Tag Archives: 2013

Full Moon Meditation October 19th 2013: lunar eclipse and Hunter’s Moon

maanmeditatieHunter’s moon – transformation

Another full moon is here. And it comes with a lunar eclipse as well. You may have felt the build up to this eclipse by feeling restless and in an emotional roller coaster. You may feel divine discontent. This is the setting of the stage for this eclipse as it wants you to look at your life and especially your dreams. Are you living your Divine Blueprint? now is the time to look carefully at what it is you wish to create. This may confront you with your doubts and fears and those things that hold you back from living your life fully. By opening your mind and heart you will find the right answers and this moon meditation will help you transform and transmute all that is holding you back in living your dream and stepping into your power as a Light worker or Earth Angel.

This full moon is called the Hunter’s Moon and the energy of this moon helps us to work on transforming those things that no longer serve our greatest good.

To do this, we can use a beautiful spiritual tool: the Golden, Silver, Violet Saint%20Germain%20in%20violet%20flameFlame. The Violet Flame is said to be a spiritual tool, dating back to the times of Atlantis. It has been withdrawn from general knowledge after misuse of power. Since the beginning of the 20th century St. Germain has brought it back to the earth to a select few. After the Harmonic Convergence in the 80’s it was decided to bring this tool out into the open. The Flame has evolved with the changing vibrations on Earth. In 1998 the Silver Ray of Grace and Harmony merged with the Violet Flame of Transmutation.  When this is invoked, negative energy is replaced with something beautiful of a higher frequency. And now the fifth dimensional Gold Ray has merged with the Silver Violet Flame, adding wisdom, angelic love and protection to the qualities of transmutation and harmony – a truly mighty combination that raises your consciousness to the fifth dimension and holds it there.
Using the Golden, Silver, Violet Flame can work as a spiritual super cleansing. Things you want to let go of, can be transmuted.

Preparing for the meditation

Before going into meditation, take 15 minutes to make a list of all the things that no longer serve you. You may want to change certain ways of thinking and behaving, relationship or work issues. Write these down and bring them to your meditation.

zadkielFind a peaceful place where you can meditate without being disturbed.
If possible you may want to meditate in the fresh air out in nature, as to be closer to the full moon. An undisturbed place inside can be equally beneficial.

An altar can help you find the right focus for your meditation.
You could put some symbols on the alter this month to represent transformation and the violet flame. You could for instance put amethyst on it, violet or purple candles and flowers or a picture of St. Germain and Archangel Zadkiel.  Whichever feels right to you. I am now creating ceramic Angel Altars. They will feature on this blog in a month or so and will also be in the next angel newsletter.

The meditation

You are welcome to connect to me and all the other Light workers who are meditation on the full moon at 7 p.m. UK time. 
Though far away, we can all connect through the field of unity. You may find this strongly facilitates your meditation. If you cannot make it at 7 p.m. you may sit down another time with the intention of connecting.

  • Light some candles. You may choose to burn some incense as well.
  • Sit quietly.
  • You may start by clearing and dedicating the space. You can do this in any way feels right to you. I usually call in the ascension column and pillar of light, the Platinum Net and the Ascension Flame.
  • Always make sure your are protected. you can ask Archangel Michael to place a Golden Dome of protection around you or put his deep, blue cloak of protection around you. I always use the Archangel Michael Spray from Crystal Angel Essences (which can be ordered by emailing me).
  • Connect to the earth and ground yourself. Then close your eyes.
  • Connect to all the other Light Workers and imagine us all forming  lovely network of light all around Mother Earth. Now see before you a path of Light. On this path of Light are ten portals. As you walk your path of Light into higher Dimensions you pass underneath these ten portals. Each one has two angels guarding it and they are here to Chamuel2Sm_265210218_stdhelp you on your path. Feel your vibration heightening as you walk through each portal. When you have passed all of them you standing front of a temple of Light in the Higher Dimensions. You step into this violet temple. Before you a magnificent violet fire is burning brightly. Silver and golden flames dance through the violet fire. Archangel Zadkiel stands behind the fire and asks you to put anything that is holding you back and that no longer serves you into the fire.  The fire will not only transform it, but will transmute it, bringing something better in its place.
  • When you are done with this personal process you may send the violet light to any area in the world that could use transformation. Send it with your love and compassion.
  • When you are ready, bring your consciousness back to the room where you started. Move your hands and feet, stretch and feel your body making contact with the floor beneath you. Then blow out the candles, and let go of this meditation.

For a more elaborate meditation with Zadkiel, listen to the one I put on my old youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LiDzATgVvfE

You can use the Archangel Zadkiel Spray of Crystal Angel Essences to help you with your process of transformation.

I would love to hear about your experiences with the meditation. When you need angel coaching to further let go of the old and manifest the new, feel free to email me at:info@angellightheart.com.

