Tag Archives: crystal angel essence

Channeling Archangel Michael for ‘helpers’: hold the space instead of taking over for others

It is a privilege to work with Angels, Archangels and other Beings of Light. It is not reserved just for me. I believe that everyone can connect to the Light worlds, with the right meditative focus, alignment and spiritual development.

Archangel Michael has guided me since the mid ’90’s. I started by channeling his messages and he still guides me to this day. The first Crystal Angel Essence I ever made, was that of Archangel Michael. Recently it was time to make a new batch. Every essence is attuned anew when creating it again. Sometimes that means that the gemstone elixir gets extra gems added to it. At other times it means that there is a specific energy that is being brought forward that adds an extra theme to work with, when using the essence.

Around the time of attuning the new batch, I was dealing with care in the family, which took

This card by Tamara Patrick very much had the energy I perceive when connecting to my Spirit Guide team in my pyramid of Light

quite a lot of energy. It also brought forward many old patterns between different family members. Though we wanted what was best for each other, the energy of fear and other patterns did interfere with the good intentions and the situation definitely needed some Light. Prior to attuning the elixir, I had received a healing in my pyramid of Light in the 5th dimension (I have learned to work with this from Ronna Hermans channeling of Archangel Michael). A new dragon guide had already appeared in the week before. She brought me to the pyramid, breathing air and Light into the situation, after which Archangel Michael cut the necessary cords.

When attuning the essence, Michael first referred to this healing. I am sharing his channeled words with you as I know many sensitives and light workers care for family members, friends and partners but also have a tendency to step into helper mode, depleting their own energies.  This channeling reminds us that we cannot learn other peoples lessons for them. Though it is important to be there for them with compassion and love, holding the space for them, we must also let them learn their own lessons and grow at their own time and speed.

“Beloved sister of Light,

I Am Archangel Michael and we have cut important Karmic cords.

This wonderful image of Archangel Michael can be found at Marius Fine Art Studio

As your dragon sister Avonlea impressed upon you it is not time for ou to learn to rise above judgment. You can only do this with compassion and detachment. While you work through your own soul lessons, they have to work through theirs. You cannot do it for them. Though you can support and advice when asked for, they still need to go their own path at their own pace.

If they head along to trouble and refuse to listen, they will need to learn to deal with the consequences of their own choices. Just like you cannot learn other peoples lessons for them, you do not help them by picking up their junk. They need to see all of the effects of their choices to learn the true lesson and choose differently.

Yours is not to step in, but to still be present.

It is much like holding the space in Angelic Reiki. you can hold the space for their Light to come through, if they ask for your help. But you do not have to rush in again and again to clean up their mess to the detriment of your being.

This is a lesson for all those who wish to become spirit guides. In this case you can hold the situation in the highest Light and then let go. As soon as you find yourself frustrated, taking over responsibility or drawn into drama, step back. Ground. Center. Step into your own highest Light. Send your Light to the situation for the highest benefit of all. Then let go.

This is in effect Light work on the personal level.

Let go of the outcome and focus on the Light instead.

Let us now attune the essence and add this important lesson on holding the Light and clearing karma, whilst disentangling from al that is not your responsibility.

I am Archangel Michael and I hold you in the highest Light.”

During the attuning of the essence, it was placed in the Blue Ray and I received an initiation into this Cosmic ray. The ray was placed in my aura, hands and third eye, so that I can use it in my Lightwork and in healing.

I have found the essences grow with the energy of the moment, themes in my own life and in that of others. In this way, higher and higher Light frequencies can be incorporated, which in turn help us to integrate more of our own Soul Light.

With big thanks to Archangel Michael and Avonlea for this great support.

Love and light,


Ps you can now order the essence again at the webshop>>>

From worries to prayers with Archangel Sandalphon

IMG_4696As many of you will probably know, I have created a range of Crystal Angel Essences. It was a beautiful road of personal development as me and my friend Sabine created the range over e period of about three years. Today it was time to attune a new batch of Archangel Sandalphon Essence. The gemstone elixir had been made onder the blue moon.

As I attuned the angel to the wonderful energy of archangel Sandalphon I received this wonderful reminder:

“I am with you, grounding you on Earth and connecting you to the Divine.
I am the Great Go Between. It is my joy to deliver your prayers to Father/Mother God.
All you do and think leaves a trail of energy behind. We angels see this and we love it when humans leave patterns of light and love in their wake.
As worry drags you down, I wish to remind you that you can lift yourself up by transforming worries into prayers!
I will be there to catch them and carry them to Source.
Please trust and know that all is well.
I am Sandalphon”

You can call on Sandalphon when in need of grounding and when you need help with your prayers and soul wishes. This angel also brings in the Divine Feminine and helps us balance the masculine and feminine within. Using the Crystal Angel Essence Sandalphon can help you with this!

