Tag Archives: lightworkers

Full moon meditation for December 28, 2012…the moon of the longest night

d_iotw_20081211_0December 28, Full Moon in Cancer

Moon of the longest night – cleansing & purification

This Friday is the last full moon of 2012 and I welcome you to spend some time in meditation on that day with me and other Lightworkers.

Since this very special Yule / Winter Solstice the turnaround has taken place. The days grow longer and the constructive forces of nature are gradually strengthening over time. The light of the full moon at this time provides a glimpse of the sunlight returning in nature. This moon is a harbinger of the coming spring and summer.

This Moon’s theme are cleansing and new beginnings. You may experience an increase in emotions, and perhaps past grief and hurts are to be released now.

This moon is again a perfect time straighten things out. What a great time to let go of all you wish to leave behind in 2012. If there are things left that need to be released, this full moon is a good time. This will make room for new things in the new cycle that is coming your way. Some things need to change before you can begin something new. The cleansing effect of the energy of this moon will help you in the process.

The moon meditationmeditatie

Here in the Netherlands we are meditating at 8 pm. You can join me and the other Lightworkers participating by connecting to meditate at the same time, or at 8 pm in your time zone. If you cannot make this time, feel free to choose a time that is convenient and simply hold the intention to connect to us. This will amplify the meditation.

The preparation

You may prepare the meditation by writing what you want to let go of.


You may light one or more candles before you begin. You can also burn an incense stick, or some aromatherapy oil.

Sit down and relax.

Start by cleansing your room. I always do this by placing a pillar of light, a platinum grid through the room and by inviting the ascension flame. Also, I always use the Archangel Michael spray of Crystal Angel Essences (you can order this from me).

Place your feet firmly on the earth to ground yourself before you make contact with the silver light of the moon. Imagine roots growing from your feet deep into the earth.

Ask Archangel Michael to protect you with his deep blue cloak of protection.

Connect with all Lightworkers so that we may form a network of light around the earth. You can hold a special intention for the planet, such as peace, healing and / or love.

Now imagine that you are in a temple of light in the higher dimensions. The temple is a pyramid of light and is filled with a healing landscape. You walk through this landscape. There is a creek, where you can release your list of things that no longer serve you. The words will simply dissolve and the paper will perish.

MountainFallsYou walk ahead and there are special animals that accompany you and remind you that you are part of nature and the larger whole. Before you appears a beautiful waterfall. This waterfall sparkles of light and rainbows shine through it. A great angel stands beside the waterfall. This is the Angel of Purification and you are invited to stand under the waterfall. Feel the light and rainbows flowing over you like warn water. Everything that you no longer need is washed away. All impurities, heavy emotions and pains are easily rinsed from your being.

If you feel that this is done, you leave the magical rainbow waterfall. The Angel hands you a robe of light for you to wear. The Angel encourages you to keep your mind and thoughts pure and to return whenever you feel you need it.

When you’re done, bring your awareness back to the room where you started. Move your hands and feet, stretch out and feel your body being connected to the ground. When you’re done, blow out the candle and let go of the meditation.

You may use the time after the cleansing meditation to make an angel vision board with your dreams, wishes and intentions for the year to come. You will find some inspiration about this on my youtube channel.

Big angelhug,


PS want to start the year with inspiration for your spiritual journey in 2013? Feel free to order a 2013 reading. Or why not gift yourself a Healing Heart Angel, a perfect sculpture just for you bringing in the Angelic Qualities you need?