May you have a blessed and transforming full moon!

Love and light
Cathelijne xx

PS I am getting ready to create new Angel Year Readings for 2014. They can be ordered now. Visit http://www.angellightheart.com for more information.

Full moon meditation: Harvest Moon

the-full-harvest-moon-is-comingThe full moon is here once more. As always a good moment to let go of things that no longer serve you. As many are currently feeling sensitive and experiencing rollercoaster emotions, it is a good time to let go of old patterns of behavior and emotions. They have served a purpose and have brought us growth and lessons. As such we can let them go with gratitude.

At the moment it is important to keep the bigger picture in mind. Little things will not influence the course of events. What you harvest today is the seed for the harvest to come.

The full Harvest Moon is around the autumn equinox, making it a celebration of harvest and gratitude. Traditionally towards the end of September as the last harvest was brought the people working the fields made good use of light from the moon.

This is a great moon to focus on all that we are grateful for. Gratitude lifts our thoughts to lighter and more loving heights. In addition, gratitude opens our hearts. It makes us reflect on all the good in our lives. And the wonderful thing is that we thereby attract more good things. That which we focus attention on increases!

chamuel kleinArchangelic Triangle of Gratitude
I learned about working with a triangle of archangels from a Life Path Reading by Denise Whichello and it is a wonderful way to work with angelic energy. For this meditation we can use the following three archangels for creating an attitude of gratitude:
1. Archangel Jophiel to help us elevate our thoughts (and focusing on what is good and beautiful in our lives)
2. Archangel Chamuel to help us open our hearts
3. Archangel Sandalphon to deliver our prayers to the Creator / Source / Father Mother God (and in this case our gratitude).

The archangels are usually seen or felt as radiating a particular color, though this is sometimes perceived differently by different people.
Jophiel is usually associated with the color yellow and Chamuel with pink. Opinions differ greatly on the color of Sandalphon: according to some sources he emanates orange-brown, according to others black and white, according to Hazel Raven he exudes rainbow colors and Doreen Virtue perceives him as turquoise. You can choose any color that resonates within you. For me this is a very soft turquoise.
During meditation we visualize the archangels in a triangle around us while we ask them to envelop us with their special colors.

Preparation: your meditation space or altar
When you meditate in front of an altar, you can incorporate some objects to represent the full moon, like a round bowl of water or a moonstone. You can also display an image of the angels Chamuel, Jophiel and Sandalphon. You may find some flowers or stones to represent the angel’s colors such as citrine, rose quartz and turquoise.

Time of the meditation
In the Netherlands we will meditate at 8 pm on September the 12th. You can tune in at the same time as we are or pick 8 pm in your timezone and have the intention to join in with the network of Light that is formed between us all. After all, spiritual energy moves outside of time and space to connect us all.


  • You may light a candle and light it with the intention of bringing more Light to the planet. You can also burn incense, or some aomatherapy oils. Sit down and relax.
    Start by energetically cleansing your room. I always do this by calling in a pillar of light, a platinum net through the room and building and by bringin in the ascension flame. Also, I always use the aura spray of Archangel Michael by Crystal Angel Essences (I sell them for those interested).
  • Put your feet firmly on earth to ground yourself, before you make contact with the silver light of the moon. Imagine roots growing from your feet into the earth.
    Ask Archangel Michael to protect you with his deep blue cloak of protection.
  • Imagine that you connect with all Lightworkers in order to create a network of light around the earth.
  • Now imagine that you are in a temple of light is in the higher dimension. On the floor before you is a golden triangle with a circle in the middle. You step into this circle. Before you the triangle is bathed in radiant pink as Archangel Chamuel appears before you to open your heart. Feel your heart open like a delicate flower as it is filled with the loving, pink light of Chamuel.
  • You turn left and are embraced by yellow light. It is the Light of Archangel Jophiel. Jophiel will help you to focus your mind on gratitude. He gives you a large, golden bowl in which you can put everything you are grateful for.
  • In the last corner of the triangle appears Archangel Sandalphon who enfolds you in his beautiful, soft turquoise light. You give your gratitude bowl to Archangel Sandalphon who will carry it to Source. Know that your thoughts of gratitude not only bring forth a wonderful, loving vibration to yourself and the earth, it also helps you open up to more things to be thankful for. That which you focus your attention in increases.
  • When finished, bring your awareness back to the room where you started. Move your hands and feet and take some refreshing deep breaths. As you breathe out the candle let go of the meditation.

Bright blessings
This meditation may be freely distributed, provided the source is in copyright.

© Cathelijne ~ http://www.angellightheart.com



Raven, Hazel. Angels Workshop. Veltman Publishers 2010
Virtue, Doreen. Archangel 101. Hay House, 2010

Blue Moon meditation, August 21, 2013

Blue-Moon-646x970Do you also feel that time seems to fly by ever more quickly? I was just reminded the moon is almost full by someone on facebook. Where does the time go? Lots of people are experiencing intense changes, energies and emotions. Now is the time to start living from the heart.