This beautiful Crystal Angel Essence:

  • connects you to the energy of archangel Sandalphon and brings this into your aura 
  • delivers your prayers to Source and helps you manifest your dreams
  • helps in the search for your twin soul and helps you open your heart to earthly and heavenly love
  • balances the feminine and masculine aspect
  • brings heaven and earth together in your heart
  • opens you up to the energy of Goddess 
  • helpts to ground
  • lifts blocks on your spiritual journey  
  • helps you translate spirituality to the practicalities of daily living

Archangel Sandalphon

Archangel Sandalphon brings prayers to heaven. His name means ‘brother’ and is the twin 17091102aspect of Archangel Metatron. Both are the only archangels that once lived human lives. in the case of Sandalphon the prophet  Elijah. He rules the earth aspect in the Kabbalah. As such Sandalphon helps us to bring heaven and earth together and live our spirituality in our daily lives. Working with this essence helps develop your spiritual gifts and create a stronger connection to the Divine. Music can help as do poetry and creativity. This essence will help you get unstuck on your spiritual path, when needed.

The crystal power in this essence accelerates spiritual transformation. It helps to gorund and focus the energy of angel prayers and rituals. As such it is a lovely essence to use together with the book 365 Days of Angel Prayers.

This essence also helps to open the third eye and balance the kundalini energy. When speaye in the room, it hieghtens its vibration and makes manifestion easier. This Crystal Angel Essence expands your intuition and gives insight in times of emotional turbulance.  Your vibration gets heightened on the physical level. It brings quantum leaps in healing.

I now offer both the essence and the book with a special extra choice: that I write an angel prayer especially for you and your situation. You can take a look at http://www.angelsco.nl for all the details about these wonderfully inspiring products.

Loving prayers for you

Special full moon meditation on April 15, 2014: lunar eclipse

foto-'s-van-de-maansverduistering-nb8699The next full moon is on April 15. This moon of April is known by different names, such as the Pink Moon, referring to pink blooming moss flowers. In another system, it is called the Moon of death, because at this time when many crops are particularly vulnerable. Buds and flowers of fruit trees can still significantly affected by the frost that can still occur. In that sense it is a time that separates the wheat from the chaff. When you see your personal intentions as seeds, then some intentions will flourish and others will be like dreams that do not come true.

This full moon will also be a lunar eclipse. Eclipses provide surprises in our horoscope. They can shake up our lives and help us to grow. This may be associated with major life events. Messages that come your way during eclipses require extra attention. Eclipses shine light on deeper truths in your life. They can unveil new insights.

Often eclipses bring about the new. They may announce an end as well as new beginnings.

The eclipses of 2014 are extra powerful because they are total eclipses. These are wonderful moments that can bring around great change, especially when you tune into your higher self and your true path through meditation.

Dia1Please pay extra attention to the signs from your angels and guides. This will help you bring about positive change and inner growth. Use these moments for deep introspection and purification. Go within and find the silence of your heart. The lunar eclipse will give you the opportunity to let go of old stuff from your own and the collective unconscious making room for your True Self to shine through. This is a great time to heal relationships and the earth. A time to bring yourself back into balance and you can recharge your inner batteries.

As such this moon meditation will not only connect you to the full moon and all the light workers who join the meditation, but also to your life path or Divine Blue print. Archangel Jeremiel is the angel who helps us during a so-called life review. After this life we all receive such a review, but there is no need to wait. You can use this meditation to check in with your Higher Self and Archangel Jeremiel to see if you are living your Blueprint. I will create a new Crystal Angel Essence during this full moon, attuned to Jeremiel. By focusing on the beautiful , spiritual energy of Archangel Jeremiel during this full moon will indirectly help to anchor this energy on Earth too!


You can join me and the other light workers at 7 pm UK time. Should this not be convenient, then feel free to join in at another time. In meditation and spiritual work intention is more important and will connect us all regardless of time and space.


1. You can start your meditation by lighting a candle (make sure it is in a safe place).

2. You can also use some incense or aromatherapy.

3. Sit quietly and relax. Be aware of your body and take some deep breaths. This will purify your energy and helps you connect to the angels more easily.