Copyright ALH




Moon meditation Bloodmoon, November 28, 2012

28th of November 2012
Bloodmoon – survival

This wednesday, on the 28nd of November we are blessed with another full moon. This full moon is called the blood moon as it is historically the time of year when people would prepare for the hard winter months ahead by slaughtering the pigs. In those days the harvest had gone by and survival was a lot harder without all the technological support we have.
People in the West have become quite removed from nature and its natural rhythms. We have electrical light, heat and all sorts of machines to help us get things done. And although this is certainly very easy and convenient, it also means we have grown apart from nature.
My yoga teacher used to tell her students that we have less energy in our bodies during winter (she would say we would have 50% of our energy on December 21 and 100% on June 21).
Western living does not really take this into account. The economy does not go any slower. When you look at people going to work in the dark hours of morning and coming back home after sunset, you sort of wonder what is wrong with that picture.
The Bloodmoon is a time to say goodbye to that which lies behind us
. It is an excellent time to ponder what we wish to keep. It also shows us our vulnerability. Vulnerability and personal weaknesses do not deserve punishment or criticism. They should be given care and attention instead. It is important to take time to get to terms with old hurts and find inner peace. Winter is a time to go within, to collect energy so that we may blossom again come spring. Every season has its own energy and it is unwise to try make things grow and flourish in winter as spring is a much better time to do so.*
To prepare for the new year and spring, winter calls on us to let go of all that no longer serves us. Emotions and events may be digested. Take time to rest, take good care of yourself and recover and recuperate where needed.
Sensitive persons and Lightworkers can also be confronted with the heightening of the frequency on the planet caused by the ascension process as we head towards the 21st of December. These higher energies can bring to the surface old patterns, which can cause some chaos in our lives. With some this can lead to some physical symptoms such as fatigue. Again, this is a good reason to go within and take excellent care of ourselves.  
The Earth and all souls currently incarnated stand before wondrous and powerful times of change and transformation. We can contribute to this process by taking care of ourselves and by sending love to ourselves, others and the earth. The closer we stay connected to our soul, the purer and more powerful the Light will be that we can radiate to the Earth, to people in need, and to all that lives and needs light.
You can prepare for the meditation by taking some time to write down your thoughts on survival, living and caring for yourself. How do you treat yourself? When do you criticize yourself? What about? Could you deal with these things differently, without all the criticism? Can you be more loving towards yourself? And how about taking better care of you? You are a child of the Divine after all!  

 The meditation
You are welcome to connect to me and all the other Light workers who are meditation on the full moon at 7 p.m. UK time. 
Though far away, we can all connect through the field of unity. You may find this strongly facilitates your meditation. If you cannot make it at 7 p.m. you may sit down another time with the intention of connecting.

    • Light some candles. You may choose to burn some incense as well.
    • Sit quietly and ground yourself by imagining roots growing from your feet deep into the earth.  
    • You may then clear and dedicate the space. I do this by calling in an ascension column of light, the platinum net and ascension flame. I also use lovely aura sprays by Crystal Angel Essences (the is also a Morther Mary essence and both can be ordered through by senind me an email – http://www.angellightheart.com) Especially the one called archangel Michael created a high vibration and calls in protection at the same time.
    •  You can ask Archangel Michael to place a Golden Dome of protection around you.
    • Connect to all the other Lightworkers so we may form a network of Light around the planet.


  • Imagine being in a temple of Light in the Higher Dimensions. The temple is a pyramid of Light. As you nter it you are surrounded by the most wonderful aquamarine crystal that radiates its soft light to you. Breathe in this color. Before you stand a being of pure blue and white light. When it comes near to you, you realize this is Mother Mary, the queen of Angels. Mary over lighted the Mother of Jesus and she and her angels bring endless healing and compassion. Picture her angels forming a circle around you and sending you healing from their hearts and hands. Mary looks at you lovingly. She knows your human ‘faults’, but sees the perfection of your soul. She radiates this to you and asks you to open your heart for yourself and to show yourself some respect and love! See your heart chakra as a beautiful flower with 33 and imagine the petals opening one by one.
  • Two of Mother Mary’s angels bring a big mirror to you. Now look at yourself and send love to all parts of yourself that you tend to criticize or which you are unsure about. When you have done this, your True Self appears in the mirror. It is a being of pure and magnificent light. This is who you truly are. The being you may bring to Earth in all you think, say and do. Now see Mary appearing behind you as she puts her aquamarine cloak around you. This cloak is now placed within your energy field. Mary hugs you and you say goodbye to her and her angels.
  • When you are ready, bring your consciousness back to the room where you started. Move your hands and feet, stretch and feel your body making contact with the floor beneath you. Then blow out the candles, and let go of this meditation.

 Beigh moon blessings


* Should you wish to learn more about living in sync with the seasons, I very much recommend a lovely e-book / reader by my dear friend Nicky Jevon and her colleague Caroline Khambatta called “You and your year”, to be ordered at


Feel free to share this meditation with others, but please enclose the source and copyright.

Archangel Michael (Orb) in Volterra

We are on holiday in Tuscany at the moment. It is a beautiful area, with its rolling hills, vineyards and many cultural and historical treasures. Today we were to go to the City of Volterra.  

I awoke from a very busy dream. I dreamt of holding a healing evening and there were so many people there, payment became an administrative chaos and I remember thinking I should do theme nights instead of trying to heal so many individuals at once. Now I do have a spiritual/creative business but do not do healing evenings at the moment and have even been wondering about which direction to go with my business as I still have a paid job and the business is much more about Lightwork and helping people than about earning money. 