This months full moon is seen as a Blue Moon by some systems. Some sources indicate that a blue moon appears when there are two full moons in a calendar month. According to this definition, there will not be a blue moon until 2015. An older definition appoints the Blue Moon to the third moon when four full moons appear in one season. According to that definition, the upcoming full moon a blue moon.
Spiritually speaking, a blue moon is extra powerful and can be used to set goals and intentions of a spiritual nature related to yourself.

This august moon is also seen as a harvest festival in pagan traditions, involving a harvest on a spiritual level. This may mean that you will see new solutions to old problems. A relationship can improve. Old patterns can be released and replaced by new ones.

What is it that you want to harvest? What spiritual changes would you like to make in your life? These are excellent questions to ponder at this time.michael4

This full moon we will work with Archangel Michael because he can help in manifesting our deepest wishes. He helps us to change our thoughts to lighter thoughts and which will help us with spiritual goals.

Meditation Time
Like every full moon we meditate with a large group of light workers, all connected remotely via intent, at 20:00 Dutch and Belgium time. You can be present around the same time in your time zone or choose a different time and simply intend to connect to all the other light workers meditating here at 20 o’clock.

• Find a place where you will not be disturbed.
• Create a sacred space a way that suits you. For instance: burn incense, light a candle, place flowers on your altar, choose special crystals or invoke the elements.
• Ask for Archangel Michaels protection, with or without the Crystal Angel Essence Michael
• You can hold a clear quartz in your hand or put it in front of you. This is a natural enhancer that will help you in turn. Force your intentions
• You can write down your spiritual goals and intentions.

The meditation
• Sit down, ground yourself well, close your eyes and be present in your body.
• Invite Archangel Michael and ask him to cut any negative cords between you and everything and everyone holding you back from living your Divine Blueprint. As you see him cutting the cords, release any negative attachments.
• Now tell him about your intentions. Tell him what it is you would like to manifest.
• He then shows you a round screen with a blue, sparkling edge. It is your Divine whiteboard and you can write or project anything on it that you wish to manifest. See it happen. Project everything on it: what does this look like, how does it feel, write it in words or images. This is your intention!
• Michael asks you to look at the board and all you projected on it and to go deep within your heart to check if all that is on the board resonates in your heart. If you feel not all resonates with your deepest Self and your heart, change it around. You may want to add things or leave things out. Play with the image until it is finished.
• Then send light from your heart to your manifestation board as Archangel Michael adds his special light to it as well.
• Ask him if he has any wisdom to share with you. Perhaps there are steps you can take in your daily life to bring your intentions about.
• You may now release the intention in the knowledge that the angels will help you to manifest this or something better for your highest good and the highest good of all.
• Thank you Archangel Michael for his loving help and guidance and then return to your body. Ground yourself once more and slowly move your body.
• You can write down any insights your received.

_wsb_247x342_Archangel_metatronI wish you a magical, blue moon.

Angelic Blessings,

PS An Angelic Reiki treatment or training can help you accelerate your spiritual development and deepen your contact with the angels. In all my work I try to inspire and guide people on their path towards wholeness. You can read more about my work at http://www.angellightheart.com

Summer solstice meditation with Archangel Raziël.

Summer-Solstice-StonehengeHappy solstice tomorrow! Last year I spent it in France where I meditated just after sunrize and received this uplifting and encouraging message from Archangel Michael who confirms it is still very well suited for this time.

“It is time for you to step into your real power. The time of hiding has passed.

Now is the time for each Lightworker to follow his or her destiny: to work with the Light and to be guided by the Light. To go within thier Higher Self’s flow and to sing their unique song.

One can only do so by being present in each moment and by keeping a clear connection to their Higher Self and through it to Father-Mother God.

Please now sit to receive the incoming solar energies to help you align to your Higher Self and Higher Purpose.

It is done.

I am Archangel Michael and with your permission I overlight you at this time.”

It was very fitting for Michael to come through as this great Archangel’s planet is the sun.

This year me and my friend Sabine will spend the solstice together to make two newraziel Crystal Angel Essences. We were directed to create the Archangel Raziel who brings esotheric knowledge, insights in the mysteries but also solar initation. What better day to work with him than the summer solstice, when the longest day is upon us? We will also be making the Archangel Raguel essence, which is so helpful in these times as many are being challenged in their relationship with others (as well as themselves).

If you would like to join in with us and other lightworkers to meditate this solstice, either take time at sunrise or our regular time (8 pm Central European time) or any conventient time simply by stating the intention you join us and the energy field created during the group meditation.