4. Begin by purifying your space, for instance by visualising the golden, silver & violet flame through your room.

5. Ask Archangel Michael to protect you with his deep blue cloak of protection.

6. Put your feet firmly on the earth to ground yourself. Imagine your feet growing roots deep into the earth. Then open up to the powerful energy of the full moon and lunar eclipse. Travel to Archangel Jeremiel on a beam of moonlight.

7. Now imagine that you are in a Temple of Light in the higher dimensions. In the middle of the temple awaits a beautiful purple angel. You know it is the Archangel Jeremiel. He is holding the book of your life. In this book, your mission in life is written down.

8. If you have questions about your life mission, ask Archangel Jeremiel about it. Let the picture unfold. Perhaps scenes are shown, or you receive words or other insights. If nothing comes, you can set the intention to receive clarity and directions from the angels in the coming days.

9. Jeremiel finally closes the book and puts his hand on your heart and says: ” Your heart is the compass of your soul. Follow it with wisdom.” The Archangel then takes the book and says goodbye to you. Thank him for his help.

10. Now bring your awareness back to the room where you started. Move your hands and feet, stretch a bit and feel your body firmly back on the ground. When you’re done, consciously blow out your candle letting of the meditation. Do not forget to write down any insights you received (in a angel diary).

I wish you a transformative and insightful moon.

Angelic love,


PS If you are interested in the Crystal Angel Essence Jeremiel, you can mail me.


Full Moon Meditation January 27, 2013: Ice Moon

Full Moon
January 27, 2013ice_planet_by_boodie

Like last year, whilst writing this moon meditation around the ice moon it is very cold outside. The world is a white wonderland and this brings with it a certain magic. It reminds us of the Purity of our True Soul Essence. At the same time all this white around us acts like the surface of a mirror and it reflecting any impurities within ourselves and our lives. The incoming high energies bring to the fore all that no longer serves us and things we need to let go off, such as old emotional pain and difficult memories. This full moon will certainly help us with that. Should you need an angelic conlsultation, reading or distant treatment to support you with this, feel free to contact me.

The Ice Moon is a good time to reflect; to go deeply within ourselves. Whilst nature is full of outer stillness, the trees and plants that seem asleep still are active in their deep roots in the earth. Likewise we need to go within. We cannot seed our dreams on frozen ground, we need to dig deep to reach fertile grounds at this time.
This Ice Moon falls a few days before the Celtic festival of Imbolc and calls on us to answer the Call and remember our Lineage of Light. Though the Earth still seems to be asleep, it is slowly awakening, Not just to springtime, but to the fifth dimension and the new energies coming in. As the New Earth is born, so a new you is born. The you that is a multidimensional being connect to the Earth, the stars and the Cosmos.

pad%20van%20lichtMany feel homesick and want to return to source. This feeling can be lessened by reconnecting to Earth, self and Cosmos. This will lead to a remembrance of being old souls, healers, priestesses and light workers. Imbolc is the time to remember the energy of a new birth.

As such this meditation will focus on connecting to the new frequency of the Earth and our lineage of Light. Your guardian angel will guide you during the meditation. Archangel Metatron will help you connect to the new Earth Frequencies, whilst the Galactic Masters will reconnect you to the stars and the Cosmos.

The meditation
We, in the Netherlands, will be meditating on the full moon at 8 pm (this is 7 pm UK time). You can either participate at the exact same time or whenever it is 8 pm in your time zone. All Light workers participating in this event connect to each other from afar. You will find this often enables a deepening of the meditation to occur.

Light some candles. You may choose to burn some incense as well.

Sit quietly and ground yourself by imagining roots growing from your feet deep into the earth.archangel michael

You may then clear and dedicate the space. I do this by calling in an ascension column of light, the platinum net and ascension flame. I also use lovely aura sprays by Crystal Angel Essences. Especially the one called archangel Michael creates a high vibration and calls in protection at the same time. You can ask Archangel Michael to place a Deep Blue Cloak of protection around you.

Connect to all the other Light Workers so we may form a network of Light around the planet.

Now feel your guardian angel standing behind you and wrapping his loving wings of light around you and your energy field. Breathe in the energy of your guardian angel and feel it opening your heart.

img_5040As you sit safely within your guardian angel’s embrace, it is time to connect to Earth. Place your attention wherever your body is connected to the surface below you, knowing the Earth is carrying and supporting you. Perhaps you can feel her heart beat. Open yourself to the unique vibration of this beautiful being called Earth or Lady Gaia, your home in this lifetime. As you connect to her, send her your love and deep gratitude. Give your body permission to attune to the Higher Frequencies now available on Earth.