After waking up I checked my email and there was an e-newsletter by Mikael and Amethyst, two people who do spiritual work and the message was for Lightworkers to stop making excuses and get off their buts to do their true lifé’s work:

“If you are here to change the world we want you right now to stop making excuses, get off your buts, and do it!! Inspired ACTION is what We’re calling forth!! INVESTMENT in accessing all the HELP YOU NEED is what We’re calling forth!! DETERMINED, SPIRIT GUIDED Decisions-in-Trust are what we’re calling forth.

Let me share with you, dear hearts. You do NOT make a difference sitting on your BUTS. You do NOT create a business and serve the people you are here to serve by staying behind your computer screen in your comfy pjs just dreaming about it.”

I was a bit unsettled after that wondering as to what the dream and newsletter were meant to tell me. Even though I did not feel too well, we went off on our day trip anyway to the city of Volterra. We were going there to visit the Etruscan Museum, but as we were walking through the old City I spotted a little church dedicated to San Michele (Archangel Michael). Most of the churches and cathedrals here are much bigger, but as Archangel Michael is my favorite angel and I have worked with him a lot I really wanted to enter the church.

Upon entering there were some people there and I felt very emotional. As I sat in front of the altar I felt Michael was close. My husband who is an indigo, but does not go around chasing spiritual experiences, felt the energies were a bit too much for him and left the church. As he did everybody in the church left and I was there alone with the presence of Michael. I was very warm! And felt some encouraging thoughts being sent to me. Archangel Michael reminded me of being a Light Worker and gave me a renewed choice about that. As always I told him I truly want to be a Light Worker and serve the higher good. He told me not to worry about which way to go about it, especially with my business. All I need to do is check in with him daily and we will take it one step at a time. I do not need to know where I am heading as my mind (uhm ego) would just get in the way. What a wonderful bit of guidance!

As you may know the angels are there for each and every one of us. And they will let their presence be known in many different ways. I would say there are as many ways as there are people. They may work through signs such as angel numbers, sending white feathers, sending coins, or other coincidences but they may also come through our different spiritual senses. Doreen Virtue describes four of them: clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience and claircognizance. If you want to know your primary clair, you can do a little test on one of her blogs.  

For me this encounter with Michael covered almost all the clairs. The thoughts in my head were definetely claircognizance (my most used clair), but the feelings upon entering the church and the feelings of warm rushes of energy coming in were a form of clairsentience. And although I am not much of a clairvoyant type, my camera seems to be…

As I was about to leave the church I dedicated a candle to Michael and took a picture of the church and lo and behold! A beautiful blue orb appeared on my camera! It looks a bit like a shield.

What an extraordinary gift from the great archangel!

When we returned in our holiday appartment I decided to pick one of the Archangel Michael cards of Doreen Virtue. I usually do not take oracle cards with me on holiday but had packed this as an after thought.

It said: Go forward fearlessly. And part of the desciption of the card was the same as Michaels encouraging message to me earlier today! A lovely confirmation I am on the right path.

Want to learn more about the angels, receive an e-consultation or card reading or order a Healing Heart Angel? Feel free to contact me through this blog or through my website www.faeryqueen-healingart.co.uk

Full moon Meditation January 2011

19 jan 2011 

Full Moon

Icemoon – Immersion

Master number 22

On January 19 we celebrate the first full moon of 2011. Here in the Netherlands the Full moon will be exactly at 22.22 hours. This wonderful timeframe consists of double master numbers. According to Diana Cooper 22 is the most powerful of all numbers and is known as the Master builder. This number helps bring ambitious dreams to become real. It combines the inspiration and intuition of 11 with the practical. It calls for making dreams come true on this earthly plane. To do so it is important to set aside our personal ambitions and work for the greater good. This helps us to reach goals that will serve all of mankind.

 The Ice Moon is a good time to reflect; to go deeply within ourselves. Whilst nature is full of outer stillness, the trees and plants that seem asleep still are active in their deep roots in the earth. Likewise we need to go within. We cannot seed our dreams on frozen ground, we need to dig deep to reach fertile grounds at this time. In much the same way our new plans for 2011 and beyond need good preparation.  This Full Moon Meditation can help you do so. Take the time to go within and find inner peace. All things that are important need their own time, something that is often forgotten in our speedy society.

The Labyrinth

A lovely way to picture this is through the labyrinth. When you journey through a labyrinth you find your path twisting and turning. Sometimes it leads you closer to it’s centre only to lead you away from it later. Our lives can travel a similar course to reach our inner core in the end.