  • Meditation
    Light some candles. You may choose to burn some incense as well.
    Sit quietly and ground yourself by imagining roots growing from your feet deep into the earth.
  • You may then clear and dedicate the space. I do this by calling in an ascension column of light, the platinum net and ascension flame. I also use the aura sprays I have created with my collegue Sabine (www.crystalangelessences.nl). Especially the one called archangel Michael creates a high vibration and calls in protection at the same time.
  • You can ask Archangel Michael to place a Golden Dome of protection around you.
    Connect to all the other Lightworkers so we may form a network of Light around the planet.
  • Now imagine opening up to the rays of the sun and letting them fill your heart. Imagine your heart filled with solar light and send it from your heart to all those that need it and to all situations in your life that need some light.
  • Then connect to Archangel Raziël. Ask the angel to show you your Solar Self, the Higher Aspect of your being. Give him permission to bring in more of your soul energy and take time to integrate this energy into your being.
  • Thank the angel.
  • Then bring yourself back to full awakened consciousness and write down any insights you have received.

Happy solstice!


PS want to bring more of your soul energy into your being? I am now Soul Body Fusion® facilitator and can help you with this. Unformation will soon follow on www.angellightheart.com

Full moon and eclips meditation on April 25, 2013: moon of awakening

2011-longest-total-lunar-eclipse1Moon of Awakening – Rebirth

The Moon of Awakening is usually around Beltane and this moon’s name refers to the awakening of nature in spring. Yesterday I was taking a walk in the woods near where I live. Beneath the trees the ground looked like a soft carpet of spring flowers. The air was fresh and clean and the scent in the air brought a feeling of expectancy and new beginnings. Spring is finally here!
This is a great time for planting seeds. As you do so, you may have the intention that the seeds you are planting represent certain things in your life you wish to manifest or renew. The full moon then helps to let go of everything that hinders the growth of your dreams, intentions and goals.

This full moon is extra special with its Eclipse. It brings in Scorpio qualities such as deep consciousness, ingenuity, cooperation, and letting go of the old and outmoded. Pallas, an asteroide named after the Goddes of Wisdom and justice helps us to look at patterns in our lives from a more holistic consciousness.

Which of these are valuable? Which have served their purpose and are done with? This full moon is aa great time to ask ourselves these questions and to look at out spiritual journey. What is it we are to let go of, to bring in further spiritual wholeness? Like last year we will work with the energy of Archangel Metatron during this meditation

Archangel archangel-metatron-steve-robertsMetatron
Metatron is one of the two archangels that are said to have lived human lives as a prophet, before they were rewarded with ascension to the realm of the Archangels. He is often depicted as a writer and he is sometimes called the Heavenly Scribe who oversees the Akashic Records. Here are all of our lives and deeds are recorded.

Metatron is the guardian of the threshold between the world of forms and the formless. It is said that he holds the highest vibration of all the archangels. Nevertheless, his energy is delicate, soft, illuminating and it is pure universal love. Metatron is the beginning and the end. His energy opens the gates of consciousness and dimensions. He gives us knowledge, insight and clarity. Metatron lets us see what is holding us back and shows us the various ways forward.
His energy brings silence, contentment, happiness and unity.

Metatron’s Cube: the Merkaba
Metatron is associated with the Merkabah, the celestial chariot of God. The vehicle of the Merkaba is now seen as the highest form of sacred geometry.
eb4ff42e76This 6000 year old pattern with nineteen overlapping circles and equilateral triangles are intertwined and together form a perfect geometric shape. This image was called “Merkaba” in Egypt. Mer stands for light or energy, and Ka Ba for body and soul. This symbolized the Merkaba energy field that surrounds the human body. Through the centuries, philosophers, artists and architects have always seen the Merkaba, also known as the Flower of Life, as a symbol of perfection and harmony. It is therefore known as the ultimate symbol of sacred geometry in which the fundamental forms of space and time are stored.
Archangel Metatron uses the Merkaba (also known as Matatrons Cube) for healing and the cleansing of lower energies. The cube rotates clockwise and its spinning movement pushes away negative energy.

Meditation time
We, in the Netherlands, will be meditating on the full moon at 8 pm (this is 7 pm UK time). You can either participate at the exact same time or whenever it is 8 pm in your time zone. All Light workers participating in this event connect to each other from afar. You will find this often enables a deepening of the meditation to occur.

You might want to prepare for meditation by planting seeds that symbolize things in your life that you want to give shape. In addition, you can take the time to observe the Merkaba / Metatron’s Cube and memorize it.