Archangel Metatron joins you and your guardian angel to download the new frequencies of light in your being and in your aura. Energy patterns of light whirl around you in different shapes and colours a your body is softly raised to functioning in the fifth dimension.

As you now vibrate in unity with mother Earth and her highest Divine Blueprint, you are ready to attune to the Cosmos next. We are all made of stardust and many have had multiple lives on other stars and star systems. Galactic Masters of Light help you vibrate in line with the cosmos. As such you form a unique symphony together with Earth and the Cosmos: your very own soul song.

Know you descended from light (as you will ascend to Light). Now is the time to connect to your lineage of Light. Please allow your guaridan angel to help you remember this lineage by giving him or her permission to do so.

This powerful meditation will work through and past Imbolc, helping you to celebrate the light and embrace it.

You can share this Light by sending it to others now.beschermengel

When you feel that are ready, bring your consciousness back to the room where you started. Move your hands and feet, stretch and feel your body making contact with the floor beneath you. Then blow out the candles, and let go of this meditation.

P.S. For those interested I have made Crystal Angel Essences that can support this work: Archangel Michael, Archangel Metatron, Guardian Angel and StarSeed. It can be ordered through my Dutch web shop http://www.crystalangelessences.nl

PPS Are you interested in purchasing a one of a kind angel, made especially for you? Feel free to inquire after a Healing Heart Angel or visit http://www.facebook.com/HealingHeartAngels.

© HEART- HEaling ART ~ Cathelijne Filippo
Feel free to share this meditation with others, but please enclose the source and copyright.

This moon meditation was partly inspired by a beuatiful newletter by Cora from Gaia Bewustzijn. For those wishing to connect to their de Lineage of Light en Imbolc feel free to email her at gaiabewustzijn@hotmail.com

Message of wisdom from a stranded whale bringing in compassion.

Whilst Light Workers all over the world meditated on 12-12-12 and opened up to the Divine Feminine energy coming in, a Humpback Whale stranded on a small Island off the Dutch coast. Could this be some cosmic sign and if so, what sort of sign would that be? In the Middle Ages whale strandings were seen as bad omens. Today many of us have a different view on this.  

When you look at the animals that cross your path as signs or animal totems, the appearance of a whale reminds us of our creativity, intuition and forgotten talents. Whale asks us to listen to stories of our past and healing old wounds with creativity. Open mindedness and acceptance are needed as well. Whale teaches us about the magic of sound, singing and chanting. The whale reminds us not to strand in our lives, but to communicate clearly and move forwards whilst doing so. Whale connects us to sacred breath, consciousness, community, the bond between mother and child and sacred sexuality.

As such the qualities of the whale resemble those of the Divine Feminine consciousness, reconnecting us with the feminine, empathic, intuitive and communicative aspects within. As such the stranding of the great humpback whale in Dutch waters seemed to underpin the energy of 12-12-12.  

A humpback whale breachs off the coast of Maui, with a double rainbow.The stranding of the whale that was named Johannes, touched me deeply. It was the same for many accorsse the Netherlands and worldwide as well. How we respond to this sad events is up to each and every one of us.

Every event on Earth can be viewed from many levels. Physically the stranding of a whale can be about a sick whale no longer able to navigate the ocean of life. Socially it can lead to all sorts of responses in the community. Some of it was not pretty as there was uproar, judgment and even threats directed to the animal rescue organizations and government. Others were beautiful with people sending Light. Though Johannes’  physical life has ended, his soul mission may still be working out through us all.

I would like to share the impressions I, as well as other Light Workers, received about the stranding of this magnificent being in this time on the planet.

A day before Johannes stranded, I had a dream of a humpback whale with a wound swimming up to me for healing. I remember giving it healing and having a telepathic link to it. You can imagine my surprise when the news on 12-12-12 reached me. Goosebumps all over (or should I say angel bumps). As soon as I heard the news I started sending healing and Light to the whale. In my mind’s eye I saw a spirit whale made of translucent golden energy floating above Johannes’ physical body. What a magnificent soul! He let me know he was there to share his wisdom with mankind. I got the impression of light packages of wisdom needing to be downloaded. He said his soul mission was to impart wisdom, compassion and unity to the people. A huge sacrifice to help mankind awaken to the fact we are part of all that lives. In my last healing to him I was carried on the golden whale’s back to a pyramid of Light where the whale was surrounded by intricate geometric patterns, some of which were downloaded into my aura. Though I am not sure what that means, but what is perfectly clear to me is that his message was one of love and unity.

