make.

Would you like a tangible reminder of the fact that your loved one is with the Angels and you are never alone? Or would you like to give this as a gift to someone who is in mourning? Feel free to contact me about making a comforting Healing Heart Angel to support you or your loved one.

Finally, the connection with the Angels can be strengthened by receiving a treatment with Angelic Reiki as a healing gift to yourself or another.

Lightwork for Syria


SyrieThis blog article is a call to Lightworkers all over the world to work with the angels to improve the situation in Syria. As Dutch help organisations are raising money to help those in Syria, we can add to these practical ways of support by adding our spiritual support.

We are all born from the same stardust, we breathe the same air as we are all children of the Earth. Do we simply watch the news and think the suffering of those far away have no relevance to us and our lives or do we help? Money is only one way to give. What if we all give light?

The angels respect the free will. When we pray for others we give the angels permission to intervene for the Highest good. Starting today, on Easter Monday, April 1 I will be sending healing and light to Syria. Will you join?

You can add to this Lightwork in any way that feels right to you. You can call on the angels, meditate, visualize or send healing in any modality you are trained in. Or you can join this week of calling in the angels (or better yet, repeat it for three consecutive weeks):

Day 1: call on Archangel Michael. Ask him to protect you during your lightwork and then ask him to wrap all the people of Syria in his protective cloak of deep blue light. See how his sword of Light cuts away the darkness and how he uses his tube of Light to vacuum away all clouds of despair. Ask him to help the people transform their thoughts from darkness to light.

Day 2: call on Archangel Zadkiel and ask him to send the Golden, Silver,zadkiel Violet Flame to the area to transform and transmute all the pain, despair and aggression. Meanwhile transform similar energies within yourself. When we heal ourselves, we heal because a piece of the world. Let Zadkiel’ s energy bring forgiveness to all people in Syria.

Day 3: ask Archangel Uriel to bring peace to the country and throughout the Middle East. Visualize how his sword radiates peace to the people and the land and cuts away anything withholding the peace.

Day 4: ask Archangel Raphael to send healing to all who need it, anyone who suffers from the situation. Let his light and healing go to all doctors and nurses, so that miracles can befall those who suffer.

Day 5: call on Archangel Gabriel and Mother Mary to help, console and support all the war children. As the children receive healing  conflict in future generations is prevented.

Day 6: ask Chamuel to fill the hearts of the people love, gentleness and compassion.

Day 7: Finally, ask the angels of the rainbow bridge to bring the souls of those who died to the Light with the help of Archangel Azraël. Ask them too comfort and support their living loved ones.

Thank you!

Angel Blessings



Note: You can enhance this light work by making use of the corresponding Crystal Essences. They are for sale in the Dutch webshop. Feel free to inform about them as I can include translations with orders for those outside of the Netherlands when needed: http://www.crystalangelessences.nl

Healing Visualisation for Japan

News about the situation in Japan confronts us with the uncontrollable force of nature, the resilience of man and the risky use of the facilities on earth. This 3-in-1 disaster of earthquakes, tsunamis and nuclear disaster affects the people and creatures of Japan in a very hard way.

We can bring a small contribution to the healing of Japan and its people by sending light and angels to assist all in the affected area. You can do this healing visualization whenever you want, but if possible it would be nice to have all of us do this on a daily basis.

Healing Visualization

1. Sit quietly in a place where you will not be disturbed.

2. You can hold a picture of Japan in your hands or place it on your altar.

3. Light a candle with the intention that this session will bring healing for the highest good for Japan, its people and the world.

4. Then close your eyes and take three slow, deep breaths.

5. Ask Archangel Michael to protect you during your healing work by placing his deep blue cloak of protection around you.

6. Then ask him then to go to Japan and place a protective cocoon of golden light over all the nuclear reactors and to protect the Earth and it’s atmosphere. Ask him to fix any technical problems within the reactors.

7. Ask Archangel Raphael and his healing angels to support and heal the wounded. Imagine the angels sending emerald green light to the people, animals and nature of Japan and imagine this light to envelop and penetrate each and all to bring peace, harmony and healing.

8. Ask Archangel Chamuel to ensure that survivors are found, so they can be saved and healed.

9. Request Archangel Azrael that all souls who have not survived the disaster be brought to the Light gently and lovingly and ask him and his angels to comfort and support the bereaved.

10. Now ask Archangel Ariel to help restore and protect nature in Japan from all the natural and unnatural violence.

11. And finally, ask Archangel Jophiel to aid in the process of clearing and cleansing all the debris to bring back order and beauty in the country.

12. Thank all the angels and archangels for their help and ask them to send little signals to you on your path that will show you how you can continue to contribute to the healing of Japan and the planet.

Let us hope that this disaster will lead to a flood of compassion, love and understanding of the world.