  • Meditation
    Light some candles. You may choose to burn some incense as well.
    Sit quietly and ground yourself by imagining roots growing from your feet deep into the earth.
  • You may then clear and dedicate the space. I do this by calling in an ascension column of light, the platinum net and ascension flame. I also use the aura sprays I have created with my collegue Sabine (www.crystalangelessences.nl). Especially the one called archangel Michael creates a high vibration and calls in protection at the same time.
  • You can ask Archangel Michael to place a Golden Dome of protection around you.
    Connect to all the other Lightworkers so we may form a network of Light around the planet.
  • Now imagine that you travel to Archangel Metatrons Temple in higher dimensions. This temple shines deep hues of pink and dark green. It is an extraordinary building like nothing on earth and it consists of sacred geometric shapes. You reach the temple by a walkway and the temple seems to open automatically for you.
  • In the middle of the temple Archangel Metatron is awaiting you. His arms are stretched above him and in the space between it rotates Metatron’s cube. You feel your eyes drawn to the delicate and intricate shape of the Cube.
  • Metatron asks you what seeds you wish to plant in your life. He asks you to think carefully to make sure your wishes reflect your soul and not your ego. When it feels right, release the seeds to the angel. Then to see how the seeds are placed in the rotating cube and see them taking shape as symbolic plants or trees. They are gorgeous and fabulous and you watch them spring to life in awe. Angels enter the temple to bring the plants or trees outside where they will plant them into temple grounds. This way your seeds will always be rooted in the Light.
  • Metatron now asks you if you want to receive healing in order for you to experience a spiritual rebirth. If you want this, then see how the Archangel places his cube around your body. Feel how its spins clockwise. Any lower or dark energy in your body or energy field is expelled by the spinning of the cube. Feel your energy increasing. You feel lighter and lighter.
  • When your energy is healed and cleansed, the rotation gradually decreases and Matatron withdraws the cube. He says: “Feel the healing in your being. Your energy is lifted and cleared. This will help you to realign to your Higher Self. If you let yourself be guided by your Higher Self, it will be so much easier to live your Divine Blueprint. You are always welcome to return to me for further healing and spiritual growth.”
  • You thank the angel and say goodbye to him. You leave the temple via the bridge to return to where you started this journey.
  • When you feel that are ready, bring your consciousness back to the room where you started. Move your hands and feet, stretch and feel your body making contact with the floor beneath you. Then blow out the candles, and let go of this meditation.
  • Please make sure you ground extra well as Metatron’s Cube holds a very high frequency. You may also drink lots of clear water in the coming days, to aid the cleansing process.

Bright Blessings


Doreen Virtue. Archangel 101. Hay House, INC., 2010.
Dorene Carrel as mentioned at Nieuwetijdskind.com

logo ALH tekstFeel free to share this meditation with others, but please enclose the source and copyright.

© Cathelijne

Full moon meditation 27 march 2013: Death Moon ~ Protection


 volle-maanThis full moon is called the Death Moon as it falls in a period where plants and trees are most fragile. Fruit trees often start blooming and can suffer when the temperature drops and it starts to freeze. Where the Snow Moon dealt with which seeds would be germinating, this moon is about the survival of these germinating seeds, as not all of those seeds will make it to adulthood. Thus it is a time to protect those seedlings in your own life that need tender loving care.

A wonderful Archangel to focus our meditation on is Archangel Michael, the great protector.
Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael is probably the most famous of the archangel michaelarchangels and his name means “He who is like God”. In art he is usually depicted as a strong and powerful male angel carrying a sword with which he is holding a demon or devil down. This symbolizes one of Michaels many powers: helping us beat ego and fear. He helps us to fight our inner demons.

His sword of Light can be used to cut negative etheric cords that are draining our life energy. Also, you can symbolically use the sword to cut away negative thinking.
Michael defends all that is pure and true and symbolises courage and strength.He can be called upon for protection whenever needed and can also protect our belongings.

Not only does this mighty archangel provide us with physical protection, he can also be called upon for spiritual protection. That is why I always call on him before I start any spiritual practice (such as light work, meditation, healing). That way, only that which is of 100% pure light can be present.

Lastly one can call on Archangel Michael with questions concerning one’s life purpose. He helps you find out your true goal in life and enables you to take the small but necessary steps to work towards that goal.

Theme of the meditation
Green seedling illustrating concept of new lifeLast month we meditated on the seeds we wanted to plant and which one had true potential. Archangel Uriel helped us with this. Now, we will ask archangel Michael to protect those seeds. In this moon meditation we focus on all we would like to express, support and protect. This can entail Light Work: which areas do you want to send healing to? And which people? Likewise you can focus on your personal life and whatever you want to bring to the fore and support, which can relate to work, business, relationships, health, family and such.

The meditation
We, in the Netherlands, will be meditating on the full moon at 8 pm (this is 7 pm UK time). You can either participate at the exact same time or whenever it is 8 pm in your time zone. All Light workers participating in this event connect to each other from afar. You will find this often enables a deepening of the meditation to occur.

You may want to write down a list of the things that are dear to your heart and you would like to send healing to. Or you may write down any questions concerning you life purpose.