And that is what this full moon is about. It is about your inner core, about who you truly are and what is is your soul wants to do and express on this earth.

Archangel Jeremiel

During this meditation we connect to the energy of archangel Jeremiel. This archangel helps us with a clear spiritual vision and he gives us Divine guidance on our soul’s path. He can help us find the true goal of our soul. And when you already know what this is, he can help you with all the steps on the way.

 The meditation

We, in the Netherlands, will be meditating on the full moon at 8 pm (this is 7 pm UK time). You can either participate at the exact same time or whenever it is 8 pm in your time zone. All Light workers participating in this event connect to each other from afar. You will find this often enables a deepening of the meditation to occur.


If you so please, you can prepare before the meditation by connecting to the symbol of the Labyrinth. I was so pleased to find it on the cover of the latest Paradigm shift this week! You can draw your own labyrinth and ‘walk through it’ with your index finger. Or you can make a bigger one outside, for instance with stones or branches, and then walk it.   

The Meditation

  • Light some candles. You may choose to burn some incense as well.
  • Sit quietly and ground yourself by imagining roots growing from your feet deep into the earth.
  • You may then clear and dedicate the space. I do this by calling in an ascension column of light, the platinum net and ascension flame. I also use lovely aura sprays by Miracle Lights**. Especially the one called archangel Michael created a high vibration and calls in protection at the same time.
  • You can ask Archangel Michael to place a Golden Dome of protection around you.
  • Connect to all the other Lightworkers so we may form a network of Light around the planet.

Now imagine travelling through the dimension to a temple of light in the Higher Dimensions.  In the centre of this temple you find the archangel Jeremiel is waiting for you. He leads you to a wonderful and majestic labyrinth on the floor of the temple. It consists of shining gemstones in the colour you need most at this moment.

The angel invites you to walk the labyrinth. You happily do so. See yourself stepping onto the labyrinth. You feel the smooth stones underneath your feet. It feels you with a sense of peace, a sense of calm and yet with a surge of power at the same time. Round and round you walk, while the labyrinth takes you in different directions, much like life does. You contemplate this for a while, realizing that sometimes you seem to be connected to your inner core and at other times you seem to be lost. Step by step you walk on. More and more relaxed. And then, quite suddenly, you have reached the centre of the labyrinth. Take a deep breath. And feel what it is like to stand in the centre of your being. Remember this feeling well, so you can return to it whenever you need to.

You look down and see your feet standing on the centre. The stone beneath your feet is glowing brightly. After your eyes adjusted to the glow, you realize there is a little treasure chest standing at your feet: a very pretty, little box! This box holds a gift or symbol that will help you on your true path in life. It resonates with our soul’s goal. You sit down on your knees and place the box on top of your knees and open it.  Look inside. What do you see? Let is speak to you and stay wit hit for a while.

When you are done, you close the box and take it with you, whilst you walk back through the labyrinth. Back to the beginning where Archangel Jeremiel is waiting for you.

When you emerge from the labyrinth you can ask Jeremiel a question about the gift or about your Divine Blueprint. He may answer you directly or you may receive signs and insights in the time ahead during dreams or daily life. You hand the box over to the angel for safekeeping. He opens it one last time and light flow from it into your heart to anchor the energy of the gift into your heart. Now Jeremiel says: “Dear one, your heart is the compass of your soul. Follow it with wisdom and integrity”.

You say goodbye to the archangel. You can now connect to the other Light workers in the higher dimensions. See them coming into the temple from all directions. It is a happy, joyful reunion full of laughter and hugs. The air seems to vibrate with love and there is a soft pink glow around the hall. These are your spiritual friends and many are from your soul family.

As a group you decide to send this wonderful, loving, joyful energy to the earth for healing and uplifting. Imagine this intention reaching the earth like a huge pink blanket of love. You may want to send extra light and love to specific areas or people, such as Brazil and Queensland to help the earth regain equilibrium and to bring hope to the people there. Send it to wherever or whomever you feel needs it now.  

When you are done, you say goodbye to all the other Light workers and your soul family. You promise one another to support each other in any way you can during the times ahead, to stay true to your soul and to the Light.

When you feel that are ready, bring your consciousness back to the room where you started. Move your hands and feet, stretch and feel your body making contact with the floor beneath you. Then blow out the candles, and let go of this meditation


© HEART- HEaling ART ~ Cathelijne Filippo

Feel free to share this meditation with others, but please enclose the source and copyright.