Anne, a Lightworker who hosts whale trips in Panama, received the following message frommedia_xll_1458698 Johannes:

I came to risk myself to help humans come together at a time of need. There is much fear and stress in the world today and it is my soul’s mission to offer my physical life in service to the human race. My goal in stranding was to bring humans together, hoping they would bond in the effort to save my life. I want people to forget their daily worries to join together in an act of selfless love to save my live. I want to live. I am saddened to see that people are fighting over what to do with me and many are giving up. I can survive and live a long, healthy life if you humans can drop your fears and need to control the situation and act purely from your hearts with no ego involved.” I sensed there is a very strong life force and a white light around him, almost angelic. The angels are with him in honor of this incredible act of selfless love and beauty in a drastic attempt to heal the world.”

Mary Getten, a well known whale commuinicator who wrote a lovely book called ” communicating with orcas”  tuned into the whale after its passing:

“How are you doing?
It is a relief to be in spirit.
Were you in pain?
Yes, I had physical pain in my body, being on the land. It is not a place for a whale.
How and why did you end up there?
I have things that are obstructing my stomach. I have been unable to process my food and have been getting weaker and weaker. Finally I had to come ashore because I could not support myself on the surface anymore.
I am so sorry for the way you were treated. Is there anything you would like to say about that?
There is nothing that could have been done to save me. My life force was already so weak and there was this internal condition that could not be righted. I felt the love that many humans were sending me and I thank them for that. There were those who held the light and sent me energy to do what I needed to do, which was to leave my body.
Do you know that your presence caused a lot of conflict or misunderstanding in the various marine communities?
I felt the confusion, but I did not understand what it was about. I came ashore to die, not to ask for help. It was my time to go. Loving hands on me throughout the process would have been wonderful, and there were some loving hands at times. I would have liked that until my light left my body.
Do you have a message for humanity?
Each being is precious in it’s own way – none are better or less, higher or lower in importance. It329_1young_curious_humpback_whale_calf is time to treat everyone as a brother, whether they be human, animal or plant. Be compassionate in your response to every one you meet. My time on the beach was an opportunity to open hearts and to give people a chance to be compassionate. Some took that opportunity and others did not. I have no judgment about it. This is just a fact. Do your best to come from your heart in every interaction and your world will be so much better for it. 
Did the physical problem you had come from human impacts in the sea?
Yes. It is time for humans to realize the impact they have on all other species and to minimize those impacts as much as possible.  We are all connected and dependent upon one another. What happens to me will eventually happen to you.
Anything else you would like to say?
Do not spend your time being sad and sorrowful for me. Use your time to open your hearts and do good for all beings. I was a reminder and an opportunity for you. Learn from this encounter and lift yourselves up.”

What a beautiful message! Jude, a dear friend and animal healer andcommunicator from England also tuned in:

“What a wonderful Whale to actually give up his life like that to get humans attention. Yes I felt the whale was saying people need to open up to a deeper consciousness now and him being beached up he sacrificed his life in order to raise awareness to humans in how they treat the mother earth and release negative emotions like fear and judgments within her and one another.”

Hilda from Belgium received several cosmic symbols in 2006, one of which was the white golden whale. She feels these symbols are ready tob e sent into the world. In her words “Let us work to have Golden Water stream through our rivers. In light, Love, Unity, Strength and Wisdom.”

orb whaleInge, an Angelic Reiki friend, visited me this week to pick up an angel sculpture. She posted a photo on facebook with an orb on it. In the middle of the orb was a whale eye conveying peace, wisdom and compassion.

The similarity between all these message are love, light and healing for the world. Did Johannes touch your heart and would you like to use this constructively? Here are some ways to do just that:

  • Send love, light and healing to the whales, dolphins and oceans on a regular basis.
  • Be compassionate towards yourself and others. Let go of the tendency to judge.
  • Work with the energy of the whales and dolphins by using the Crystal Angel Essence “ white whale”  and “angel dolphin” (you can order them by sending me an email at angellightheart @ hotmail.com)
  • Learn to communicate with whales and to work with dolphin energy through the work of Mary Getten and Linda Shay.
  • Do not leave behind rubbish and litter on the beach. On a summer day here in the Netherlands the garbage cans are often full and people simply dump their stuff next to it. All it takes is some wind to blow it into the ocean.
  • When walking on the beach, bring a plastic back so you can pick up the garbage lying around. Garbage, especially plastic is a danger to the ocean and all that live in it.  
  • Support the whales and dolphins by giving money to causes such as WDS, SOS dolfijn and Greenpeace.

We are all a part of the greater whole. It is time for us to learn with compassion and take good care of the Earth and all sentient beings on it.