The Meditation

  • Light some candles. You may choose to burn some incense as well.
  • Sit quietly and ground yourself by imagining roots growing from your feet deep into the earth.
  • You may then clear and dedicate the space. I do this by calling in an ascension column of light, the platinum net and ascension flame. I also use lovely aura sprays by Miracle Lights**. Especially the one called archangel Michael created a high vibration and calls in protection at the same time.
  • You can ask Archangel Michael to place a Golden Dome of protection around you.
  • Connect to all the other Light workers so we may form a network of Light around the planet. You may imagine drawingSyrie in Cosmic Golden Light through your Crown chakra into your heart and sending it from your heart to me and all other light workers participating. When we all do this we form a powerful network of Light that helps heal the earth. When you are done, imagine us all simultaneously sending the energy to the Middle East and especially Syria to bring Light, Love, Peace, Protection and Healing. Ask Archangel Michael to protect those who are vulnerable. Ask Archangel Zadkiel to transform all negativity. Finally ask the angels of peace to overlight the area.
  • Now, you have the intention to connect to Archangel Michael in his temple of Light in the Higher dimensions. Imagine standing before a wonderful, radiantly blue temple of light. You know this is the home of Archangel Michael. You walk up the broad stairs of the temple that lead to a huge door. As you approach the door opens for you and you enter a magnificent hall.
  • In the middle of this hall is a comfortable throne. By sitting on this throne, you honour your soul that is eternal and wondrous.
  • Archangel Michael enters the hall and comes towards you. He asks you if there is anything that has been bothering you or draining your energy that you would like him to cut away. Tell if this is the case and feel his sword of light doing its divine work.
  • If you have returned from last months meditation with archangel Uriel with certain seeds, you may hand them over to archangel Michael. He then blessed them and surround them with protecting light. He may have a message for you about these seeds.
  • Next you may request protection for yourself and other, your belongings and for any issues. He lovingly surrounds it all with protection (when in accordance with Free Will of those involved of course) Feel his loving presence surrounding you and enveloping you in a protective bubble.
  • Should you have any questions relating to your life purpose, you may ask this. You may receive insights, images or words immediately, or signs and direction will be offered in the coming weeks. Be sure to keep your eyes open for any synchronicities and repeated signs.
  • When you are done, you thank the Archangel. He tells you that you are always welcome to return to him with any questions. He gladly helps you realign your thought processes to Higher Truth.
  • When you feel that are ready, bring your consciousness back to the room where you started. Move your hands and feet, stretch and feel your body making contact with the floor beneath you. Then blow out the candles, and let go of this meditation.
  • You may want to write down the insights your received or the plans you feel need your full attention.

I wish you a most blessed Full Moon with new insights and clarity!
Love and Licht,

© Angel Light Heart ~ Cathelijne Filippo

You can support your Light work with the angels by using the Crystal Angel Essences. These Dutch essences are made of crystal elixers and overlighted by the angels and beings of light. They can be ordered from the Dutch webshop and I will translate the information to English as needed.

Feel free to share this meditation with others, but please enclose the source and copyright.

Doreen Virtue. Archangels 101. Hay House, INC, 2010.

Full Snow Moon – Germination (Februari, 25, 2013)

vollemaanvieringI always feel the snow moon is magical as it is all about the new seeds yet to geminate. Feel free to join in with the meditation!

Since the heaviest snow usually falls during this month, native tribes of the north and east most often called February’s full Moon the Full Snow Moon. Some tribes also referred to this Moon as the Full Hunger Moon, since harsh weather conditions in their areas made hunting very difficult. Around the globe, the Celts called February’s moon the Moon of Ice, while the more optimistic Chinese named it the Budding Moon in anticipation of spring.

The Snow Moon falls between Imbolc and Ostara. Between sowing (Imbolc) and germination (Ostara) is the moment where we wait to see if something will be viable. Not every seed that reaches the earth, will germinate. Likewise not all ideas that come to mind are achievable. Sometimes it is necessary to handy to let go of something before something new can avail.

And as such this moon is a great time to look at our plans and ideas and make choices about what we want to do, want to postpone and want to leave behind. This moon shows us the harshness of nature and the importance of using our energy wisely. Therefore it is better not to spend energy on plans that are not feasible. Give your energy to those things you know are achievable and in line with your Soul’s Purpose (as meditated upon on the previous Full Moon). Make a list for yourself of all things that are currently superfluous. This can give a great sense of relief.

Archangel Urieluriel
Archangel Uriel governs the month February. This Archangel is one of the seven Archangels that stand at the throne of the Creator and one of the four major Archangels that serve humanity.

Uriel rules the mental plane such as our thoughts and ideas, creativity, insights, judgment, universal consciousness and divine order. Uriel can help us link to the spiritual realms and he can show us how to find our inner power. When we shift in consciousness we help the entire human kingdom’s shift into higher realms of consciousness. Uriel helps with this very important process, especially in these times of Cosmic Change.

Uriel is also known as the Archangel of Salvation and he helps us when we want to heal every aspect of lives. He helps us let go of disappointments and turn them into victories. He shows us the hidden blessings in times of adversity. And he helps us release the painful burdens and memories of the past through the application of unconditional forgiveness. With his flaming sword he purifies mental and emotional understanding. He transmutes lower vibrational energies into enlightened spiritual understanding.

You can use the Crystal Angel Essence Uriel to support you in this special time.

Preparation for the meditation
archangel michaelWe, in the Netherlands, will be meditating on the full moon at 8 pm (this is 7 pm UK time). You can either participate at the exact same time or whenever it is 8 pm in your time zone. All Light workers participating in this event connect to each other from afar. You will find this often enables a deepening of the meditation to occur.
You may want to prepare for the meditation by writing down your list with superfluous things.

The Meditation

  • Light some candles. You may choose to burn some incense as well.
    Sit quietly and ground yourself by imagining roots growing from your feet deep into the earth.
  • You may then clear and dedicate the space. I do this by calling in an ascension column of light, the platinum net and ascension flame. I also the aura sprays I have developed with my collegue Sabine called Crystal Angel Essences. Especially the Archangel Michael Essence creates a high vibration and calls in protection at the same time.
    You can ask Archangel Michael to place a Golden Dome of protection around you.
  • Connect to all the other Light workers so we may form a network of Light around the planet. You may imagine drawing in Cosmic Golden Light through your Crown chakra into your heart and sending it from your heart to me and all other light workers participating. When we all do this we form a powerful network of Light that helps heal the earth. When you are done, imagine us all simultaneously sending the energy to Syria and the Middle East to bring Light, Love, Freedom and Healing. You may want to then send it to areas and people you feel need it at this time.
  • Now imagine travelling through a moonlit snow landscape. The snow sparkles and glistens in the soft glow of the moon. The air is crisp and fresh and you inhale it deeply. You feel the soft snow underneath your feet and heal its soft cracking sound. You carry a beautiful pouch with you, inlaid with moonstones. You know this pouch holds all your ideas and plans for the coming year.
  • You soon reach a crystal cave that lights up from within. At the entrance you see a radiant Angel that radiates a pure, ruby red and golden energy. You intuitively know this is the Archangel Uriel. Uriel awaits you and motions you to come in. He tells you the entrance to this cave is a portal to the fifth or higher Dimensions and will bring you to that Dimension that currently suits your Soul best. You feel a shift in energy as you enter a hall that shimmers with light.
  • Archangel Uriel guides you to a crystal table. He motions you to empty your pouch on the table. These seeds are all your ideas and plans. As they touch the table some shrivel and others light up like pretty gemstones. Look at them carefully and let the seeds tell you their tale. Realize which ones are viable and not. Look at them one by one. Which seed, which idea looks most radiant? This is the seed that you can start to plant in your life now.
  • Uriel blesses it and the other gemstones. You are asked to then pick up the AAAADPitav4AAAAAAM2NAwgemstones and put them in your magical pouch, but to leave behind the shriveled seeds.
  • Uriel gathers these and throws them in a golden fire so that the possible energy of the energy can be reused. He invites you to give any outmoded beliefs and worries to the flames as well.
  • You may ask Uriel to help you with your new ideas and projects. He may give you insights to take with you.
  • You thank the Archangel. He tells you that you are always welcome to return to him with any questions. He gladly helps you realign your thought processes to Higher Truth.
  • When you feel that are ready, bring your consciousness back to the room where you started. Move your hands and feet, stretch and feel your body making contact with the floor beneath you. Then blow out the candles, and let go of this meditation.
  • You may want to write down the insights your received or the plans you feel need your full attention.

I wish you a most blessed Full Moon with new insights and clarity!

Bright blessings


Want more inspiration or clarity? In my angelheart e-consultations I help people with their questions and how to work together with the angels to work with certain themes and issues in their lives. Feel free to email me for more information (info@angellightheart.com).


2013 Year of the Watersnake, welcomed by the new moon.

????????????????????????????????????????This week I received a beautiful mail from my dear friend Nicky Jevon about the Chinese Year ahead. With her permission I like to share her great wisdom about the Year of the Water Snake:

10th February is time to welcome Water Snake/Water Serpent
who will be the guiding energetic influence over 2013.
Not for 60 years has Water Snake graced us with her presence.
This is auspicious and the year will be deeply significant for very
many people. Snake represents life’s mysteries, intuition and inner
growth, creativity and enhanced spirituality. Her inquisitive mind
will bring an understanding that not everything is definable nor
tangible. Dreams will provide many insights and answers,
daydreams too!

Snake is sensual and is guided by her feelings, and counsels us to
act according to our own feelings and inklings. She is intelligent
and wise, philosophical, imaginative and enigmatic. Because there
are things going on that will not always be clear, Snake asks us to
use our skills wisely. Spotting talents in others, mentoring and
mediation will be strongly needed this year. Bonds of friendship
will grow. Equally we need to be prepared to shed things when the
time comes, maybe moving into a new life or new realms. Snake
is, after all, a symbol of healing, rebirth and regeneration.

We are advised to not overwork or overdo things, as more time
will be needed for rest and recuperation this year. 2013 heralds
change. Many will call for independence and autonomy. Create
comfortable space for yourself. If whatever it is feels right in your
waters, then go with the flow.
May you glide gracefully through your year.
x Nicky x”

I have found the first month of 2013 quite intense and cannot wait to work with the energy of the Water Snake. It will certainly help me in my creative and intuitive work with the angels through my sculptures and readings! Healing Heart Angel 9

Each year the start of the Chinese New Year comes together with the New Moon. What a great way to start the new year ahead as the new moon is all about setting new intentions, starting new projects and the like. A great time to meditate on these themes. This is the case for each new moon, but extra strong for todays full moon!

I wish all my blog readers a year filled with creative flow, wisdom, enhanced spirituality and friendship!

Bright blessings


2013, bringing mind and heart together and living in the NOW

e607394a-d277-4ecb-8e06-ee8dc001e1dcHere we are…in 2013! A very happy New Year to all my blog readers!

The foundation of the new energy has been constructed by light workers all over the world on December 21st. What a magnificent day and such unity!

I organized a gathering at Keins on the ley line of Archangel Michael. Keins is a tiny chapel in North-Holland dedicated to Mary and it has a healing well next to it. We had decided to gather before 11.11 am around the well and then to move inside the chapel for 11.11. As we were doing a meditation of the angels and ascended masters another group arrived and during our meditation they started to drum softly. Their shamanic work tied in beautifully with our meditation and as we went inside the chapel they took our place around the well to continue the Light Work there. The drumming and chanting outside softly entered the chapel and as we are alone, we decided we could break the silence of the chapel my chanting ohm in sync with the drumming and chanting outside.

I remember thinking “ this is what the new age is about…unity in diversity!” A Golden Age where each may speak his or her truth and we all bring forth our own harmonious sound, tying in with others to form a beautiful symphony.

As we enter the Golden Age, whale consciousness reminds us it is not just about a meditation on the winter solstice. Though powerful in itself, we need to use all we learned and take positive action in our personal lives and in the world.

I feel two things are of greatest importance in the shift to the Golden Age:RadiantHeart-300x300_2

  • Living from the heart (unity between the mind and the heart)
  • Living in the Now

But how do you do that? Connecting mind and heart? A lot of research done by the Heartmath institute tells us how. They have discovered a state called heart coherence where the pattern of our heartbeats is coherent and regular. This pattern emerges when people are experiencing positive emotions, such as feelings of appreciation. In such a state the mind and heart are united and we are able to think clearly and make wise decisions.

During the last couple of years scientists have discovered that the heart has a nerve system of its own. This complex system is called the brain of the heart. It receives information and sends it to the brain in the head. As such the brain and the heart are in mutual communication.

Heart-Electromagnetic_field1I have just bought an emWave2 from this institute. This little device is an easy form of biofeedback, letting one know how coherent the heart is at a certain time. It has a little program to help you become into a stat of heart coherence. As I type this blog, I am connected to it. When the light turns green my heart is coherent. When it turns blue, it is less so and when it turns red there is little coherence. When I am connected to my hear whilst typing, there is a green light, but as soon as I am typing like a mad woman, hammering away on my keyboard, it turns red! Just as it turned red, mu red cat Ludo jumped on my lap. As I breathed deeply and gave him some much needed attention, the light turned green again. Which just goes to show how pets reduce our stress levels (well, unless they pee on the carpet…huh Ludo?!)

A simple way to reach heart coherence are the following three steps:

  1. Focus your attention to the area around your heart.
  2. Breathe in and out deeply and imagine the breath moving in and out of this heart area.
  3. Once your breathing becomes easy and rhythmic, focus on a positive feeling. Think of something joyful (such as a person you love, a beautiful sunset, a great holiday…for me thinking of dolphins usually does the trick).

Heart coherence will help you live in the here and now, as does mindfulness. Both will help us move into the Golden Age from a more conscious way of being.

I wish you all: living from the heart as we lovingly move into the Golden Age. I hope that this blog will inspire you on your spiritual journey in 2013!

Bright blessings,logo ALH tekst


PS you can order a 2013 reading for more spiritual inspiration for the year to come, as well as a Healing Heart Angel as a focus for your spiritual development. There is a bit of a waiting list for both at the moment. You will find more information about both on:
